Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 206 - 195 - Arbitrarily Mentioned

Zeel had barely finished passing by Elizabeth when she burst into tears and clung to his arm. Alice watched silently over everyone.

When people were given power, they would often turn depraved. Alice was there to weed out these people from the beginning.

Elizabeth released Zeel and walked amongst the people she had altered genetically.

Some were pulled directly from the machines they were connected to in government facilities. She could see their stomachs cut open, guts leaking out their bodies.

She had seen these sights before – The Battle with the Mogadorians in New York.

Elizabeth held her head "Argh, Alice it hurts,"

However, before Alice could make it over, Zeel was already next to Elizabeth, placing his palm on her head.

Issuing thousands of commands to the nanites in a second, some memories were better left buried.

Soon Elizabeth calmed down, but her next action stunned both Zeel and Alice.

Elizabeth took out the twenty-four gravitational balls she possessed and each ball turned into a liquid that entered the bodies of the remaining twenty-four survivors.

They were over 40 dancers on the stage for the performance, but only 24 were still alive. This was a testament to how bad she f.u.c.k.e.d up.

"Don't say anything, this is what I should do," Elizabeth told Zeel, but he was still reluctant.

'That's motherf.u.c.k.i.n.g my resources you are spending,' Zeel thought internally but didn't speak aloud.

His eyes flickered with codes as he found several ways to benefit from Elizabeth's kindness in the future.

Alice said nothing since she felt this was also the right move.

Soon the bodies of those bisected began to repair themselves and everyone fell asleep.

Not satisfied with the people sleeping on the ground, Elizabeth pressed her Sword Rings to the ground and the next moment, the ground became clouds.

The clouds floated slightly above the Earth, and Elizabeth smiled compassionately.

"Why did you help them?" Elizabeth asked Zeel.

Alice looked at a particular girl and then realized the answer.

She pointed at the sleeping Kinzi and answered "Because he had to, that girl has an extremely bright soul – it is pure,"

"So you were going to leave them behind, huh?" Elizabeth asked not staring at Zeel.

"I simply made the decision," Zeel replied nonchalantly.

"IT WAS NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE!" Elizabeth yelled causing a strong pulse of light to escape her body and knock Zeel away.

It didn't simply knock Zeel backward, it also burned his skin slightly.

Zeel landed on his feet and didn't retaliate in any way. His time amongst humans had thought him to become tolerant of their irrational behavior.

Alice immediately intervened and pushed Elizabeth back a couple of feet "Don't lose your head,"

Still, the irony of the situation irked Zeel slightly.

Killing Alexander was a huge mistake, fighting the Kraken was a huge mistake.

Zeel felt too weak to even passively use his divinities. Zeel guessed that guns and knives were the only way to fight in this weakened state.

"Okay, we need to calm. Everyone take a breather," Alice recommended pulling Zeel towards Indris sitting on a tree.

"Get the f.u.c.k down!" Zeel yelled at Indris, slightly irritated at Elizabeth's behavior.

Alice stared at the small girl questioningly, she felt somehow connected to the girl.

It was the feeling that the girl belonged to her, and was her responsibility.

Alice quickly dismissed the thought. Zeel had probably done something before bringing the girl to camp.

Zeel materialized a flask of mercury from his storage dimension, he turned to Indris and said "Drink,"

Indris wasted no time and drank the mercury. Something of that level would not kill her anyway.

Akasha's had a very long lifespan, some races even considered them immoral.

Suddenly, Indris felt her wrists heating up as a bracelet was formed, it looked plain without any embellishments. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-195---arbitrarily-mentioned_%!d(string=51682059101459214)">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_%!d(string=17146532905633205)/chapter-195---arbitrarily-mentioned_%!d(string=51682059101459214)</a> for visiting.

"This plain design does not fit my status," she complained cutely.

Alice giggled "Aren't you a slave?"

"It's called a Pseudo-Beamer. It is like our Mbeamer, only it is not self-sufficient. It depends on me where you go and when," Zeel explained.

Seeing the confused look of Indris, Alice attempted to explain "It is like cars. Zeel and I have big cars that require us to drive, but you have a controlled car. Only the control is in Zeel's hand,"

"So a slave bracelet?" Indris inquired.

"Exactly, you are not dumb after all," Zeel complimented sincerely.

"The instructions are within the nanites inside your body. Your job is the protect something important in Herme's Dimension. Observe the situation but do not bother or help anyone, I will move you in the future," Zeel explained the instruction before asking "Got it?"

Indris nodded, still not getting it but pretending otherwise.

"Okay!" Zeel replied taking a flask of white energy from his Mbeamer.

In a blinding flash of light, the energy inside the flask was gone, and Indris was also gone.

"Why have her guard something for you? She will probably betray you," Alice asked.

"The Akasha cannot betray their masters. And she is very powerful. At the peak of her strength, she can warp a single person's reality," Zeel explained.

Alice did not ask any further questions, and just silently followed behind Zeel as he approached Hank and the others.

Elizabeth had already taken care of her responsibilities and came back to apologize to both Zeel and Alice for overreacting.

"So when do we leave?" Hank asked eager to leave the island with his new friends.

"Can I get some gold first?" Gabato asked timidly.

"Papa, behave. We have more than enough right now," Kailani scolded her father.

"Here," Alice said handing Hank, Sean, Kailani, and Gabato a silver-ball each.

"It is called a Gravitational Ball. It can be used to call us in a major emergency. But it will be used to run the island, it can do everything. You can expel anyone or invite them in, and the runes stop evil people from coming in," Elizabeth introduced the work she had put into the place.

Elizabeth explained every detail about who could enter, when, what animals they could hunt, what type of energy lingered in the air.

Hank was the person in charge since his gravitational ball was the lead, but everyone else could overthrow his decisions if they worked together.

"There are many things on this island we could not extract due to time. Don't let anyone touch these things unless they get it themselves," Alice reminded sternly since Elizabeth had set barriers around certain artifacts across the island.

Hank thought for a while "Can I bring my family with me to live here?"

Zeel nodded "You should bring anyone you care about who can pass the tests of the island. Basically a test of intentions.

Inside the ball are treats that can grow your strength, and methods to improve yourself that are no longer useful to us.

Teleportation runes can send you anywhere on this planet. You have to take care of Elizabeth's people. I call them 'Light Bringers',"

"This island could survive even if the world is destroyed so nukes or technology are no issues. Remember this island is a supercontinent, so be careful who you let in. Good intention does not mean safe intentions," Alice reminded solemnly.

Elizabeth and Alice reached out and joined hands with Zeel.

Elizabeth sent one last compassionate look towards the people sleeping on clouds. The void cracked open as multiple colors bathed the Mysterious Island, then Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth were gone.

"So what now?" Sean asked.

Hank thought for a moment "Now we get stronger. Alice said that this island could survive even if the world was destroyed. I don't think she meant that arbitrarily,"

Kailani, Gabato, and Sean s.u.c.k.e.d in a cold breath of air.

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