Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 221 - 210 - When Everything Went Wrong

Everyone rushed to Ruri's tent, but Zeel stayed back a bit longer and inspected the perimeter.

There were no breaches to the perimeter, but that did not mean that something couldn't get in.


Zeel rushed over the moment a loud collision was heard. He saw Tak grabbing the neck of the struggling Ruri.

"Why did you take our blood?" Tak yelled.

Telkiens were known to be s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e about matters concerning their genetics. Their race had a dark history with experimentation and genetic mutations.

Ruri tried to warp into her shadow but failed due to Tak's strong grip.

Telkiens were the personification of power, there were even legends of the Telkien Royal family being about to punch through several dimensions at a time.

Zeel noticed that Ruri's shadow was a bit weird, so he signaled Aurolana to resolve the situation.

Ruri, in Tak's hands, burst into golden particles as she appeared next to Zeel gasping for breath.

However, Zeel instantly jumped back the next moment, Ruri raised her head and stared at Tak.

Tak's nose began to leak blood instantly, Dena already appeared in front of Ruri, ready to pulverize her.

However, Dena's body warped and appeared behind Ruri, destroying the entire camp with a single punch that stirred the winds and changed the clouded skies above.

Zeel was more concerned with Ruri, her blood-manipulation was levels beyond what she described.

He had no doubt that she was the strongest person here aside from Ciara.

Xak appeared in front of Ruri, copying her ability, he used blood manipulation to counteract her hold on Tak.

Seeing that Ruri had calmed down, Zeel stepped up cautiously.

He could react to one attack at a time, but more than one would kill him at the moment.

Zeel slit his wrist and fed her blood so she could recover her strength. Ruri was reluctant at first since this would mean submitting to Zeel, but she had little choice.

She could also tell that something was wrong with her and submitting to Zeel was her only way out.

Ruri could not deny that she also wanted to taste Zeel's blood. She had always avoided Zeel and they only spoke a few words out of necessity.

Much like Aurolana, she knew of Homo-Superiors cruelty.

"Her blood is missing as well, she didn't do this," Zeel said.

Aurolana thought and then closed her eyes "The blood is coming from two kilometers west,"

"Let's go!" Zeel said gesturing to Ciara and Gabriella.

Everyone knew it was serious, looking at Zeel's current expression.

Ciara and Gabriella felt the oppressive atmosphere but were at a loss of exactly what happened.

Zeel's walking was especially stiff and especially cautious.

He measured his steps carefully and occasionally glanced at Ruri who seemed a bit out of her head at the moment.

Aurolana also had an ugly expression, she did not know who could predict their responses so thoroughly, but she knew that the opponent was either a seer or psychic.

"What's happening?" Tak asked Dena.

Dena shrugged her shoulders and looked to Zeel for the answers.

A feather flew by Zeel's shoulder but he paid it no mind and continued to walk forward.

The ground beneath his feet began to crystalize slightly but at a very slow rate. It did not take the group long to realize they were traveling in circles.

Another feather flew by Aurolana's shoulder but she simply followed Zeel alongside Gabriella and Ciara who had also become extremely serious.

Suddenly, Zeel stopped, slowing his perception of time, Zeel dashed towards Tak in an instant.

A knife formed in his hand and Zeel thrust it at Tak in an unhesitant manner.

Everything happened too fast for anyone to react. Crawford's sold time, so Zeel could manipulate his perception with not many preparations.

The moment the knife was about to pierce Tak's neck, Dena reacted and threw a lightning-fast punch at Zeel.

In an instant, her fist was near Zeel's head. Gabriella understood that the next step was her responsibility.

Zeel and Dena warped from their places and appeared in front of Ruri and Xak respectively.

Zeel's knife pierced through Xak's heart in an instant, but Ruri reacted at the last moment and dodged Dena's fist.

Xak's body quickly turned into a skinny creature with huge eyes. That was obviously not Xak at all, but they did not care to figure out what type of creature it was.

