Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 240 - 229 - Lara Croft

Three Weeks Later

Terry's gym had become the number one gym in London at this point. It was all thanks to Zeel, his training methods, and the unique insights he would provide.

When Zeel started working at Terry's gym, he simply thought the members to fight but eventually, he also wanted to train his craft.

So Zeel decided to not suppress his divine energy that exists within his eyes. He saw the training as an opportunity to learn more about human behavior from a more personal perspective.

In exchange, he would grant anyone an answer to one question they really wanted to know.

Still, the person in question had to last ten seconds in the ring with Zeel who suppressed his parameters to a normal human's.

"Nice job, Ord," Zeel complimented the big fella in front of him.

Ord was a regular member of the gym and was always the first in line to fight Zeel. Ord always lasted more than seconds so many people were envious.

Ord nodded at Zeel a bit impatient. Ord came to fight Zeel so he could ask business questions, but he also enjoyed the training.

Ord did not like to take up too much of Zeel's time because the lines outside the gym would increase every day.

"Zeel, do you think I should invest in the entertainment business? Can I make things better for my family?" Ord asked a bit desperate.

His family had been experiencing a tough time recently, it was only thanks to Zeel's advice that he had been able to keep his head above water.

Ord knew the type of person Zeel was, so every time Ord asked a question he always made sure to ask it in a way that considered the wellbeing of his family.

Ord once saw a man ask Zeel how to get rich fast, Zeel gave him a time and location. That guy became rich overnight but died two weeks later from stealing drugs.

Zeel giggled "Nice way to ask the question. You would make things better for your family if you invest in the entertainment business.

You will probably become rich, but better is a subjective word,"

Zeel could see the moments that defined a person, and from those moments it was easy for the nanites to run immediate possibilities about the person's psyche, quirks, lifestyle, and multiple other aspects of their lives.

"I don't understand," Ord said.

"Only one question Ord," Zeel said waving Ord away, but he paused instead and gave another piece of advice "Farming is good on the land your grandfather left.

Sell the land and you get a considerable amount of money. Being rich is not better, it is falling deeper into slavery,"

Zeel did not need to say anymore, Ord exited the side door like he always would after their sessions.

Terry sent the next person inside, Zeel fought against her, and then he answered a question since she lasted more than ten seconds.

This process had been repeated countless times over the past three weeks. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-229---lara-croft_52493967371065059">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-229---lara-croft_52493967371065059</a> for visiting.

Terry waved in the next person and repeated the action until only one person remained.

The guy walked into the gym with his girlfriend on his arm, Zeel smiled bitterly at seeing this. Zeel could already tell how this situation would end.

Zeel decided to conduct his charity case of the day and answer the guy's questions.

"She cheated on you but she loves you," Zeel whispered "Kill her, push her down the garbage shoot by two in the morning.

The garbage will be dumped at a different location tomorrow – the person on duty has to check on his weed plantation some ways out of London.

Never let a woman disrespect you, I killed any of the women who even thought to betray me in the past but now I am a married man,"

The guy said nothing and silently walked out with his girlfriend. His decision was already made up before he even entered the gym.

"What wrong with that guy?" Terry asked closing the windows, ready to close down now that it was evening.

"He wants to kill his girlfriend but only needed a reason,"

"What the heck? Should we call the cops?"

"Nope! That girl loves him a bit too much. She did not cheat but she killed his daughter a couple of years ago," Zeel said "Killing her would be justice for his dead daughter,"

Terry said nothing else but stared at Zeel weirdly "Finish closing up, and remember not to break anything,"

Zeel nodded, watching Terry leave before he slumped to the ground a bit tired mentally.

The Red Queen had managed to narrow down the location of the entrance to the Prime Universe to three.

However, she could narrow it down any more without eliminating a possible answer.

While slumping in the ring, Zeel heard the door open and shook his head slightly.

"You are twenty minutes later than usual," Zeel said.

"I had a delivery to make and I don't like to come when people are still here," the girl answered, brushing her black ponytail hair aside.

"You know; you are the only person who has not asked me a question even though you last more than ten seconds?"

"There is nothing I want to know," the girl answered putting on the gear outside the ring.

"Or maybe you are afraid to find out the answer, Lara," Zeel said knowingly.

More people started to come to the gym, Terry bumped up the price and now Lara could only sneak it after hours since she was not able to afford it anymore.

She had to deliver food around London for the entire day just to pay Zeel enough for after-hours training.

Luckily, Zeel would only usually ask for a meal and nothing beyond her non-existent budget.

"If you spent as much time fighting as you did psycho-analyzing people, I wouldn't make it to ten seconds," Lara answered but noticing Zeel was slightly out of it today, she asked, "What happen to your usually dapper mood?"

"Why do I usually have a cheeky attitude?"

"No! But you give out an air of superiority like everyone is below you," Lara answered jumping in her location to warm up for the upcoming battle.

Zeel put his gear back on and said "Okay, after this fight you will have to treat me to a meal outside.

I don't get out much anymore. And you also have to ask a question for me to answer. I can't see what people don't want me to see, and you are a closed-off book,"

"Doesn't that make it more interesting?" Lara asked and joked "A girl likes to be chased after all. The mystery of it all. Who is Lara Croft?"

Zeel smiled slightly "I think I know who you are more than you know who you are. And there is no chasing or mystery. My wives trump all girls on this planet so I don't feel attracted to couriers,"

Lara did not mind Zeel's comment, instead, she shot back with a remark of her own.

"If you hurt my pride anymore, I will have to hang myself like most of the young couples you say cheated on each other," Lara snarled.

Zeel no longer continued to banter, raising his hands in a ready position. Lara did not even have a chance to react before she found herself on the ground.

The world was spinning but she still saw Zeel standing over her with ruby-red eyes that glowed with slits inside.

"F.u.c.k!" Lara muttered before passing out.

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