Ghandi once said "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." But when it comes to the umbrella corporation, there isn't that much left to want, except well the world itself.

It was this greed that led the Umbrella Corporation to unlock Pandora's Box also known as 'The Hive' an underground facility below the streets of Raccoon City. Despite being aware of the break out that had occurred inside the facility, as always human curiosity once again reared its ugly head.

At the entrance of The Hive

"Get ready to open the gates." Doctor Gold said.

"What are the codes?" Doctor Black replied.

"15642 just punch it in."

"It's opening; expedition team get ready to explore."

"Rodger that entering."

5 Minutes Later


"Expedition team what is happening?" Doctor Gold yelled into his communicator.

"Monsters!" "Monsters!" was all he heard as a reply.

Looking at the scans Doctor Gold could see several red dots converging at his location. "What the hell is..." *snap* *flat line*


Several Umbrella corporation cars are rushing through the neighborhood with reckless abandon, not caring for penalties to their reckless driving.

"Damn, I almost hit that kid!" "Ha ha, you can catch the next one." "That's why we are best friends Rob.���

"So who we gonna pick up?"

"Some cripple named Dr. Charles Ashford."


*Pulls Up*

A car could be seen driving faster than all the others, it was the usual mysterious car: tinted windows, full black, with men in black driving at the front seats.

"Excuse me Sir you're gonna have to come with us!" An Umbrella Employee said as they hurried to complete their assigned mission.

"Wait I need to get my daughter from school." Dr Ashford pleads as even if he was disabled, he would still crawl to his daughter's side if necessary.

"That is already being done Sir." The Umbrella employee reported after confirmation via his communicator.

*sigh* "Okay!" Dr. Charles said as he would much rather supervise his daughter's pickup himself.

While driving from Raccoon City Junior School an accident occurs on the highway. Pandemonium had long since become the main trend in Raccoon City since the T-virus did not simply remain in The Hive. Countless had become infected across the city but it was not to the point of mass panic and anarchy as yet, it was borderline close though. Car movements were erratic and some people used this opportunity to steal what they had always dreamed of, sadly for them it would bring them no if they could not live long enough t0 enjoy it.

The car transporting Angie was involved in an accident, luckily the girl did not die but the same could not be said about her escorts.

"Sir we have lost contact with gamma 12." An Umbrella agent reported to the central hub located at the center of Raccoon City.

"Rodger, send a team to investigate." An authoritative person responded.

"Okay." Replied the agent as he continued with his duties.

Jill Valentine (POV)

I woke up in the same shitty apartment as always. Ever since I've been discharged as a STARS enforcement personnel I have a lot of freedom and well these are chaotic times so.

Strapping on my high heels and some tight work attire I exit my home and head towards the station for my newest past time, shooting some zombies – or rather what the media called them 'The new mentally unfit'. Haha everyone can see that they are dead but people are still arresting them, sigh I wonder how dumb people can actually be, especially in times of chaos people tend to the last bit of hope instead of adapting. I guess change came easier for me since I was trained to adapt.

I enter the station guns blazing to see a police officer getting bit on the neck - point, aim, shoot just like what I use to tell my useless ex bf that could never satisfy me. Luckily those words work fine beyond just s.e.x and right now is a prime example as I sent two bullets through the heads of two zombies.

I continue the trend and begin to count, that's one, two, three, four; so four today huh. I kinda wanted to shoot the black guy who was fighting with a zombie woman near him, since he looked especially annoying but society hasn't fallen that low yet so I'll settle for his cuffs.

The man named JD thanked me as if I was Jesus himself coming to take his soul to heaven and then he bolted away. Tsk I guess I should have at least bust a cap in his a.s.s since he truly is an annoying guy.

In a tent located around city hall, Major Cain is on an umbrella computer contemplating who to use in order to test the suitability of project nemesis. The Director scrolls down and finally finds two files: Project Alice, Project Exodus.

"Hmmm, better try my luck with the bigger fish so I could impress the upper echelons." Cain thinks selecting Project Exodus; however, "Not Advised, Access Restricted, Access Denied" his screen was soon filled with several prompts advising against activating project Exodus. Project Exodus of course referring to Zeel whom the Umbrella researchers had taken a keen interest in over the past months since incident in The Hive. They found Zeel's biology to be unique and tried everything to replicate the process but failed to clone him properly, hence they settled for the next best thing – inject him with the T-virus and see what happens.

Major Cain seeing that he could not activate project Exodus settled for the next best thing and proceeds to activate project Alice. Little did he know that activating project Alice is equivalent to activating project exodus since Zeel shared his nanites with Alice in order for them to be able to find each other within a certain distance and also their bodies would automatically awake once the distance reaches a certain threshold, hence in order for neither to be awakened the Umbrella corporation would be forced to keep them in relatively close proximity to each other.

In two separate rooms at two different facilities 5 kilometers apart. Alice gasped and awakens; likewise, Zeel gasped and began to stir awake, a blazing fire in both their eyes. Zeel and Alice now shared the same SRNT so they could know the location of each other within a couple kilometers and even if they were separated by worlds apart they could still know which direction to travel to get to the other.

Alice during this time was not entirely in a medically induced coma since she could feel Zeel's presence the entire time, it acted as an anchor to keep her sane during the painful experiments. She could also vaguely sense his mood during his slumber, this however was not felt by Zeel since it required a thorough grasp on emotions he did not yet possess.

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