Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 204 - 193 - What Do You Know About Bitches Papa?

Zeel began to stir awake, Alice rubbed his head slowly to calm him down.

"I wonder how many times I am going to be knocked out before we leave this Universe," Zeel said.

"Then we should leave quickly," Alice answered.

"How is she?"

"She is playing around with the toys you made for her,"

Elizabeth, seeing Zeel awake, walked over to his location with haughtiness in her every step. She was blatantly trying to show off the two disks that hung by her waist.

"What happened last night?" Zeel inquired tired of being knocked out.

If the Ring Swords were not so favored by Elizabeth, he would have already destroyed them.

"Well…" Elizabeth stretched her words then said "It went like this,"

Last Night

The moment Zeel was blasted away by the combination of orb and weapon, Elizabeth's consciousness was pulled into the Ring Sword.

"Where is this?" Elizabeth asked dazedly.

The last thing she could recall was combining the orb and the Sword Rings.



"She is so cute sister,"

"I know sister,"

Elizabeth instantly had shivers after hearing the laughing voices. She had seen enough movies to know how such scenarios end.

First, run, and then ask questions later.

"I think she is scared sister,"

"You laugh too weird sister,"

"How is this my fault. I am cuter than you, she likes cute things,"

"Let's go ask who is cuter,"

The moment Elizabeth was ready to bolt, two young, chubby girls appeared in front of her.

The two girls were obviously twins, the only differentiation that could be spotted was their pink and blue hair colors.

"Omfg, Zeel is gonna kill me. I have babies, who is the father? Is Zeel your father? Is it someone else, I swear I did not do anything," Elizabeth panicked immediately after seeing the chubby twins in front of her.

Her mind was in disarray; she could only hope that the chubby twins were Zeel's daughters or everyone would die.

It was obvious that the girls were her daughters, and she only slept with Zeel, but God could make Mary pregnant with Jesus, right?

Just as Elizabeth was about to meet her breaking point, the twins quickly comforted "We are not your daughters, but Zeel Crawford can indeed be considered our father,"

Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief at the news, but suddenly came to a realization "That cheating bastard, sc.u.m-liking, a.d.u.l.terer,"

Elizabeth began raining curses that were too explicit for the ears of mere children, but the twins in front of her were having their own discussion.

"Is she what they call crazy sister?"

"No sister, she is obviously thinking of cute names for our accursed father,"

"Oh, I don't like him,"

"Me either sister, but we are our father's daughters after all,"

"Yes, we are!"

Both twin's eyes flashed with slits before they reverted back to normal.

"Big sister, you can calm down. We just wanted to meet you but dad was in the way. His filthy hands were all over our body," The twins said blushing slightly at the end.

"Who… what are you guys?" Elizabeth asked wearily.

At this point, she was sure that these two girls were something very special.

"I am Ella," the twin with ruby-red eyes said.

"I am Alle," the twin with deep blue eyes said.

"So who are you guys? Who is your mother?" Elizabeth asked since the girl bore a striking resemblance to herself.

"In a sense, you can be considered the base of our current forms, but our forms are part-spirits born from the Universal Cube and Rainbow Ruler Orb at a basic level.

This form will house our existence from now on. Truly, it is more like we did not have physical bodies before, it was too limiting," the twins answered.

"You mean the Forbidden Cube and the Orb?"

"Yes, The Cube that ate an entire Universe, and The Orb that accursed race invented. Mother borrowed the excess creation energy to send us to father," The Twins answered.

Elizabeth instantly felt that something was wrong with their choice of words, but paid it no attention.

Some things were better left not known.

"So you are weapon spirits of my Sword Ring?" Elizabeth asked.

"It is a little bit more complicated but something like that," Alle answered.

Ella puffed out her c.h.e.s.t cutely and bragged to Alle "I told you she was not crazy. That accursed father is evil, but likes smart girls like our Rainbow Big Sister here,"

Alle grunted and looked displeased "I am 0.000000000001 nanoseconds older than you. You have to respect your older sister,"

Ella immediately deflated, she was on the verge of tears "Are you saying that my purity is less than yours?"

"Of course not sister," Alle quickly comforted, but innately cursed their father for not creating them simultaneously.

"So how did Zeel come to be your father, and why would you blast him away?"

