Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 192 - 181 - Kraken Falling From Space

When Zeel finally woke up, he didn't have time to complain about Alice's constant slaps to his face.

His attention was instantly directed towards the Kraken that was now beginning to emit massive amounts of energy.

Zeel and Alice both felt that this energy was familiar to them, yet also foreign at the same time.

Alice's eyes widened realizing what the energy type is "Divinity!"

Zeel nodded solemnly "Yeah, the beast has been holding back this entire time,"

"I wish we could say the same," Alice said staring at Zeel intently "We have to stop the transformation before it is completed,"

The flames that had just been quelled to catch Zeel suddenly reignited with double the intensity. Of course, all the beast on Alice's side was already dead.

If they didn't die from Alice's attacks, then they were scared to death by the sudden pressure emitted by The Kraken.

"Let's go," Zeel said materializing a couple of dozen silver balls near himself.

There was no need for a planning phase since only one thing could be done in such a scenario – roast the giant squid.

"Will this really work?" Alice asked a bit doubtful.

'Zeel has to know that this plan is a bit on the stupid side' Alice thought internally.

It was unlike Zeel to not eliminate the enemy in its entirety at the earliest possible convenience.

Soon she realized the answer, he was trying to delay so Elizabeth could get the divine spark under control.

Even as far as they were from the Earth, Alice and Zeel could still feel her struggle to control the divine spark slowly being introduced into her body.

Zeel clearly didn't want to damage the Kraken more than necessary since he was planning on using it for some other purpose.

There was a similar occasion before they left Kong island, Zeel would always leave silver-balls embedded in the ground of important locations.

Alice also noted that he did something similar when leaving Lorien.

She did not know what these silver-balls were for specifically since all of Zeel's tech was multi-purpose. But she was sure that it was one of the many trump cards he had been saving up.

Zeel was the first to disappear in a flash of lightning, then Alice also disappeared with a flicker of flames. A blue streak spread across space clearly showing the path the anti-gravity boots had taken.

Of course, The Kraken was not about to let them close without a battle.

The tentacles struck out with renewed vigor, three times faster than the speed of sound.

Space itself trembled under the tentacles that now had traces of divinity mixed within.

One hit by those tentacles and even Zeel would find it hard to survive without divine intervention.

'whoosh, whoosh, whoosh'

Tentacles flashed past Zeel's face, missing his nose by a couple of centimeters.

Alice was unable to dodge fast enough and sustained some skin injuries, but nothing life-threatening. Zeel could sense his intuition flare up temporarily.

He grabbed Alice's hands as he spun his body, leveraging the force to send Alice's body out of the incoming barrage of tentacles.

This gave her just enough of a boost to dodge the incoming tentacles, but it also left Zeel in the path of the incoming barrage.

There were dozens of tentacles mere centimeters away from his face. Zeel entered an entirely separate time zone but this did not help his situation one bit.

He looked at the terrified face of Alice who was steady drifting into the distance.

Should Zeel be hit by this barrage, he would no doubt be on his last breath after a couple of lashes.

A divinity infused attack is completely different from a normal violent impact.

A hit from a divine being could directly disperse the divine cloud that had acc.u.mulated inside Ascending Gods.

Quite literally, the tentacles could knock the godhood right out of him.

Seeing the incoming tentacles inching ever so closer, Zeel closed his eyes and began to visualize passing through the tentacle.

He had vowed never to use his 'Dimensional Traveller' divinity due to the dangers associated with it.

With his karmic values, Zeel had little doubt that he would be dragged to the hell plane immediately without a strong enough will.

The moment Zeel accessed this divinity, everything around him came to a stop.

Zeel's face turned grim an instant after appearing in a black void devoid of any life – The Dimensional Gap.


With a massive pull, Zeel found himself drifting through Dimensional Barriers like never before.

A dimension of infinite skies, a dimension made of only oceans, a wasteland, eternal nights, eternal winters, wildlands, pink clouds…

He could feel the pull of many dimensions, beings much stronger than himself were vying for his soul at that very moment.

The strongest pull came from the Shadow Dimension. He tried desperately to stop the use of his Travellers Divinity, but the more he resisted the stronger his divinity pulled him into the Shadow Dimension.

Suddenly, Zeel felt another pull, but this time he knew exactly where this pull was coming from – the edge of the Multiverse.

That was one of the places Zeel would never set foot, there was no way out of that place.

Zeel quelled his chaotic thoughts as he reigned in his rampaging divinity.

A multitude of dimensions flashed before his eyes, and eventually, with a 'puchi' sound, he found himself back in the void of space. Only this time the tentacles were behind him instead of in front.

His speed returned to normal as he dashed towards the Kraken in the distance, once again dodging the incoming tentacles.

Alice breathes a sigh of relief at seeing Zeel disappear from one side of the tentacles to the other.

For a moment, Alice thought she saw Zeel trembling but quickly dismissed it since it was beyond Zeel to be afraid of anything.

Upon reaching near the face of the Kraken, Zeel cranked back his first as veins bulged all over his forearm.

Alice was still a couple of miles away at this point, she was not as fast as Zeel but her flames had their own advantages.

The Kraken paid more attention to Alice than it did to Zeel since the flames on her body could even cook its diamond-hard skin.

Zeel punched towards the face of the Kraken only to encounter a barrier of some kind.

'Thump' echoed through the void of space, Alice's face grimaced slightly upon witnessing the event.

Just how much force had to be put into Zeel's punch to have the sound be clearly heard in the void of space.

However, despite the 'thump' sound, Zeel didn't seem phased in the least as he cranked back his left hand this time.




Zeel's fist could be seen bleeding, hand disfigured, bone jutting out as he constantly hammered the barrier protecting the face of The Kraken.

Alice was acting as a distraction to stop the Kraken from actively targeting Zeel.

Not missing the opportunity afforded by Alice, Zeel cranked back once more but this time the nanites materialized a gauntlet on his hand. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter.-.1.81---kraken-falling-from-space_51428743004093079">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter.-.1.81---kraken-falling-from-space_51428743004093079</a> for visiting.

It had several Hybrid runes carved on the surface.

Zeel was thankful for the upgrade brought by the Quicksilver-Xth.


A massive shockwave rippled throughout space when Zeel's gauntlet encountered the barrier of the Kraken.

The barrier of the Kraken cracked a little until it finally shattered.

The moment the barrier shattered, The Kraken was sent spiraling into the distance with red lightning flickering all over its body.

Zeel had no doubt used his Kinetic Energy to amplify the impulse behind his punch.

A blue flame flashed past Zeel as Alice darted after the drifting Kraken. Alice came to the face of The Kraken and landed on its head.

She then charged the flames beneath her feet causing the beast to squeal in pain once more.

After the flames had reached critical mass, Alice launched away from the face of the Kraken with a massive 'boom'.

This final push allowed the beast to enter the atmosphere of Earth.

This had of course been their objective since the beginning. They were unsure of its survivability in space but at the very least the duo knew that the Mythical beast was unable to fly.

Stories of the Mythical Beast indicated as such.

While stories could not always be believed, Zeel knew better than to underestimate the potency of a myth told by humans for generations.

After a long period of re-telling, faith would interlace with the story granting the mythical beast a sort of pseudo-divinity.

Alice and Zeel made eye contact as they nodded in tacit agreement. No words were needed, the next moment they both darted towards The Kraken that had now entered the earth's atmosphere.

They had to make sure the beast landed in a desert and not the ocean since the divinity instilled in the beast was likely that of Poseidon himself.

'Out of the frying pan and into the fire' was not something they would want to experience right now.

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