Arriving at his destination, Zeel spent the better of 30 minutes scouting the area for Umbrella agents that may have been left behind, after confirming there was no one he proceeded to enter the mansion. He wanted to rely on the multi layered scanners he previously used but it seemed they were destroyed by those who had captured him, Alice, and Matt.

As Zeel entered the mansion he wasted no time and proceeded to the stair way to the train. Arriving on the stairs he began to recall all the location he had previously hidden several of his property – also known as things he stole from The Hive. He proceeded to break open walls, stairs, statues, and even nearby cases; through this process he found the Lanthanum and cerium metals he had previously hidden. Heading back up to the entrance of the mansion, he then began tapping the floor searching for a rhythmic beat, soon he found the one that made the least noise and used his technique to punch the floor with great impulse, shattering the hardened ground. Beneath was a case not unlike the one he had that contained the anti-virus previously.

After inspecting the insides of the case, Zeel then ventured into the kitchen grabbing a bowl as he broke apart some of the antivirus serum and poured it into the bowl. He later added the Lanthanum and Cerium bars, and finally slit his wrist and added blood to the strange mixture. His blood acted as a catalyst causing the resulting solution to change color several times before the metals were completely broken down.

"Bottoms up" Zeel said as he chugged whatever alchemic potion he had just invented; though he simply used the nanites in his blood to break down the metals into liquid alongside the antivirus which holds highly concentrated liquid mercury.

Zeel soon began a coughing fit as the nanites below his skin began wiggling and wrestling with his flesh. Soon black liquid was expelled from Zeel's body as his skin became smoother, and his hair became more silver than it was white; though nothing in particular happened to his scared body anyone who knew him would be able to point out the noticeable improvements in his physique and aura.

Zeel passed out for the next hour or two, giving the nanites enough time to complete the transition from stage 1 to stage 2, which of course came with added benefits.

Zeel could now vaguely feel every previous functions of the nanites being enhanced but no new feature was gained, at least nothing he could recognize immediately.

After making sure everything inside the mansion was extracted, Zeel slit his wrist letting some blood flow into the areas of the mansion getting rid of any trace residues that may be left behind using his nanites, he was very cautious and acted based on the knowledge that he despite his many advantages, Zeel knew that he only required a well-placed bullet to die just like everyone else.

After everything was settled inside the mansion, Zeel then walked into a nearby clearing and began to dig after identifying the specific location. Below a shallow layer of Earth, he found the case he had preciously buried in the case of major emergencies. Opening the case with a four-digit code, he then proceeded to extract the first package, a suit similar to his previous but rather now it looked more akin to Captain America's the winter soldier with two straps to hold guns and a sword sheath at the back, of course the accompanying weapons were also included in the case.

After getting dressed he took out the sword next along with a couple throwing knives and daggers for CQC, getting all weaponries in place he examined himself in a mirror, situated at the top of the case, for a while before becoming satisfied.

Next Zeel proceeded to extract the rare metals on his person along with the liquid mercury. Inside the case was a weird looking Rubik's cube that Zeel held as if it was the most precious thing in the world to him. He then proceeded to place the rare metals on his person along with other precious materials into the Rubik cube and after a couple shifts in peculiar patterns, what came out were tablets – like those used at hospitals. The cube Zeel used was a rudimentary version of the tech his world produced called Multi-purpose cube, which could be used for a variety of tasks but the one Zeel built could only be used for two things: tablet creation, and a massive explosion.

Packing everything up from the case, Zeel then slit his wrist and allowed his blood to dissolve the remnants of the case since it would be bad news if anyone got access to tech from his world. He then took out a separate vial with liquid mercury inside as a single drop of his blood was also placed into the vial. The liquid mercury acted as an incubator in case he wanted to give anyone else his nanites as ingesting directly from his blood like Alice did is not only intimate but provides more benefits that he would be willing to give to those less important.

After storing away, the liquid mercury he proceeded to ingest some of the tablets he had just refined as too little intake of the tablets would result in the mutation beating his 2nd stage nanites in the battle for dominance in his bod. Too much tablets might suppress the T-Virus too much and get rid of the advantages that come along with the infection, which were mainly enhancements to his physique and speed. Hence Zeel had to find the perfect amount of tablets that would allow his body to replicate enough nanites to suppress and integrate the T-virus, altering it from its destructive purpose and instead get it to work for him.

Currently Zeel was feeling better than he had in years. After taking everything he could from the mansion and the clearing, Zeel then proceeded to run at break neck speeds towards Alice's location which was relatively easy to find due to their nanites connection. It was not that far from Zeel's current position and he was more than eager to test his new prowess. From Zeel's brief contact with Alice, he could deduce that she had a high chance of attracting unwanted attention since she couldn't resist helping others – which is a good way to die an early death.

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