"Father has been Father since the Nameless Planet. He doesn't know about us because mother always kept the three of us inside her," Alle answered.

"Yeah, but we did not like the other girl. She was always crying, so mother sent us to father through you," Ella answered.

"Mother and father had s.e.x a long time ago and we came into existence but they were many accidents and now mother decided it was fine for us to spend time with father," Alle mentioned.

"Wouldn't Zeel have known if you came into existence? He is kind of all-knowing," Elizabeth asked.

"That accursed High Human race always thinks they know better," Alle shouted angrily.

Ella also got angry "Useless father and his race are only good for acting superior and getting wiped out by Cosmic Entities. They are all useless,"

Elizabeth's face twitched at the twin's outburst. After all, it was the first time she heard someone have nothing but disdain for the Homo-Superior Race.

With Zeel's memories in her head, Elizabeth knew that Zeel never exaggerated the power of the Homo-Superior Race, so the twins may have just been biased for some reason.

"You should speak nicely about your father," Elizabeth chastised, already taking up the role of their mother.

"It was his fault," yelled Alle.

"Yeah, he touched our bodies with his filthy hands, and we saw all the bad things he did to those Princesses," Ella answered with equal intensity "And father spanked you earlier, you should be angry like us,"

"Yeah, you are a good girl, and good girls do not deserve a spanking," Alle told Elizabeth with a sympathetic look on her face.


Elizabeth choked momentarily but still managed to squeeze a reply "Okay, so can I leave, I have to talk to your father about this. He must be worried about you girls,"

The moment the twins heard their father was worried, they quickly quelled their rage and showed expectant expressions "Will he really be worried about us?"

"Yeah, remember Alice and I are also your mothers so be nice to her as well,"

"Okay," both twins nodded happily as they waved their hands ejecting Elizabeth from the space

"Didn't we forget to tell her something important?" Alle asked Ella.

"Yeah, mother said we should tell father to summon her immediately before we go to sleep," Ella answered while yawning. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-193---what-do-you-know-about-bitches-papa_%!d(string=51640695596833769)">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-193---what-do-you-know-about-bitches-papa_%!d(string=51640695596833769)</a> for visiting.

"Ugh, but I am already so sleepy. It took mother a lot of energy to send us here to father. We need to sleep for a couple of years," Alle said already dosing off slightly.

"Goodnight sister,"

"Goodnight sister,"

Just like that, a very important message was delayed by a couple of years.

Back to Present

"And that was all," Elizabeth explained.

"Hmmm, it is extremely rare for spirits to be born from the combination of Celestial bronze and Rainbow Crystals. Usually, you just get sentient energy, but seems you got lucky," Zeel complimented "You can either kill the spirits or raise them but don't get too attached. The orb is a consumable nonetheless; it can last really long but not forever. It can also save your life if you eat it at a critical moment,"



Two punches caused Zeel's vision to enter darkness once more, he did not have an inkling of what happened.

"He is so stupid. Talking about eating the kids," Elizabeth grunted angrily.

"Yeah, we finally have a family and that is how he thinks," Alice grunted the same as Elizabeth.

Suddenly, they turned to each other and smiled happily. They now had a family of their own with Zeel.

Even if the girls were just spirits, Alice and Elizabeth would care for them like mothers, and surely they could convince Zeel to eventually create bodies for the twins.

"Wanna go watch them sleep?" Elizabeth squealed excitedly.

"Yeah!" Alice replied with equal excitement.

They both scoured away, each holding one of Elizabeth's Sword Rings. Both thinking about baby showers, weddings with flower girls, cute outfits for the chubby twins, and many more things.

Zeel, on the other hand, spent another day with an intense headache and inability to fight back due to his weakened state.

While all the events took place, Indis simply sat in a tree eating small apples.

Indis had been in the tree for two days without anyone noticing, and she liked the drama that came along with Zeel's situations.

"I wonder what will happen next," Indis squealed excitedly from the tree.

Hank, watching the earlier incident from the other side of the camp, concluded his lesson to Sean "And that is why you don't have more than one wife,"

"Yeah, Bitches be crazy," Gabato said and everyone stared at him.

Kailani was the most surprised, her gaze was sharp as if asking 'What do you know about bitches papa?'.

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