Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 243 - 232 - Best Daughters In The Multiverse

Lara pulled Zeel into his embrace as he kissed her neck more intensely.

Every moment was ecstasy for Lara, it felt unnatural and her body was responding positively – too positively judging by the wetness of her Garden.

It was like for the first time in her life, Lara could genuinely feel the touch of another person and the feeling was potent enough to make someone forget themselves.

Zeel's kisses were not simply kissing her skin, they were kissing everything she was.

Lara felt like she was being c.a.r.e.s.sed by her existence and not just her physical being.

Zeel picked up Lara as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Lara coiled around him like a snake, attacking his neck with kisses of her own.

Soon their lips met and a fierce tongue war erupted: liking, biting, tasting, savoring, saliva swapping.

Nothing was off-limits, but nothing was too invasive either. Lara wanted to remove Zeel's shirt, but she found it slither through her fingers as if it had dissolved on its own.

However, her own towel was not so convenient as Zeel ripped it in half instead of simply loosening it.

In her n.a.k.e.d glory, Lara wrapped her arms around Zeel's neck and leaned back as he feasted on her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Both erect got the attention they deserved and then some.

The red marks all over her b.r.e.a.s.t made Lara even more excited, but the excitement soon faded.

She felt a rod touching her back and soon realized what it was.

Glancing back, Lara almost broke out of her enchanted feeling witnessing the mere length and girth of the beast she would have to conquer.

"Zeel, I don't think… I … can… take it," Lara whispered through gasping breaths.

"Don't worry, I believe in you, even if you don't," Zeel whispered back kissing her neck in reassurance.

Zeel carried Lara to the bedroom while indulging in her b.r.e.a.s.t, and Laura noticed that he still did not hit anything while moving.

It seemed that he was a good multitasker. Lara forced her body weight to one side and spun Zeel around, landing onto the bed on top of him.

Lara wanted to show that she was not a woman at the whim of a carnivorous man.

Lara slowly raised her bottom a fair distance into the air. She had to stretch that high just to hold Zeel's rod and direct it at her snatch.

Then she lowered herself gently but even then, the pain was too much.

She bit into Zeel's c.h.e.s.t as she tried to force herself lower, Zeel could feel something inside Lara tear but paid it no mind.

Lara penetrated Zeel's skin, drinking his blood accidentally because of the painful process.

Still, the sweet blood in her mouth helped alleviate the pain somewhat.

Lara had been feeling this overwhelming sense of fullness since Zeel started c.a.r.e.s.sing her body, but now it was threatening to overload her.

Finally accommodating half of Zeel within, Lara bounced, rode, bit, and rotated like she was someone else.

The feeling Zeel gave her was just that strong, inhibitions gone, doing things she would never think to do before.

Zeel was careful not to move so he would not hurt Lara, but soon that was also forgotten.

Zeel spun Lara and drilled her from behind intensely causing Lara to squeal in pain.

Lara was having a completely different reaction due to Zeel's sudden frenzied state.

What was ecstasy a moment ago felt like it was rupturing her insides.

Lara could feel her bones creaking under Zeel's grip.

"Zeel, stop!" Lara pleaded "You're hurting me,"

Zeel's eyes had already become slits, and his ramming did not stop.

Lara felt her hand slightly fracture and wanted to squeal in pain but she felt too dominated at the moment. Like she had to submit no matter what.

Soon, Zeel erupted inside her and Lara could feel her body strengthening; her stressed bones no longer aching.

However, in the midst of s.e.x that had just gone from pain to ecstasy once more, Lara's pupils turned slightly longer as she started biting into Zeel's flesh with gusto.

Lara was conscious of her actions but also felt like it needed to be done anyway.

Her garden accommodating Zeel's staff with each stroke, threatening to consume what penetrated her.

Lara's body shook as white cream was discharged onto Zeel's staff.

It was until then, Lara realized that Zeel did not wear any protection but she just ignored it, lost to the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and pain unique mixture.

By the time Zeel had shot his fourth load into her, Lara realized this was her current limit, already snuggling into Zeel's c.h.e.s.t, out cold.

