Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 245 - 234 - The Laws Of The World (Restrictions)

Arriving at the hospital, Zeel could smell the scent of death lingering around the enormous building.

"Are you sure this is not a Morgue?" Zeel asked Lara confused.

Lara just rolled her eyes as Zeel carried her inside the hospital. She was too tired to fight or argue with Zeel at this moment.

Lara was a bit emotional at first, but now she realized that Zeel just did not understand human connections that well.

She could tell because he wanted to avoid her not because of their i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e the previous night, but because he was not sure what to do in a relationship.

Zeel ran up the stairs and directly into a room that was unoccupied. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-234---the-laws-of-the-world-(restrictions)_52608538828142977">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-234---the-laws-of-the-world-(restrictions)_52608538828142977</a> for visiting.

Lara had not been experiencing pains so she failed to notice but Zeel could quantify the amount of blood she had lost so far.

Healing Lara was not an option right now since it would cause the wounds to heal around the glass fragments.

Zeel's body knew to reject foreign substances before healing, but human bodies could not perform the same distinction.

At least nothing indicated that by Zeel's experience with the human bodies outside of Universe Zero.

Laying the woozy Lara on the hospital bed, Zeel directly stomped on the wall of the room causing the thin wall to cave in.

Everyone stood shocked in the hospital that was just previously bustling with movement.

Zeel did not care and directly grabbed a man in a coat through the wall and knelt him down in front of Lara's bed.

"She has glass embedded in her legs and feet. Fix her!" Zeel sternly said to the doctor.

The Doctor was still a bit disoriented by the experience of being pulled through a wall but worked on instinct still.

The nearby Security had begun to make their way towards Zeel but he simply gazed at them causing them to back away slowly.

More Doctors strolled into the room, Zeel just stood aside watching their every action.

Making sure that nobody raised the sheet more than was necessary to try and peek and what they had no business seeing.

"This is weird," A doctor pointed out.

"What's weird?" Zeel asked.

"The plasticity of her epidermal layer is adapting to the bleeding. It's almost as if she is healing a bit too quickly," The Doctor pointed out.

Zeel stared at Lara's legs for a moment "No, she is not healing. Her body is being molded to adapt to injury. Basically, her skin is becoming softer but denser,"

The Doctor did not reply and continued to work on the removal of glass from Lara's skin.

The operation took a couple of hours, but Zeel was in no hurry to be anywhere, anytime soon.

He only needed to make sure that Ella and Alle kept their mouths shut about what he had done.

They were 'great' daughters but even the best of criminals had snitched on someone before.

Zeel planned to bribe them with something only a Homo-Superior could offer.

"Ugh…." Lara stirred awake, massaging her aching head "How long was I out?"

"Couple of hours," Zeel replied from the side startling Lara.

"Ugh, Zeel it's just you?" Lara asked confused stretching her right hand out to Zeel, hoping to provide herself some comfort.

Zeel hesitated briefly and took Lara's hand with great reluctance.

After Zeel took her hand, Lara stared up at the ceiling with satisfaction on her face.

"I remembered some stuff about last night," Lara mused "Your clothing slipped right through my fingers when we started kissing. It must be expensive silk, that means you can't be that poor,"

Zeel laughed internally and followed along with Lara's hypothesis.

"Something like that. I am rich in many things, money is not one of them at the moment,

"I think your family is dead that's why you make up lies to not accept reality," Lara guessed still staring up at the ceiling.

Zeel shrugged "People around me always die. I kill them, so that guess is not too far off,"

Lara was feeling extremely energized at the moment, but soon she found herself feeling extremely tired.

Lara's skin had already developed a unique plasticity that could stop knives thrust without enough force, Zeel did not want to cause any further mutations.

Lara yawned snuggling up to Zeel's hand "It is not your fault Zeel, nobody dies because of you,"

After Lara fell asleep, Zeel removed his hand from her embrace and kissed her forehead.

"They don't die because of me; they die due to their own inadequacies. I just kill them," Zeel whispered into Lara's ears, exiting the room while nursing the headache that had now become a booming thunder in his mindscape.

Arriving at the hospital door, Zeel could see several police cars gathered outside but he did not care.

The world around Zeel suddenly slowed down, he had entered an entirely different time zone. Zeel continued walking normally, but everything else moved in an extremely slow manner.

Birds were flapping their wings at one flap every thirty seconds. Cars were crawling by, the wheels revolved at visible speeds on the road.

Zeel stepped in a pothole and watched as the water splashed for a moment before returning to a frozen slow-motion state in the air.

Time Zones were different from increasing speed.

Zeel's ability to enter different time zones meant that he was living faster than everyone else, not moving at super speeds that made everyone look slower in comparison.

In a sense, Zeel was experiencing time differently from everyone else, he was experiencing time free from gravitational influences that would normally distort time.

Zeel passed by a shop and grabbed a biscuit off the stall and directly began eating the biscuit.

The Laws of Physics still applied to Zeel in this state, and he could choose to apply similar laws to anything he touched.

However, doing so would cause a severe burden on Zeel's body based on the size of the object.

Living in a different Time Zone was taxing not only on the body but also the mind.

Elizabeth could not take the distortion of her world view when living in a different time zone, so Zeel doubted that a normal human could accept it as well.

Elizabeth had experienced Zeel's senses once and understood why Homo-Superiors, and most other advanced civilization, suppressed their senses entirely.

With advanced senses in a different Time Zone, you would see a completely different world.

The air felt heavier, smoke would feel slightly colder due to reverse entropy.

You would be able to see the flapping of people's faces as they talked and it was a disgusting sight to see.

Suddenly, everything that was once beautiful had become ugly, and that made Elizabeth reject Zeel's Time Zone ability.

Zeel passed by a couple of guys fighting in an alley.

He observed for a while and decided to tap the cheeks of a guy who had just been punched in the jaw.

Of course, his tap was in the opposite direction of the punch.

Soon, transparent lightning started flickering around Zeel's body. This was a signal that he was nearing the limits of his Time Zone ability.

Zeel walked a couple of feet away and stepped into regular time.


Zeel heard the cracking of a skull and simply smiled a bit.

Two forces countering each other simultaneously was bound to cause some sort of internal damage to the guy being punched.

Zeel was not afraid of the restrictions at this time since he was already a bit disoriented from the headaches plaguing him.

Zeel walked back to the gym, but by the time he entered the gym, Zeel just fell down directly onto the ground.

Yellow-golden lightning began flickering across his body, the headaches exploded like nuclear bombs inside his mindscape.

It was a simultaneous physical and mental attack.

The Laws of The World would always come to collect its dues, and recently Zeel had managed to sleep with a human, injure her, steal a car, destroy facilities, force a doctor, avoid the police, steal a biscuit, and caused a random guy brain damage.

All of this leading to the current pain he was experiencing. Every time Zeel dared to break the restrictions, his punishment was dealt swiftly and efficiently.

This was also the reason Zeel had become especially careful with his actions – even going so far as to sleep in the park instead of cryptocurrency to buy a home.

However, as always, a woman would enter the story and mess up his plans.

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