Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 252 - 241 - The Ugly Past

Zeel was driven to the Police Station and thrown into a cell that held several criminals.

Ironically, despite all the murders he had committed in his lifetime, it was the first time Zeel had received any punishment.

And that was because he did not kill Bruce and the Officers in the end.

Technically, he was being punished for the first murder he did not commit. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-241---the-ugly-past_52814175436587118">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-241---the-ugly-past_52814175436587118</a> for visiting.

Zeel spent the night sleeping on the cold concrete. There were benches in the cell, but they were occupied by other prisoners.

Zeel would have normally demanded the best, but the constant headaches urged him against causing another scene.

Also, sleeping on a park bench had long since prepared him for sleeping on the floor.

Still, even if you leave the world alone, the world will not necessarily leave you alone.

A little after midnight, a couple of the men approached Zeel while loosening their belt buckles.

It was obvious that Zeel's attractive appearance had incited a l.u.s.tful atmosphere inside the men.

"When I was younger, I was kidnapped and thrown into a training camp. It was death every day, struggle every other day, and murder every other-other day.

I was confident in my abilities, but there is always a mountain beyond a mountain.

During the second year, my team was ambushed and lost a battle. We were the 58th Strongest group at the camp, so there was bound to be those that could kill us easily…

After we lost, the women in our group were dragged aside while we laid there helpless.

Still, my soulmate was one of them, so we could not allow the situation to stand.

We used one of the team trump cards, we asked my teacher for help. His name was Kar'Zal, but he was a man of equal exchange.

My teacher intervened and took the women away, leaving the boys behind. We were abused and r.a.p.ed by several different species of the Races.

I watched my teammates cry tears of blood, but I only felt pain and nothing else. I was emotionally dead. That was not the last time we got r.a.p.ed either.

When you are weaker than someone, you have no rights. We lost all our dignity, even the girls in our team would come and cry with us. Well… with the other guys, I didn't cry.

I once asked my teacher 'Why do you always take the girls and leave the boys behind to suffer?'

He said 'One day, you will thank me for doing this. You will thank me for learning this lesson. There should be no excuse for a man to let his women suffer.

The home should always be secure before venturing outside. Sometimes you have to just sit down and take it until you can retaliate,'…"

Zeel slowly stood up as he finished the story, his eyes glowed red with slits inside, clearly showing that this memory resurfacing at this time was getting on his nerves.

"The following year, my teammates and I managed to slit the throats of everyone who violated us. We killed them, but only after raping their women in front of them.

Then we buried the memories deep in our hearts, vowing never to speak of it again. I didn't get it at that time, but now I do.

The moment I think back to that memory; I feel the experience crawling beneath my skin.

I can feel the humiliation that comes with being violated, the pain, the feeling of insecurity. But I can't understand the feelings outside of myself.

I can do the same to someone and not feel sympathetic about it.

I can kill and witness people die wrongly and not feel anything. Yet, the things that haunt me the most are the things in my own mind.

Every day it is in my mind, driving me crazy. I cannot forget and I don't want to forget anymore.

But… the question you should ask yourself is: How long do you think it would take me to slit your throats after your pants fall?"

The prisoners paused and hesitated, something about Zeel's eyes warned them of impending doom should they stay their course.

To the group of men, Zeel looked like someone who had many screws loose. The entire atmosphere surrounding Zeel just screamed danger to all of them.

However, one prisoner was willing to defy the odds. It would always take one rotten banana to condemn the bunch of bad bananas.

One Prisoner dropped his pants to the ground, a clear indication that he would see this through until the end.

It was not every day that you would get the opportunity to f.u.c.k such a beautiful Albino man (Zeel).

The moment his pants fell, transparent lightning flashed across the cell and disappeared instantaneously.

Only silence remained, all the prisoners clutching their severed throats gaping for breaths without ever making a sound.

Their bodies did not have time to realize that it had died, the blood still not leaking from their crushed throats.

Zeel could feel the reversion back to his old self, it was almost as if Alice and Elizabeth had been suppressing a fundamental part of his nature.

Seeing the mess that would come from this situation, Zeel's Mbeamer flashed as The Abyssal Bead materialized from his storage Dimension.

Soon, all the bodies that were about to fall to the ground, dissolved into black ash that was absorbed by the Abyssal Bead.

Not a single drop of blood remained, the jail cell even felt slighter cleaner, the air was much more refreshing.

The Abyssal Bead has probably grown in strength since he absorbed the Akasha boy related to Indis.

Zeel observed his surroundings and noticed a dark-skinned teenager trembling at the back of the cell.

Usually, Zeel would leave no witnesses, but this kid was just here by mere coincidence, or unfairness of the world to be more specific.

Zeel thought for a moment and selected the right words to say.

"You don't have to worry. By the year 2260, humans will realize that racism is a nonsensical concept,"

Zeel could hear the teenager murmuring to himself.

"Street Rules: I didn't see anything so there is nothing to snitch about,"

Zeel nodded approvingly at the teenager's wits, even if he was not sure what the word 'snitch' meant exactly.

It seemed that an update to the 'slangs' of the younger generation was long overdue.

Zeel laid back onto the floor and closed his eyes as if sleeping.

Before he was so rudely interrupted, he was helping The Red Queen narrow down the location of the entrance to the next Universe.

Currently, there were two possible options, and hopefully, by tomorrow there would be a singular location to check out.

Still, there was no need to rush the process, he needed to talk to Lara about pointing a gun at his head.

Disloyalty could not be allowed amongst his women, even if he did not intend to keep them.

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