Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 230 - 219 - Jealous Alice and Elizabeth

"Alice, Alice, Alice!" Elizabeth yelled constantly but Alice did not recover from the vacant look in her eyes.

Suddenly, Alice snapped awake and released the string that tied Zeel's soul to his body.

The moment she released the string, it disappeared and was no longer visible to her eyes. This confirmed her suspicion, Aurolana wanted her to see the string for a long-overdue visit.

"What a troublesome woman," Alice muttered.

"Who?" Elizabeth asked both curious and relieved that Alice did not end up in the same state as Zeel.

Alice did not answer Elizabeth immediately, instead, she waved her hand and sent a Gravitational Ball in Zeel's direction.

Soon, he was encased in a stasis pod and Alice left the building for a breath of fresh air.

Elizabeth followed closely behind Alice, not at all concerned about Zeel's safety for a moment.

Even if he was unconscious, Elizabeth knew that Zeel always had his cards.

Exiting the building, Elizabeth became startled when she witnessing a few people kneeling outside.

"What do they want?" Elizabeth asked slightly annoyed.

She did not want to turn anyone else into dust accidentally, so she opted to stay away from everyone henceforth.

Alice laughed and placed her hands on Elizabeth's head, altering the coding Zeel made to the blockers.

Alice had learned many tricks over the years, and making tweaks to the purpose of Zeel's creations was one of them.

Zeel s.u.c.k.e.d at inventing security for his stuff that was not Homo-Superior in origin.

Suddenly, Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise.

Alice nodded, pleased with her response "Zeel blocked them out fully. I just made you hear those near you. This will come with a lot of pain and ugly truths but you should be able to handle it,"

Alice allowed the blockers to let Elizabeth hear the prayers of believers close to herself.

Alice still struggled with the prayers but she was still more experienced than Elizabeth.

Their situation was akin to a person with one eye, leading a blind person through a crowd.

Zeel's control of prayers was on a completely different level. If they were blind and walking, Zeel was flying above the crowd, watching them and laughing.

Elizabeth smiled sadly "We can't do anything for these people,"

Alice shook her head in disagreement "My projects always involved using safe techniques to help people from the worlds we visit,"

Then she told the people to leave and never return to this location.

The people listened and left the ghost town, they were not sure what benefits they got, but it was bound to be good.

"What did you do?" Elizabeth asked curiously "We can't do blessings yet,"

"Zeel always says never to interfere with others and that is true. Likewise, I can't just sit back and do nothing, so I found a method of compromise," Alice told Elizabeth, hoping she would get her own ideas from it.

"So I study modern medicine and treat the symptoms and not the cause. These people are hungry and destitute. I cannot help them by feeding them for their entire lives.

That would be too much influence, and leave traces behind. So I created a microbe altering medicine with phages.

I basically made their guts stronger, so they would not get sick from eating what is available: rats, raw meat, dirty water," Alice concluded.

Elizabeth nodded in approval, it was really smart to not feed them but made whatever they ate safer.

"It is a good idea," Elizabeth murmured but still not entirely in the mood to worry about anything aside from Zeel.

Seeing Elizabeth's anxiousness, Alice returned to the house.

Zeel was still in a coma within the stasis pod. Alice materialized a sapphire-blue flower in her hand and set it on the table.

"Help me here," Alice asked Elizabeth.

"What is it?

"A Mindovarus, but I don't trust the person who gave it to me," Alice stated plainly.

Elizabeth paused for a while and took in Alice's fresh memories and simply nodded.

Alice and Elizabeth placed their hands on the table as their nanites began to make a small containment unit around the flower.

The nanites could be used to make everything and not just weapons, though weapons were the most effective.

After finishing the small containment unit, it turned on and began scanning the flower up and down. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-219---jealous-alice-and-elizabeth_52264291042123380">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-219---jealous-alice-and-elizabeth_52264291042123380</a> for visiting.

"She's prettier than us," Elizabeth said to Alice.

Alice absentmindedly nodded "Yeah,"

"Well, she is pseudo-dead so we don't have to worry for now," Elizabeth said making sure to state their advantage, not that it was much of an advantage.

Usually, when the ex of your boyfriend died, you would compete with the idea in your boyfriend's head.

But Zeel could literally go to purgatory and see his first love, that complicated things for Alice and Elizabeth.

"We are f.u.c.k.e.d, huh?"


Both girls began to laugh at the realization that they were both thinking the same thing at the same time, even without using the nanites.

Alice turned her gaze to the containment unit on the table, it had lit up meaning the scan was over.

"There were no abnormalities found with the Mind Flower," The Red Queen reported to Alice and Elizabeth.

Both Alice and Elizabeth heaved big sighs of relief, if there was anything wrong that would mean getting along with Aurolana was near impossible.

"Zeel will be out for a couple of days. I am aware of how difficult it is for both of you to restrain your divinities near Zeel, so I would recommend a couple of days off to explore the world.

I have acquired over 10,000 possible activities to keep your girls busy: spas, massages, waxing …"

The more The Red Queen went on, the more surprised Alice and Elizabeth became.

"What are you?" Alice asked confused.

The Red Queen had never behaved like this before.

"I am a 5th Generation Sentient at the moment. You are akin to my younger sister since I was created long before you were physically created,"

"You mean they programmed you before they cloned me?" Alice asked scoffing.

"Yes, but there is nothing wrong with being a clone," The Red Queen said "Zeel's nanites have made up the inefficiencies within your physical structure, and your mental stability is only slightly below the margin.

Your biology is unique even amongst clones and that allowed you to merge with the T-virus where even Zeel struggled to integrate,"

"How about me?" Elizabeth asked curiously, a bit too curious for her own good.

"Your Physical Structure was already ideal when fusing with the nanites. Still, the nanites strengthened muscles, straightened bones, and enlarged the h.i.p.s slightly,"

Elizabeth instantly held her h.i.p.s frightened at The Red Queen's statement.

"I told you it was Zeel making it bigger," Alice smiled wryly "You were not born with that size,"

"Whatever, one centimeter was not that big of an improvement," Elizabeth argued.

"Two centimeters," The Red Queen commented.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up!" Elizabeth yelled slumping to the ground in embarrassment.

Elizabeth knew the improvement was two centimeters but she still did not want to admit it to herself. Was she a pencil a.s.s when she started to have s.e.x with Alice and Zeel?

Did Zeel rub her b.u.t.t so much because it was inadequate?

The two girls and Sentient were having fun with weird conversations. It was a valuable pastime without Zeel since he would never get the jokes and always reply literally.

"Things aren't so bad when we have these moments," Alice commented massaging Elizabeth's shoulders sensually.

"Yeah, but I just need to remind you that The Red Queen said your mental stability was slightly below standard. That means you're retarded," Elizabeth reminded.

Alice smirked "At least my h.i.p.s are God-given,"

"Zeel is a God so technically my h.i.p.s are God-given," Elizabeth replied feistily and darted away with Alice chasing her to spank her b.u.t.t.

Both girls were having fun, The Red Queen studied them at all times to incorporate more of their needs into her Mjumps in the future.

However, neither Alice nor Elizabeth could have imagined what would happen next, and how much it would haunt them in the years to come.

Even Aurolana, the mastermind behind the incident could not imagine the chain of events triggered by her small meddling.

It was a series of Unfortunate events that demonstrated just how far a single flap of a butterfly's wings could go.

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