Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 217 - 206 - Kelp Shit

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Unlike the boisterous atmosphere two years ago, the Dining Area was much smaller and more dilapidated.

The food had become shit, and the quality of life had dropped over the years; however, the training camp was still going as strong as ever.

Walking into the Dining Area had become a privilege only the strong would dare to accept, and even then, the strong were not guaranteed to walk out in one piece.

The dilapidated state of all the facilities was to be expected considering everything.

Someone would reach their breaking point each day and trash anything around them.

Nobody paid any attention to the battles at first but after a while, everyone noticed that no repairs were made.

Many of the damagers were ganged up on and killed in a massive bloody battle.

Some of the more deranged survivors would f.u.c.k corpses and eat the meat of the dead for ritualistic purposes.

And these rituals did come true because a curse forced entire teams to murder each other in a crazed slaughter.

Zeel knew that they would have been cursed to death already had Aurolana not neutralized the thousands of curses that would be directed at them every day.

Unfortunately, Kal the Felian was also in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed in a battle.

That left eight people in Aurolana's team.

How did they know? Any kind of end in this place was a worthy end.

At least he didn't have to get food by s.u.c.k.i.n.g d.i.c.ks for several consecutive days.

Tak and Dena had started dating a year ago, but dating was stating it lightly.

Dena and Tak were the only Telkien so they had to be together, or they would crush anyone they 'romanced' to death.

The relationship was built upon f.u.c.k.i.n.g like rabbits at every chance they got, and eventually, it turned into an unhealthy obsession on both sides.

Zeel merely laughed every time the couple bragged about their intense s.e.x.u.a.l life.

Aurolana was also aware that it was extremely rare for a Telkien to have s.e.x, their bodies were not suitable for any kind of penetration whatsoever.

This was not a secret known by many, but Zeel knew at least.

Sadly, the truth was more males would be r.a.p.ed daily than females.

Now, there were only about a thousand Races surviving, but the average death rate per day was ten.

Zeel walked into the Dining Area with measured steps while cautiously glancing around.

Surprisingly, Zeel was genuinely startled at the moment, he was by no means the strongest person in the Area.

If anything, Aurolana and Kar'Zal were the reason he had survived thus far.

Zeel was not weak, but the remaining survivors were just that strong.

Luckily, Aurolana had managed to get Kar'Zal as an ally by promising him a couple of miles on his soul at the gates of Heaven.

It simply meant that his family would not be punished for his actions.

Despite popular belief, the sins of the father could be a burden to the children.

Aurolana simply guaranteed that Kar'Zal's children would not pay the price for his.

Everyone had a weapon or two he made for them over the years.

Zeel sat at the same table as previously.

They had been sitting at this table for the past two years and they did not intend to stop anytime soon.

Tak, Xak, Dena, and Ruri nodded at Zeel as a show of respect.

Aurolana and Zeel were not on speaking terms since the incident last year, but her cold attitude was not completely disregarding him.

Ciara disappeared in a burst of starlight and appeared on Zeel's l.a.p.

Gabriella could no longer enter the Dining Area due to being too weak.

The moment she entered, Aurolana's team would have a weak point to target and many teams would not hesitate to take advantage of that.

"Lemme guess the menu," Zeel thought and said "More shit!"

"Literally, Kelp shit," Ruri answered in disgust.

Tak and Dena ate the shit not minding anyone.

Tak simply shrugged "It may be Kelp Shit, but anything they eat comes out healthier than when they ate it. On weaker planets, this is a luxury for the powerful,"

Zeel and the others also understood that Kelp shit was not a bad dish in comparison to some of the things they were forced to eat over the years, but shit was still shit even if it made you stronger.

Everybody ate their dishes grudgingly.

Ciara and Zeel saved the majority of their own, they had to save some for Gabriella since her relationship with Aurolana had turned sour a while back.

"Going to feed your whores?" Aurolana asked with venom lacing her voice.

Zeel simply ignored her, but Ciara turned around and gave a simple answer "Of course! Those whores need to eat too,"

Ciara's playfulness had not decreased but become more rampant, but in the end, everyone had their own coping mechanisms.

Exiting the Dining Area, Zeel met a siren by the door, it was Tria's cousin.

Helena thanked Zeel gratefully, she had long reached the breaking point.

The moment she was ready to sell her body for food, Zeel stopped her and offered a better deal.

Helena would get food on a daily basis but in exchange, she was only allowed to sleep with Zeel when he needed her.

Helena was grateful, she would get food in exchange for sleeping with one man – a strong one at that.

Still, Helena kind of regretted agreeing, Zeel would f.u.c.k her once a week.

But every time they f.u.c.k.e.d, she needed two weeks to recover, so the deal was counterproductive.

Sadly, Zeel only approached her because he was curious about what she had done with Tria's body.

Helena had stolen Tria's body before it dissolved and placed it in a weird artifact in her room.

That was all Zeel knew but he was curious nonetheless.

"You don't have to come tonight. Just continue to hide and survive," Zeel advised Helena who listened attentively.

Zeel had never been wrong, and he was the reason she survived this long as one of the weaker Races.

Zeel even made an enhancer for her voice, so she could enchant more men to do her bidding.

Zeel did not wait for Helena's response and simply walked away.

Ciara followed him playfully giggling.

"Why do you give her hope? You know she will die soon," Ciara asked curiously.

Over the past two years, she had felt many sensations and has become acquainted with the complexities of the Races system.

"If Helena should have died, she would have died long ago. I think destiny is on her side," Zeel whispered.

Ciara giggled playfully as her eyes flickered with starlight, she glanced at Helena briefly and answered Zeel "Something is on her side, but it is by no means destiny,"

Ciara jumped onto Zeel's back as he continued to their room.

It was not a long journey but still, Zeel's steps were carefully measured.

Any wrong steps could lead to instant death, but after two years, everyone had become numb to the feeling of death.

The moment Zeel opened the door, Gabriella jumped into his embrace and began kissing him fiercely with Ciara teleporting them into the antigravity bed.

After all, nothing was better than Zero-G s.e.x.

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