Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 235 - 224 - Blending In

Zeel glided in the air with his antigravity boots until he got close to the outskirts of a nearby coastal village.

Zeel then navigated his antigravity boots to float just inches above the ground.

It was no big deal to blind detection systems to his presence in the middle of nowhere, but it would defeat the purpose if someone saw him gliding through the air.

Zeel eyed the village from afar and noticed that a tour was taking place, the attire of the participants was not that dissimilar to what he wore in High School during his time in Lorien Universe.

Still, Zeel wanted to be unnoticeable so he instantly thought about what John wore back then.

Zeel spun while gliding and his nanites switched to a hoodie complemented by a V-neck T-shirt that had a symbol of the Crawford Family's House.

His pants shifted to brown, skinny jeans, and his Mbeamer sunk into his skin.

Zeel shifted his hair from silver to just plain white as if it was dyed that color.

The slits in his ruby-red eyes disappeared entirely and brown eyes replaced them.

Zeel made one final check over his attire and decided that it was sufficient to disguise himself within the group with no problems at all.

"Life is so free without women," Zeel murmured to himself.

He truly felt like a new person, and his power seemed to have grown by a large margin over the past ten years of being asleep.

Zeel had begun to notice some discrepancies in the story told to him by The Red Queen but dismissed the idea.

Maybe he could doubt everyone else but never Aurolana.

The Red Queen was also only a 5th generation Sentient, they could not make complex decisions of their own free will at this stage.

Zeel slid into the back of the line as the group passed near him.

The action was so smooth that almost nobody noticed that he was not a part of the group previously … almost that is.

"I see you're trying to get a free ride to wherever you're going after this is done?" A random asked Zeel.

Zeel did not know how to reply.

Socializing with normal people was not a skill he cared to hone.

Of course, he had the training to socialize with species such as humans, but that never included casual conversations.

"Oh! I get it," The guy said "You came for the girls at the front,"

The guy pointed to the many girls that walked in front of the group. Walking alongside the girls was a handsome tour guide.

Zeel held his head in agony for a moment.

Zeel had his eyes trained downwards to avoid looking at anyone in particular but it seemed that his efforts were useless.

"No! I prefer not to have s.e.x with humans. At least not normal ones," Zeel replied finding that maybe it was time to socialize outside Alice and Elizabeth.

The last time he had actually enjoyed talking to someone was John and Sam back in Lorien Universe.

"The name is Sean,"

"Zeel Crawford," Zeel replied.

"See that chick right there? She is the leader in the 'Hottest Chicks' rankings," Sean said gesturing to a pretty blonde-hair girl in the front "I asked her to prom and she said yes,"

"She smells like three different guys, one of them is the tour guide and the next one is your teacher, but maybe you can be her fourth s.e.x.u.a.l experience in the past 24 hours," Zeel said as if he was talking about research and not a female.

Sean laughed and bumped Zeel on the shoulder "Stop kidding around…"

Sean did not finish his statement, the next moment his teacher brushed past the blonde students and gently squeezed her a.s.s cheeks.

Sean was first angry, then embarrassed, and then amazed at Zeel's deduction capabilities.

"You are a f.u.c.k.i.n.g psychic," Sean said with great enthusiasm.

Zeel frowned and lamented the fact that human children were so quick to shift emotions. It was hard getting a read on Sean.

"No! I have good senses and I can read people. I used to have a lot of restrictions but now I feel less restricted," Zeel answered while gesturing to his outstretched left hand.

Sean looked at Zeel weirdly and gave him a High-Five.

Zeel felt appalled and wondered if his action was a bit too vague. He researched extensively on human gestures since Universe Zero.

"Money fool! I just saved you from being cheated on and a very rare strain of Syphilis. I am not even charging as much as a doctor," Zeel said slightly annoyed.

Sean stood stunned for a moment and then gave Zeel a once over "You don't look like someone who needs money right now. That shoes alone could get you enough money,"

"I still have Restrictions. I can't steal money like I used to. I can barely access public information on the internet without getting a headache," Zeel complained still keeping his hand outstretched.

Sean quickly dropped a five-dollar bill in Zeel's hand, but all Sean did was gain more of Zeel's ire.

"What?" Sean asked, seeing that Zeel was looking at him strangely.

