Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 237 - 226 - Stories Behind Stories

Two Weeks Later

"So I am good with computers, I can do almost anything with enough processing speed.

You have samples of my basic programs there and I think they can increase internet traffic efficiency by 20% at least," Zeel said standing in front of a group of board members presenting.

Two weeks had passed since he came to London and Zeel found that he could not survive without money.

At first, he tried creating crypto-currency in small amounts but the headaches got worse. He tried stealing to make money, but the headache got even worse.

It was like The Laws Of The World wanted him to be destitute.

He tried to introduce new medicine but the headache got even more, very worse.

Apparently, giving advanced medicine and technology to a world so young was also considered wrong.

Zeel lamented the fact that he did not pay more attention to Alice's projects.

Alice and Elizabeth were temporarily locked out of the nanites, and accessing the projects within their nanites would ruin the experiment to develop their psyche.

It was the first time in his life that Zeel found himself following 'Rules'. Even more displeasing was the fact that the rules were created by his own Sentient.

"Sir, we are a small company and we are just looking for an intern,"

"Yeah, mate. Don't throw a spanner in the works with all your fancy terminologies. We just need someone to get coffee and stuff,"

Zeel paused his presentation and grew irritated "What I am presenting here can revolutionize internet efficiency. I just need a job to find an apartment to sleep in,"

"I can tell you are down on your luck mate. Here is five dollars,"

Zeel was surprised, he felt like the world was forcing him to be mediocre ever since he came to this Universe.

"Take that presentation to Microsoft next, Haha," Matt, the interviewer, said with mockery.

Usually, Zeel would kill anyone who dares to mock him so openly but he had found that dealing with these types of guys needed a sort of finesse.

The presentation screen flipped on without anyone doing anything, then m.o.a.ning sounds began to be heard throughout the room.

"Yes, Jimmy. F.u.c.k me harder,"

"Oh Jimmy, your d.i.c.k is so much bigger than Matt's,"

"Jesus Matt, isn't that your wife?" An employee yelled.

"Oh f.u.c.k guys. That is Jimmy, he called in sick today with the flu," Another employee said.

Matt stared at the screen and paled, then he darted out of the room with scissors in his hand.

Luckily, the Laws did not exactly stop Zeel from exposing cheaters and liars. It was not that the Laws of The Worlds had become more severe, but the fact that Zeel was not to mess with mortals.

Zeel noticed that as long as he did not bother anyone intentionally, The Laws of The World would leave him to his dreadful life.

Zeel exited the building cursing intensely "I can't even find a job in this shitty society. This world was made for me to be mediocre. I can't even find a place to sleep,"

Everyone Zeel passed by watched him as if he was crazy, but Zeel paid them no attention.

He continued to curse as he walked street after street to his temporary home – a bench in the Park.

Zeel entered the park and went directly to a hotdog stand as he took out a card from his pocket.

The Vendor accepted the card and gave Zeel a wry smile "You have been sleeping on that bench for a week and never shower but always look clean.

Every day you buy one hotdog with this exact same card that always has only two dollars in it,"

"So?" Zeel asked annoyed.

"Don't you think you can do more? There are plenty of jobs available to you,"

"I will not take jobs of prostitution. I will not wash anyone's feet or dust their shoes. I will not deliver coffee to people in offices that I am superior to. I have my dignity to keep," Zeel scoffed at The Vendor's naivety.

"Cough, Cough. Don't you think sleeping on a bench in the park without showering for days has caused you enough loss of dignity?" The Vendor asked laughingly.

Zeel did not reply and simply took his card away before it could be swiped.

He would be damned if he bought a hotdog from the man that just insulted him.

It was already bad enough that he could only create two dollars' cryptocurrency a day if he wanted to avoid the headaches.

"Life is so hard," Zeel muttered as he kept walking through the park, then down alleys randomly.

His destination was the library.

Zeel was bounded by Laws but The Red Queen was not so she had been scouring information networks for any data on possible Dimensional Breaches.

Dimensional Breaches were available in Prime Universes to access Specific Hidden Universes.

That way Zeel could access the next Closed Universe without spending a couple of vails of energy at a time.

What kind of shit show would The Laws cause him if he rendered entire planets inert? Zeel shuddered at the thought of it.

Walking down alleyways, Zeel stumbled onto a scene of two guys robbing a woman.

"Where is the rest of the money?"

"That is all that I have, please let me go?"

