Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 232 - 221 - Run Away

Zeel's body instantly reacted, grabbing Alice that was on top of him.

Alice's flames had already caused fourth-degree burns along his arms and c.h.e.s.t area.

One had to know that injuries caused by divinities were not so easy to heal, especially Alice's flames that punished the guilty.

Zeel twisted his body and using his massive strength, Zeel slammed Alice over his shoulder and into the ground.

Alice shot through the ground into the bas.e.m.e.nt below, shaking the foundations of the brittle building.

Alice's pained grunts could be heard throughout the Ghost Town.

Luckily, The Red Queen was still withholding the majority of Zeel's killer techniques, so Alice and Elizabeth were not in true danger unless they truly faltered in their attacks.

Elizabeth wasted no time as two Ring Swords flashed past Zeel's face.

He managed to dodge them both, but the line of blood on his cheek showed how close of a call it actually was.

Zeel warped and appeared in front of Alice in an instant, holding her neck between his hands. The Red Queen fought Zeel's coding to delay him from snapping Alice's neck.

This caused a nanosecond of hesitation within Zeel's twisting motion.

The moment Zeel was ready to twist Alice's neck, he suddenly warped and reappeared a couple of dozens of feet away from Elizabeth.

Surprisingly, Zeel's right arm had a massive cut that almost severed it entirely.

Zeel had expected the Ring Swords to swing back around, but at the last moment, both Ring Swords lit up with red flames, increasing their speed two-fold.

Alice had added an extra lethality to the Ring Sword in hopes of decapitating Zeel where he stood.

Now, you had Zeel's body and mind present for the battle. The mind filled with experiences too dark to filter, and a body that was instinctually trained to kill.

It was basically the Zeel before he got the emotions contained in his soul, but that soul was not in this plane of existence.

On the other side, you have A God of Punishment who had just broken through to Divine Actualization after burning the most sinful Being in the Universe aside from the Devil – Zeel.

Elizabeth, likewise, was on the verge of a breakthrough after her multi-colored aura burned Zeel.

All Gods grew proportional to how much of the responsibilities they fulfilled.

Alice and Elizabeth had just punished and purified the darkest soul in this Universe, it was only natural that their divinities would evolve to the next stage as a benefit.

Zeel stared at his right hand and noticed that it was slowly dissolving into dust particles that drifted into the air.

He stared at Elizabeth's Sword Rings and noted the smell of collapsium from his wound.

Then Zeel's mind began running the final calculations. The Red Queen felt terrified as she tried to combat the complex codes that flickered across Zeel's pupils.

Rainbow Ruler Orb in Elizabeth's weapons was a Homo-Superior created product and hence could cause severe damage to Zeel.

The Collapsium abilities inside the Orb were a major threat to Zeel's life and he recalled the experience of Gabriella dying to collapsium.

Next, the chains on Zeel's souls had tightened since absorbing Poseidon and that meant he was severely restricted in power output.

Zeel fell to his knees and began coughing up huge amounts of golden-red blood.

His battle with the Kraken was not so long ago, he was still dealing with the injuries sustained. This meant that he had a real chance of dying in this battle.

After all these facts bombarded Zeel's mind, The Red Queen could no longer suspend the threat advancement.

The Fourth Level Priority Case became a Fifth Level Priority Case – that meant that Zeel was to kill without remorse and as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, the aura of the battlefield completely changed. Alice and Elizabeth, who were fighting the control of their dark emotions, stopped at that instant.

They knew … at that moment … this was no longer a battle between their dark and light emotions. It had become a battle of survival, and Zeel would move to kill them from now on.


Alice did not even comprehend what happened, she just felt herself being pulled through multiple dimensional layers, and the next moment, she was within Zeel's clenched hands.

Alice's feet were at one warp and her head came out the other side. Just as Zeel was about to close the warp, killing Alice in the process.

Elizabeth appeared next to Zeel in a flash of brilliant colors, but he blocked the elbow directed at his head.