Five hours was pretty impressive for Lara, but Zeel was still a bit unsatisfied.

Compared to Alice and Elizabeth, Lara was only a physical affair.

Alice and Elizabeth made love to him with their souls, but Lara could only love him with her body so it was a bit underwhelming but it aided in the relief of stress no less.

Zeel left his staff inside her snatch and adjusted Lara to his c.h.e.s.t, where she snuggled to find a comfortable position.

Zeel flashed the thought to run away for a moment, but he could not bear to give up the meal ticket that was Lara.

Still, in her sleepy state, Lara did not forget to bite into Zeel's flesh multiple times as if by instinct.

Zeel had also calmed down to realize what he had done. He was, of course, conscious the entire time but Draconic Energy had also influenced him a fair bit.

Luckily, he sent enough energy into Lara's body to stop the draconic energy from destroying her inside out.

Sadly, he did not know what effects this would have on her body, but it should not be too much since the majority of the energy was used to heal her body and combat the Draconic Energy in her body at the time.

At best, Lara would have blurry memories of certain parts when they were f.u.c.k.i.n.g.

It would be bad if she could remember all the peculiarities involved in their lovemaking.

It was a rule to not let humans be aware of metaphysical matters unless discovered on their own.

Feeling the need to sleep, Zeel snuggled Lara a bit closer and closed his eyes in a half-sleep.

Gods never really slept due to the chances of falling into a slumber, but that was most common amongst Gods that were close to a breakthrough.

Sadly, Zeel fell asleep a bit too quickly to detect the almost non-existent energy signature that carved an Ownerum tattoo into Lara's lower back.

This tattoo was different from Alice's, Elizabeth's, or Aurolana's. This specific tattoo was transparent, weak, and lacked the usual boldness, but it was still there nonetheless.

The following morning, Zeel woke up early to the noise in the bedroom. Lara was still out cold on his c.h.e.s.t, drooling slightly.

Zeel did not mind and carefully eyed the surroundings; he had detected a minor energy signature just as he opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Zeel stared up at the ceiling, only to see two small girls staring down at him curiously.

Ella and Alle watched as their father embraced a woman that was neither Elizabeth, Alice, or their mom.

"What should we do Ella?" Alle asked conflicted.

Ella thought long and hard as Zeel stared at her. Alle was usually the one making decisions so Ella found this task particularly stressful.

"Depends," Ella answered, "Are we good daughters or great daughters?"

Alle considered for a while and answered the obvious "We are great daughters,"

Ella nodded agreeing with Alle's conclusion. Both girls turned to Zeel and inspected every inch of his body not covered by the bedsheets.

Then they inspected Lara carefully, not caring about decorum as their eyes directly penetrated into her body structure.

Ella said "Good daughters would tell their parents,"

Alle also agreed by nodding while looking accusingly at Zeel.

Zeel's heart sank when he heard Ella, he had the urge to scold this ungrateful 'alleged' daughter of his, but the next statement of Ella's brought him great bliss.

"But we are great daughters so we should clean up all evidence of this mess and help father," Ella concluded puffing her c.h.e.s.t out to show that she was proud of the first decision she made.

Alle clapped in an excited manner "See, you do have a gift for deciding things,"

Ella agreed, internally pleased at her sister's recognition of her talent.

Ella and Alle immediately got to work, cleaning up Lara's apartment until it was better than when Zeel arrived.

Of course, Zeel would shamelessly take credit for this achievement but he was never so proud to have daughters in his life.

There were no longer 'alleged' daughters, Zeel had fully committed himself to becoming their father, even if he had to adopt them in the future.

Any daughters that would help their dad cheat without selling him out, was a daughter of Zeel's. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-232---best-daughters-in-the-multiverse_52570928621609764">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-232---best-daughters-in-the-multiverse_52570928621609764</a> for visiting.

When both girls disappeared from the apartment, Zeel quickly also nodded in satisfaction at their jobs.

Lara was also beginning to move and Zeel knew what happened next would not be an easy conversation.

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