Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 215 - 204 - Tria's Sacrifice

Everyone froze at their spots, Zeel did not even bother to stand due to the bombs below their feet.

Xak recovered enough to somewhat copy Zeel's ability and sent a pulse into the ground.

He knew that Zeel was too injured to scan the ground below.

After sending the pulse, Xal crunched his brows "Cjammers all below us. I can't feel certain spots so I know they are there. One of them goes off and we all die,"

By this time others had begun to land into the stadium, but these guys did not concern Zeel.

They were elites amongst elites and would not tip the bombs. The trouble came with all the others soon to reach the ground.

At least a million people would need to be caught and that was excluding the falling dead bodies.

"Ideas?" Zeel asked.

Tria suggested "I can make the ground into a massive lake,"

Tak immediately disagreed "These CJammers are pressure-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e, viscosity s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e, and luminosity s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. Can you create a lake that meets all these conditions?"

Tria did not answer because she indeed did not possess that level of skill yet.

Gabriella wanted to volunteer to warp the others down, but that would kill her, one million was too many.

"Protect ourselves," Aurolana said decisively.

If they could not stop the Cjammers from exploding, then they simply had to protect themselves from the eventuality.

Aurolana did not like this option, she wanted to help others as well but sometimes you just have to worry about yourself.

Tria bit her lip "But you're an Angel, you should care about the others,"

"Caring does not mean stupid. Apollonians are Angels of the Grey Area, we are not bounded by rules. Go find an Arch Angel and maybe they will help you out," Aurolana said sarcastically.

Zeel watched above and could see several bodies falling, he tried to locate Ciara and Ruri amongst them but failed to find them.

"Are they dead?" Xak asked.

"Who?" Dena replied playing dumb.

"Ciara and Ruri?"

"No, they're alive," Zeel replied but still having his eyes trained above.

Thousands of dead bodies mixed with thousands of soon to be dead bodies.

Some of the races managed to safely touch the ground but Zeel knew that everything would soon go to hell.

Suddenly, his eyes became trained on one person falling, a girl that looked similar to … Tria.

The girl was a Siren and Zeel put the pieces together immediately, Tria was eager to help because her cousin was also here.

Zeel turned back to see everyone looking at Tria "Tria you need to consider this carefully,"

"How better can a man die than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his Fathers, AND THE TEMPLES OF HIS GODS," Tria spoke but at the end, her speech turned into a huge bellow.

Tria slapped the ground with both hands, creating a massive ripple like water.

Xak managed to preserve the landmass they stood on. They could hear countless explosions going off and many others dying as a result.

Still, many would live thanks to Tria's early denotation. Tria smiled bitterly at her failure to save everyone, but at the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Ruri stepped out of a shadow with Ciara in her arm giggling.

However, unlike everyone else, Ruri was not careful about where she stepped.


Zeel, Aurolana, Gabriella, Xak, Kal, Ruri, Ciara, Tak, and Dena stared at each other in fright. Gabriella immediately warped away on instinct.

Aurolana disappeared in a flash of gold particles. Tak and Dena jumped thousands of feet into the air with a single leap.

Xak also disappeared in a burst of gold particles – no doubt using Aurolana's ability. Ruri flickered with starlight as Ciara teleported them both away.

She did not forget to direct a playful smile at Zeel in the process.

Zeel, Kal, and Tria stared at each other and smiled.

Zeel did not have teleportation abilities, and Homo-Superiors were at their weakest without their tech.

Kal was still disoriented from Zeel's forceful activation of his abilities, he could not think straight at the moment.

Tria had simply expended too much energy trying to save her Siren cousin who had probably died anyway.

Zeel suddenly felt a sense of release, maybe dying was not so bad after all? All the experiments since he was a kid could finally stop.


Another massive explosion occurred as Zeel and Kal closed their eyes but the death they waited for did not come.

"You need to run; I can't hold back the explosion for long. It's a CJammer after all," Tria said burning her life essence to trap the explosion in a water barrier.

Zeel glanced at her, grabbed Kal, and bolted in a random direction.

"Tria you are too kind for this world," Tria murmured to herself as the last of her life force was drained away.




Zeel and Kal were blasted away into the nearby Lake Waters.

Many shrapnel had pierced their bodies but both their species were exceptional healers.

CJammers ensured that their healing would be slow, but at least they would still heal in the end.

Zeel dragged Kal attempting to swim to land but found the ground slowly turning hard once more.

Tria had died so, of course, her ability would restore the land to what it once was. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-204---tria&apos;s-sacrifice_51889798062854898">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-204---tria&apos;s-sacrifice_51889798062854898</a> for visiting.

Right now, this entire stadium, which spans several kilometers, was a zone where no ability could be used.

Maybe there were exceptions amongst the Races, but even then, it would be limited usage.

"Kal, you need to get your head on your shoulders man. We are going to die here if you don't. Calm down and use your special ability to see the words you need," Zeel whispered.

Kal calmed down as Zeel said and a phrase slowly appeared in his mind "Restoration!"

Slowly, Kal stood up once more, but this time he seemed seething in anger.

A fist was swiftly thrown that blew Zeel a couple of feet away.

Zeel did not resist since he did mess with Kal's brain a little.

"You could have killed me!" Kal yelled. Zeel shrugged "I knew you would be fine. If I wanted you dead, I would have left you with Tria,"

Kal said nothing and sat next to Zeel, it was better to not make everlasting enemies with your own teammate.

"How many survived?" Kal asked.

"Right now?" Zeel thought and made a logical guess "About 500,000 alive,"

"Oh," Kal sighed "That's it right?"

Zeel thought for a moment and slowly stood up saying "Too much,"

"Too much what?"

Zeel smiled bitterly "There are still too many people,"

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