Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 257 - 246 - Kelly Meets A Missile

Lara didn't waste a heartbeat and leaped onto 'The Endurance'. Zeel was close behind with a wry smile on his face.

Lara probably didn't notice that several people were currently watching her. She didn't just leap into the boat, she leaped into the boat from nearly ten feet away.

"Lu Ren, Lu Ren!" Lara yelled without much response, but she didn't yield and continued with shouting.

Zeel shook his head, walked to a window on the boat, and directly shattered the glass, pulling Lu Ren outside when retrieving his hand.

"I swear, I don't have any more money," Lu Ren said in a panic.

He thought the debt collectors were here once more. Last time they threatened to take the boat.

"We aren't here for money," Zeel said.

Lu Ren sighed, stood, and dusted his pants off.

"Then if you excuse me, I have a poker game to attend to," he said.

Lara hopped in front of Lu Ren, holding a doc.u.ment for him to inspect "This says that my father bought a boat from you seven years ago,"

Lu Ren inspected the doc.u.ment "That's my dad's name 'Lu Ren'. He disappeared years ago and hasn't been seen since. He owed money to a lot of people so don't get your hopes up,"

Lara followed Lu Ren and continually bugged him to recall whatever information he could about the time his father went missing.

Zeel could see that Lu Ren was also becoming curious about Lara's discoveries.

"We are here," Lu Ren said, clearly indicating that Zeel and Lara should leave.

"What is this place?"

"Poker," Lu Ren answered.

Lara's eyes lit up "If I win a couple of games, will you answer my questions?"

Lu Ren scoffed at Lara's naivety but did not answer immediately.

Zeel was not one to waste time, so he offered Lu Ren what he needed most at the moment.

Zeel reached into his pockets and retrieved two thousand Quid.

Lu Ren's eyes lit up like Christmas trees and no more questions were needed, he told Lara everything she wanted to know.

However, Zeel smiled bitterly the more they talked. Something had come back around to bite him at this moment.

Lara felt the heavy atmosphere and instantly entered an alert mode.

"shì nà jiā huotā dǎ duàn le lú de xià ba,"

The three teenagers from earlier made their appearance with a group of men.

Lara didn't understand what the teenagers were telling the men, but she could more or less guess the contents of the conversation.

Zeel stepped forward slowly "zǎi xì xiǎng xiǎng nǐ jiē xià lái zuò shén me,"

Lara had no idea Zeel could speak Chinese, but she was not comforted.

Knowing Zeel's attitude, she was certain whatever Zeel said was not a negotiation or conflict resolution.

Turns out Lara was right, the next moment several men surrounded both her and Zeel.

Their intention was less than noble judging by the looks on their faces.

Zeel furrowed his brows in annoyance, he was not intending to fight anyone here.

Yet, he couldn't come up with any better ideas than to kill everyone here.

Suddenly, The Mbeamer on his wrist lit up and Zeel nodded his head after a suggestion was given by The Red Queen.

Zeel removed his shirt, showcasing a small dragon tattoo that The Red Queen just materialized onto his skin.

The men that were about to surround Zeel and Lara froze in place, turned around, and left.

Lara was surprised "What was that about? I thought we were dead,"

Zeel shrugged since he wasn't entirely sure as well. It was already a miracle that Lara didn't notice the tattoo on his c.h.e.s.t.

'It's a mafia tattoo that designates the hierarchical structure of the organization,' The Red Queen stated.

'So I am their boss?' Zeel inquired.

'Basically, yes… at least until they check with their real boss,'

While Lara was watching the men leave, Zeel's shirt slithered back onto his body.

Zeel felt weird taking off his shirt which was entirely made of nanites. It was like taking off a layer of skin.

Lara spun around confused a couple more times until she caught sight of her face in the reflection of the ocean.

"Maybe it was my beauty that made them leave us alone?" She murmured.

Zeel shook his head and pulled Lara toward the location of the Helicopter waiting for them.

The trip to the harbor proved useful since Lu Ren aided Lara in deciphering the location her father went missing.

Arriving at the helicopter, Zeel and Lara quickly shook hands with the female pilot and departed Hong Kong.

"So where am I heading?" The Female Pilot asked.

"It's an island called Yamatai. It is located …" Lara couldn't finish her statement.

Lara bumped Zeel's shoulder in frustration, she hated that Zeel was 'all business all the time'.

The flight would not be long or short, so Lara decided to make it count.

"What will we do after we find out what happened to my father?" She asked.

Zeel shrugged "You will forget about me by then,"

Lara smiled wryly at Zeel's answer. He was never one to give her a straight answer; however, unaware to Lara, Zeel had been telling her most of the truth since they met.

Fifteen minutes later, Lara was fast asleep on Zeel's shoulder.

The earlier tense situations had taken a toll on her. The ride thus far was relatively smooth, but soon the wind began to pick up.

"Will this be a problem?" Zeel asked.

"Nope!" Kelly, the pilot, replied "You paid for the best helicopter. This helicopter can fly through a hurricane without much problem,"

"What about missile bombardment?" Zeel asked furrowing his brows.

"Not so well I guess?" Kelly answered unsurely.

"Do you have kids?"

"Yeah, two: a boy and a girl. Christine and Flex," Kelly replied.

"I need their full names," Zeel commanded with a bit of urgency in his voice.

Kelly was uncomfortable with the personal question, but she didn't want to offend such a rich client.

Despite her better judgment, Kelly replied "Our family name is Hank,"

Zeel nodded solemnly "Okay! I will make sure your kids grow up happy, healthy, and wealthy,"

Kelly was just about to argue about Zeel's obviously flirtatious advancements, but she had clearly misread the situation.

The next moment, Zeel jumped into the front seat, grabbed Kelly by the neck as lightning flickered around his hand, then tossed her out of the helicopter.

Kelly's body flew against the winds and rains in a straight line, obviously, Zeel had used tremendous strength to throw her.


Kelly didn't have time to scream, she collided with a missile just a couple of seconds after being tossed outside the helicopter.

The Helicopter shook, and Lara jumped awake in an instant.

She stared out the helicopter at the cloud of fire caused by the explosion.

"What the f.u.c.k happened?" Lara yelled, hoping to be heard sufficiently through the raging winds.

Zeel faked a grimace "The pilot saw that artillery was pointed in our direction, so she grabbed the last parachute and jumped!"

Of course, Zeel was lying but someone as inexperienced as Lara could not tell.

Zeel had detected a missile approaching from miles away, but could not stop it.

The missile was a first-generation Russian missile, meaning it was un-hackable.

Zeel did not hesitate to detonate the missile early using Kelly as a blocker.

After all, he had already transferred a considerable sum of money to the kids, and husband's bank account.

He even had The Red Queen write a program that would put the kids into one of Alice and Elizabeth's many orphanages if the father spiraled out of control.

Zeel was not a wasteful individual, since Alice and Elizabeth had built a safe haven for kids, he would also take advantage of the service they provided. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-246---kelly-meets-a-missile_52909343053511201">#&apos;s-multiverse-of-madness_17146532905633205/chapter-246---kelly-meets-a-missile_52909343053511201</a> for visiting.

After all, Husbands and Wives were supposed to share everything …. Except on his part.

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