"Take off her p.a.n.t.i.e.s Brad," One guy said to the other as he began unbuckling his pants.

Zeel did not want to get involved in these types of squabbling so he simply walked past the trio without causing any problems.

"Help me, please!" The woman pleaded as Zeel passed by but he simply ignored her.

"Smart man!" One guy said as Zeel walked away,

"Next time you pass by here we'll give you some of the action. Just remember to bring your bitch so we f.u.c.k her too," The next guy shouted.

Zeel's walking suddenly stopped, the slits in his eyes flashed for a moment before returning to brown pupils once more.

Zeel turned back and walked towards the duo of British men.

They raised their knives as if they were prepared for the fight to come.

When Zeel was within a couple of feet of them, both guys struck simultaneously.

Zeel tilted his head as a knife swished by his face.

Zeel then knocked the knife upwards, out of the hand of one attacker, and then caught it in his hand.

Zeel threw the knife to the second guy who was poised for a follow-up attack.

The second guy tumbled to the floor, clutching the knife embedded in his shattered kneecap.

Zeel raised his feet and kicked in the leg of the first guy.

A shattering sound echoed throughout the alleyway, the first guy found that his left leg was bent inwards.

Zeel watched the lady on the floor sobbing and simply picked up the handbag she dropped on the floor and noticed the gun inside.

This woman came to this specific alleyway with a loaded gun that was on safety.

Zeel just smiled, he never intervened in a situation he did not fully grasp and this was exactly why.

The moment Zeel laid eyes on the woman, he could see the moment in her life that made her decide on this course of action.

The woman had an older daughter who met these two guys and started following them around.

Eventually, her daughter became an addict, stealing money and valuables from the house to buy drugs.

These two guys were her daughter's suppliers. Because the woman's older daughter stole her bank card, the family was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The woman had another younger daughter who did well in school and knew not to follow her sister's footsteps.

That younger girl worked extra-hard to make her mother proud. Then a week ago, the older daughter died from an overdose. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-226---stories-behind-stories_52404421866346021">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-226---stories-behind-stories_52404421866346021</a> for visiting.

However, the older daughter did not forget to steal the twenty thousand dollars the mother had stashed away to redeem the house eventually.

When the mother found that the money was missing, she knew exactly who had it and came to retrieve it.

She did not come to fully avenge her daughter; she came to get the money so that she could take care of the younger daughter.

After realizing the ins and outs of the situation, Zeel's hand started vibrating as the gun dissolved into particulates.

Zeel sighed and decided it was time to test his theory.

This was a logical decision as much as an emotional decision.

"Tomorrow, the guy that abandoned you after having two daughters will turn up dead.

He is considerably wealthy and will suddenly have a change of heart, leaving you and your daughter enough money to live a comfortable life.

With that money, you can raise your daughter, with that money you will not have to sell yourself to wealthy men just to make twenty thousand dollars to save your home.

Go home to your daughter and forget about what happened here. The rest of your life is up to you," Zeel said and watched the woman as she staggered away weeping.

Suddenly, the woman turned back and asked "Why?"

As much as The woman wanted to dismiss Zeel as a babbling lunatic, Zeel's very presence as a God made sure that promises made were always believed even if they were false.

Zeel thought for a moment and replied "Because I am not a good person. That is not who I am and I will ever be, but I can meet good people like you and help them.

For every one you guys help, I will be less restricted. I am doing this more for myself than anyone,"

The woman stared at Zeel intensely and then staggered away.

Zeel returned his attention to the two guys weeping on the floor not far away. He took out a rope from his storage Dimension and tied both guys together in a peculiar pattern.

Both their hands were tied in a manner that placed a dagger at the neck of the other.

"I can't kill you guys because I would be f.u.c.k.e.d too. And I don't think I want to kill people as much as before.

I have grown a small fondness for life. So here is the deal," Zeel said pointing to the knives in their hand and injuries on their bodies "You will bleed out and die if the injuries are not treated.

But to get to the phone in your pockets, you have to free the hand holding the knife. The only way to do that is by slitting the throat of the person in front of you,"

"Have fun choosing," Zeel said, looking at both men weirdly.

Zeel walked away, not minding the slashing sounds coming from the previous alleyway.

In truth, both guys would have died anyway but Zeel just did not want to be the reason they died or Heavenly-Lightning would strike him for killing.

Luckily, a small loophole allowed the bad guys to kill themselves and spare Zeel all responsibility.

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