Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 211 - 200 - The Swirl

Getting a feel for her new body, Ciara moved around a bit before training her eyes on Zeel. She said nothing or did anything extra.

It was unnecessary to be superfluous with Zeel, Ciara knew he would not care, or rather, Zeel did not have the ability to care. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-200---the-swirl_51781299404338672">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-200---the-swirl_51781299404338672</a> for visiting.

This was the main reason she chose him to bound her true physical form.

Someone like Zeel who was primarily concerned with benefits would never kill a golden goose like the Wan-To people.

Zeel eyed Ciara carefully and decided to test his theory "You are n.a.k.e.d,"

At the mention of 'n.a.k.e.d', Ciara's face grimaced.

Not because she was literally n.a.k.e.d but because Zeel's statement had singlehandedly determined her biggest weakness – the biggest weakness of the Wan-To people.

"Ciara. Wan-To People. We are consciousness-based beings that become the section of space we occupy.

The most powerful Wan-To people can become the consciousness of an entire Universe. We live inside stars, planets, and any other form of celestial bodies.

Due to that, we have developed the ability to create any particle. Here my power is suppressed but I can effectively create any material in the known Universes," Ciara introduced herself and her power.

Ciara continued before Aurolana could ask anything "My unique status grants me the ability to materialize in a physical body that I bond to someone – like marriages for humans. Wan-To are playfully innocent and cannot lie,"

"But the moment you leave your consciousness-based states, you become a crab without a shell. So you are vulnerable to just as much as we are," Zeel said chuckling a bit.

Every Homo-Superior ever would stay out of areas that had Wan-To people.

Homo-Superiors were the strongest species overall, but there was always a mountain beyond a mountain, risks too great to take.

At least that was the case before Zeel was born, The Homo-Superior race was not what it used to be.

Zeel looked around suspiciously, everyone also stared at him questioningly.

Nobody there was a fool, Zeel's lack of speaking spoke volumes about his personality and calculating nature.

The way he looked at everyone around him – curious but dead in his eyes.

"Zeel. Homo-Superior. My race is technology-based and we can do almost anything using technology. Mostly we can alter anything technologically using our Immortal Nanite Technology.

It is made from Computronium, which is simply a matter that has computational abilities. My bloodline grants me the unique ability of Time-Perception-Alteration relatively," Zeel spoked carefully and in measured words.

The moment everyone heard Homo-Superior, they were immediately hostile.

Even Aurolana's eyes condensed for a moment, she had known that Zeel was Homo-Superior, but not to which family he belonged.

"You are of The Crawford Family. The only Family in the Universe that sells time," Aurolana inserted a comment.

"I thought status did not matter?" Gabriella defended Zeel immediately, hoping to get the favor returned at a later date.

"Stupid girl!" Tak roared "Do you know you are defending the reason for the Galactic turmoil over the last Chrono-Century?"

"What do you mean?" Gabriella questioned.

"Maybe you don't know because the MACOSO is a closed-off galaxy. Zeel Crawford, born to be the perfect child. I heard everything was taken into account, even the length of his fingernails," Dena joked.

Zeel chuckled since she was indeed right about that part.

Project Pinnacle accounted for every aspect of his being, except his emotional dilemma of course, but he would not volunteer to share that information.

"Homo-Superiors are a race of mass murderers but they are extremely logical. It takes five of the top races to keep them in check at all times.

And even that can only dampen their moods. They were once humans, but something changed along the way. Not much is known about their history, the information is extremely high-level.

They kill several planets at a time when anyone of their race is hurt, but they were never bullies.

They have the pride to rival the heavens, and hence just pass by other races who do not bother them.

Everyone was below them, and they only ever looked up. This continued for thousands of years.

But recently things had begun to change. Homo-Superiors shifted and two parents created a perfect child, and that had great ramifications.

The race who thought they were beyond perfect suddenly had someone more perfect amongst their own group.

Planets disappeared, The Homo-Superiors ran rampant trying to pursue their own version of perfection.

The race that once cared for every individual, now discarded unstable children if they were not perfect. Several small wars had been fought between the races to keep the Homo-Superiors at bay.

It is not major news because people are covering it up. It is not to the point of Universal war yet, but it will get there eventually.

The spark that started this all was a baby born – Zeel Crawford. Made to be the Superior amongst Homo-Superiors," Aurolana summarized the little she knew.

Zeel slightly chuckled as his body shrunk to the age of five years old.

In a squeaky but cute voice, Zeel asked "Would you harm a child?"

Aurolana and everyone's bodies slowly shrunk until they also had cute chubby appearances.

"We are all children here," Xak mentioned looking around the hall.

Everyone had reverted to their true forms to conserve energy.

With their abilities dampened, energy-conservation had become a difficult task for these Beings who had all the luxuries in the Universe previously.

"My name is Aurolana. I am an Apollonian Angel. My Race can manipulate anything that requires balance, but we usually focus on specific elements.

My specific element is Balance itself, but a price must always be paid. My unique ability is nothingness – I can send anything to oblivion, and pull it back from oblivion,"

Xak gave Aurolana an interested glance that she returned in kind. Xak enjoyed Aurolana's cold, aloof personality, and Aurolana was curious if the Transcendent could copy her 'Nothingness' ability.

She found it curious that everyone could so easily overlook the Homo-Superior in their group.

Zeel eyed Gabriella with a bit of surprise, he was reducing his presence but the Human girl was still very much conscious of him.

"Shhh," Zeel gestured causing Gabriella to turn her head mechanically.

Zeel's gesture was to stay silent, but Gabriella knew it was more along the lines of 'Talk, and I will kill you'.

"Okay! Welcome to this team everyone. Zeel – The Homo-Superior, Gabriella – The MACOSOS Human, Tak – The Telkien, Dena – The Telkien, Ruri – The Akasha, Kal – The Felian, Tria – The Atlantian, Xak – The Transcendent, Ciara – The Wan-To," Aurolana said raising the chalice that appeared in her hand.

"And to you – Aurolana of The Apollonian Race," Xak also raised a cup that appeared in his hand.

Aurolana was genuinely surprised that he could copy her ability so efficiently.

With the talk completed, everyone raised their cups and bowls in the air. Then as a sign of respect, each cup and bowl dissolved and formed into a glass symbol of their respective households.

The Symbols then moved to the center of the table, slowly merged together until a Rune was created – The most Sacred Universal Rune.

Universe Zero also had its unique traditions that all inhabitants followed. The Swirl was to denote a lack of betrayal amongst members of The Races.

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