However, that was not Elizabeth's true goal. One Sword Ring sunk into the warp that held Alice's body and collapsed the warp instantly.

Nothing was safe from the collapsium concentrated with Elizabeth's Sword Rings.

Alice flickered with flames as she disappeared from her spot, and reappeared thrusting her sword at Zeel's heart.

Alice's sword, created from her nanites, was just about to pierce Zeel's body. They both felt the thrill of victory but Alice and Elizabeth had miscalculated.

The moment Alice used her nanites to attack Zeel, a lockdown protocol was initiated within the nanites.

Alice and Elizabeth both felt the dispersal of all energy from their bodies. They had to fight to barely keep their eyes open when the nanites were abruptly deactivated.

They had experienced a similar phenomenon before on Planet Viveron – Forceful Resonance.

While Alice and Elizabeth grew weaker, Zeel's strength returned with a vengeance.

Zeel gripped both girls by their necks as he squeezed gradually, slowly choking the life out of both girls.

Alice and Elizabeth had managed to regain some clarity at this point, but the dark emotions still urged them to kill Zeel.

Alice and Elizabeth bit into Zeel's fingers as they thrashed about, kicking his body like wild animals caught in a trap.

Zeel wasn't simply choking both girls, he was flooding their bodies with his Divinities, seeking to destroy their minds and divinities.

The longer the resonance continued, the weaker Alice and Elizabeth became.


Nobody could tell exactly what happened next, Zeel suddenly found both his hands detached from his body as two streaks of light flashed by his eyes.

Zeel warped a couple of hundred feet away from Alice and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and Alice were enveloped in lights from her Sword Rings and they felt some semblance of energy returning to their bodies.

This also led to Zeel's Draconic Energy entering isolation once more. After all, Zeel's Draconic-Energy had only responded to the threat of Ella's and Alle's Draconic-Energy.

Zeel stared at his hands that fell to the ground in the distance, then at the rest of his arm that was slowly dispersing to yellow particles.

"Aghhhrhhhahhh," Alice yelled, bashing her head into the ground constantly.

She was trying to push out the negative emotions destabilizing her mind but failing miserably. It pained Alice to think that she was fighting a life and death battle with the man she loves.

Elizabeth was much calmer as multi-colored lights surrounded her head and began swirling.

Soon, the black mist was dispersed from Elizabeth's head as she regained clarity. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-221---run-away_52296337118516146">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-221---run-away_52296337118516146</a> for visiting.

Elizabeth touched Alice's head and provided the same treatment she did to disperse her own negative emotions.

Regaining clarity, Elizabeth and Alice looked around and saw all the destruction caused by their brief battle.

It had only been about a minute and the Ghost Town had all but become a Dead Town.

"Aurolana set us up!" Elizabeth yelled eyeing Zeel in the distance cautiously.

Maybe Zeel had also regained some clarity?

Alice shook her head "No, Aurolana would never do something that would harm Zeel this severely,"

Elizabeth turned her attention to Zeel standing in the distance and tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

Zeel's body was burned and melted to the point of unfamiliarity, even black spots could be seen on his skin.

His hair had chunks missing and his hands were nowhere to be found. Elizabeth could also recognize light slowly dissolving what remained of his arms.

This was the doing of both her and Alice when they attacked him in his defenseless state.

They had no doubt caused damages that would take years to heal. Not that they would live that long when Zeel's soul ultimately returned.

"R…. u…."

A vague light flickered from Alice's and Elizabeth's Mbeamers as if trying to send a desperate message.

It almost appeared as if The Red Queen was attempting to claw her way out of the MBeamer on their wrists.

Alice and Elizabeth were confused but decided to pay attention to Zeel instead.

"R…u…. n!" The Red Queen's voice sounded in their ears "Trump cards have been activated,"

The anxiousness in The Red Queen's voice was palpable but Alice and Elizabeth could not simply run away from a badly injured Zeel.

He appeared to be on the verge of collapse at any given moment.

This was the worst they had seen him since … ever.

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