Aurolana did not wait for anything unexpected to happen, Heavenly Lightning rained from the skies and struck anything within a ten kilometers radius.

The lightning looked as if it sought to tear the entire Savage Dimension apart. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-210---when-everything-went-wrong_52078051328055441">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-210---when-everything-went-wrong_52078051328055441</a> for visiting.

Aurolana did not hold anything back, the ground was split open, the skies creaked under the lightning's power.

Still, Aurolana was not finished, the skies darkened as light concentrated on Aurolana's location.

Balance was required so she sacrificed the light of the skies to gain Haven's Light of Holiness.

Everything apart from Aurolana was scorched by the light.

The ground beneath Zeel's feet crystallized slowly but steadily.

Zeel was dodging lightning and scorching sunlight.

Tak and Dena were still confused about who, or what to attack but Zeel had no time to warn them.

However, one thing was sure, whatever Zeel had killed was not Xak.

Zeel also had no idea what it was but he could tell that it used Ruri's ability to access the camp.

It morphed into anyone whose blood it consumed and could mess with their minds.

Zeel did not truly want to kill Ruri, but evoke a certain sort of 'reboot' state in her mind.

Ruri was compromised and destroying her head could bring her back to her sense.

Still, Aurolana's attempt at mayhem was for naught. Everyone knelt down feeling lightheaded, their blood felt as if it was boiling.

The ground beneath their feet trembled on intervals, but the blood slowly draining from their noses was enough to understand that Ruri had become fully compromised.

Zeel urged the crystallization beneath his feet to move faster, he needed to complete the speculum if they had any hope of escape.

Gabriella was the key to this plan working but she would die first if they lost any more blood.

Despite her competence, Gabriella was still a human.

Suddenly, a hand pierced through Ruri's c.h.e.s.t, grabbing her heart and crushing it instantly.

Ciara appeared behind the collapsed Ruri breathing heavily.

Earlier Ciara was forced to disperse her physical body and become a conscious-entity before reforming her body behind Ruri.

It took a lot of energy and she was as exhausted as she could be.

Ruri's collapse caused everyone to regain their mobility.

Zeel was too occupied with his escape plan to notice the vibrations of creatures moving underground.

A massive worm shot up from under Aurolana's feet.

It swallowed her whole in an instant and Zeel felt his heart sink. Luckily, golden particles converged into two figures next to Zeel, but nobody was happy with what they saw.

Aurolana was fine but Xak – the real one, had half his body missing.

He had no doubt saved Aurolana, but he also killed himself.

Zeel felt complicated at the events of things.

Aurolana was also stunned, she would not have died inside the worm, but severe damage was expected.

Yet, the guy that she rejected earlier had saved her at the cost of his own life.

Nobody had time to celebrate or mourn the loss of two members, the next moment several massive worms shot up from the ground below.

Luckily, Zeel had managed to crystallize the entire environment below his feet.


With a shattering sound, all members were s.u.c.k.e.d into the mirror below their feet.

The Mirror Dimension was Zeel's escape plan, but he did not have the expertise to determine their layer in the Mirrorverse.

Gabriella looked around at the infinite reflections surrounding her.

Everything seemed reversed and constantly changing but she knew that she had an important task to perform.

Gabriella was human so she had the most malleable mind to navigate the Mirrorverse.

Multiple warps later and Gabriella had gathered everyone in her arms.

Tak, Dena, Zeel, Aurolana, and Ciara were successfully recovered but the bodies of Xak and Ruri had drifted too deep into the Mirrorverse to recover.

Gabriella focused her mind, pushing her spatial awareness to its maximum, and then she saw it.

A gap in the Mirrorverse, Gabriella did not even hesitate to warp through the gap and onto a cliff's edge in the Savage Dimension.

However, it seemed that Ruri's end was not to come as well.

Her body pulsed with cyber-lines granted to her by Zeel's blood and a massive tear appeared in the Mirrorverse.

A tear leading to the Shadow Dimension.

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