"Take out your f.u.c.k.i.n.g wallet," Zeel threatened, his eyes shining red for an instant.

Sean quickly took out his wallet and handed it to Zeel, who instead of returning the wallet, only returned five dollars.

"Don't treat me like a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e," Zeel murmured counting the money in the wallet that now belonged to him.

Zeel could still recall a time when he did not know the value of paper money. He thought that paper money was rare since he always used cryptocurrency.

"I knew a 'Sean' in the past as well," Zeel commented.

"Really? I bet he was a nice guy?" Sean asked proudly.

"No! I f.u.c.k.i.n.g hated him, but you are much more handsome in your skin-fit pants and weird checker shirt," Zeel answered.

"Woah… Woah... Woah," Sean paused and corrected Zeel "I am sorry if I gave you that impression man but I don't swing that way,"

Zeel was genuinely confused at Sean's outburst "Swing what way?"

"You know…" Sean said and began gesturing with his fingers.

He connected two of his fingers and started twirling them around each other.

Zeel took a step back "So you enjoy f.u.c.k.i.n.g dead bodies? Don't worry I won't judge you but maybe I should walk a bit ahead of you to be safe,"

Zeel did not wait for a reply and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

He lamented the fact that he could not meet normal people in any world.

Zeel was still adapting, the conversation with Sean was simply to analyze vocal cord movements, larynx dimensions, tone, and phrases.

Zeel was trained to be lethal in any environment, which meant he had to adapt to any environment at a moment's notice.

With The Laws of The World restricting certain actions, Zeel had to use his investigation skills for once.

"So that concludes our tour of Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Okay, guys, enjoy your time on the beach and we leave in the next hour back to London," The Tour guide said as he quickly disappeared with the blonde-haired girl.

Zeel walked a few rounds near the beach without entering the water.

His senses had been dampened but not so much as to hinder his awareness. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-224---blending-in_52351995868146099">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-224---blending-in_52351995868146099</a> for visiting.

Zeel walked around mainly because he was having trouble controlling his divinities.

It seemed that they had become very refined in his ten years of sleep. He could look at someone and see the key moments that made up the journeys of their lives.

Of course, he could only see the journeys that the person themselves did not want to keep hidden.

If he wanted to see the painful parts of a person's life, it would also cause him to share the same pain.

Zeel was still in the midst of figuring out how his divinities had evolved since he woke up when the world around him slowed a little.

He would sometimes feel the world moving slow and suddenly fast once more.

Zeel felt much more freedom, but the restrictions were still there like a clingy ex you couldn't get rid of.

Luckily, when Zeeel broke the restrictions, he now only felt minor headache spasms instead of nose bleeds.

He tried to create cryptocurrency earlier and received a minor headache.

The more cryptocurrency he created, the stronger his headache became.

The headache grew worst beyond the threshold of five hundred American dollars.

Zeel figured that for the first time in his life, he would have to work as a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e to make money.

Maybe, a programmer would be more suited to his skill-set.

"Hey there," A girl called out from behind Zeel.

Her friends were a distance away watching the interaction with gusto.

"You are beautiful and should know your self-worth. Those girls are not suitable friends by human standards," Zeel said quickly as he avoided the girl and walked away.

The girl appeared reluctant to give up but sighed and walked back to her friends in the end.

Sean ran after Zeel "Dude, she was a nice girl. A popular and very shy girl in class,"

Zeel shook his head at Sean's naivety "Nobody is as they seem. She hurts a lot of people online through fake accounts and she is abused by her father.

You should go to her and tell her everything is going to be alright,"

Sean stood stunned as Zeel pushed him in the direction of the girl.

Zeel added "She will not cheat on you if you don't cheat on her. After dating for a couple of weeks, ask her to move in with you. If you don't she will probably kill herself within two months,"

Sean walked over mechanically after listening to Zeel's advice.

Not long after, Sean and the girl, Samantha, were engaged in a fruitful conversation.

"Okay, that's it. Everyone start packing up, we are heading back to London within five minutes," The Tour Guide said.

Zeel sighed in relief and rushed to the bus, finding a comfortable seat in the back, away from all prying eyes.

It was annoying to look at almost everyone and see the moments in their lives that made them who they are.

Zeel wanted to adjust the vibrational blockers again but decided it was best to adapt sooner rather than later.

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