Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 276 - 265 - Abas And Aaron

Within a vast expanse of sand, there was a sudden flicker of light that pierced through the void. The light was weak at first, only catching the eyes of a few nearby villages within the desert.

However, soon, the light grew in intensity, frequency, and radiance. There were faint traces of transparent lightning appearing within the flashes of light.

It was as if the light was a precursor of something yet to appear. Which turned out to be exactly the case…

Suddenly, as far as the eyes could see, the light imploded inwards before exploding outwards, covering the entirety of the deserts of Saudi Arabia.

A myriad of colors lit up within the daylight skies of the desert county.

The display could be seen far and wide, everyone within the country could see the phenomena from hundreds of miles away.

The eyes of everyone within the country were concentrated on the multi-colored lights that mysteriously appeared in the skies.

Many believed the lights had similar origins to the Northern Lights, but experts could tell that the lights were far more mysterious and profound than the Northern Lights.

The lights could not be explained by mere science.

The colors intertwining in the skies were far too profound, far too beautiful to be called a simple Northern Light.

It was as if nature itself seemed unnatural before the lights that gathered above the deserts.

Everyone was admiring the phenomena, but as it came, it also went just as fast. All the colors retracted to the origin point within the southern deserts.

Nobody could say exactly what happened, but everyone subconsciously knew that they witnessed something that could be told to their descendants and their descendant's descendants.

Elsewhere, at an isolated location within the desert, the tranquil winds stirred awake as a sandstorm of massive proportions threatened to consume all nearby settlements.

Luckily, the inhabitants of the deserts were s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to supernatural phenomena due to their tribal origins. They subconsciously knew not to get close to the origin point of the lights.

Suddenly, there was a sharp ringing within the desert, causing all nearby animals to scatter due to their s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e hearing.


There was no sound, no blast, there was nothing but the silent whispering of the winds.

A fifteen-meter-deep crater appeared within the desert sands as Zeel crashed into the loose Earth below.

The momentum of his brief encounter with a Telkien still followed him from one universe to the next.

Had Alice or Elizabeth been there, they would have gasped in surprise at his badly beaten state.

Who would have thought that The Crawford's Heir would be beaten into such a bad state by a Telkien?

Half of Zeel's body was missing, while only his head remained somewhat intact.

The situation would have looked even more unpleasant but the nature of his injury was somewhat special.

Zeel did not experience a mere bodily wound, but something far more troublesome.

Zeel had never had such a miserable appearance since his time training on the Nameless Planet. Still, this type of sneak attack was not enough to cause him concern.

Red codes flickering across Zeel's pupils as he became aware of his surroundings.

As soon as his body settled in the crater, the lights disappeared in their entirety.

Then, as if the law of physics applied once more, the sands outside the crater rushed inside to fill the new fifteen-meter depression.

Zeel was half-conscious, attempting to claw his way out of the depression in the ground with his only remaining hand.

There was no shame, no reluctance… there was no expression on his face at this time.

All Zeel knew was the fact that he needed to survive no matter what. The current Zeel was kicking into survival mode.

However, his survival mode had limited options at this time with the state of his body.

The Telkien that attacked him didn't simply damage his body, she directly used 'power' to erase half of his body from existence.

The nanites, the secrets of his body, the genetic structure… everything was erased. Zeel would have to rebuild the next half of his body from scratch.

It was not a simple matter of regeneration, Zeel needed to build his body up atom by atom so it didn't destabilize from the 'power' that forced him into such a state.

Zeel's divinity madly leaked from his body, his nanites struggling to function properly with his life force rapidly draining.

Seeing no other way out of his current predicament, Zeel gritted his teeth and crawled above the sands that threatened to bury him.

Once he made it to the surface, Zeel laid down and closed his eyes. Slowly, his body began to darken as red scales covered the entirety of his body.

Zeel was manipulating the Draconic Energy to form neigh impenetrable scales on his body.

He could manipulate the energy somewhat, but the violent nature of Draconic Energy would attempt to forcefully mutate his body.

Zeel realized that sooner or later he would have to get rid of The Draconic Energy, but it was still useful right now.

Zeel allowed his Draconic Energy to make up for the deficit in his recovery ability. Still, he could not afford such violent energy to remain active in his weakened state.

The moment the scales covered his entire body, Zeel forced the Hybrid Rune for 'seal' to materialize on his back.

With that, his divine energy was contained within his body, and began to fiercely battle with the draconic energy.

A Great-Slumber was the sleep taken by Gods to recharge or grow their divinities.

The important thing was during sleep, The Laws of The World would protect the weaker Gods.

With his body severely injured, Zeel forced himself into a sleep to gain further protection from The laws.

After all, you could never be too careful, especially if you were as well-hated as Zeel Crawford.

During his time in the tomb, his draconic energy had absorbed the power of faith from the prayers of the dead warriors.

Such faith energy would be a suitable tonic to strengthen his weakened divinities.

Zeel concentrated all the energy he received from the tomb into his c.h.e.s.t and then circulated his divine energy at the same location.

The sudden boost to his divine energy suppressed The Draconic Energy.

Slowly, the red scales surrounding his body began to dissolve, and what replaced it was a crystal lattice structure the likes of which no Universe has ever seen.

Basically, a thick crystal layer like a diamond, covered Zeel's body.

Zeel fell into a Great-Slumber as his body was encased in crystal. This was the only method that could both preserve his Divine Energy and heal his body simultaneously.

Two Hours Later

Two men dashed through the desert like fish in the water. These two men were obviously experienced exploring the deserts of Saudi Arabia.

"Assaraes ore shiya hanak [Hurry up! I see something over there]," The man in front yelled in a panic since he was sure that they were not the only people hoping to discover the source of the light.

"Abassel rabama la yanbaghi lina an nati elly hanna. yamken an nakib minn qabel al-alhah [Abbas, maybe we should not come here. We can be punished by the Gods]," The second man complained.

Everyone witnessed the lights in the skies, but not everyone knew the origin of such a light.

Abbas and Aaron were from the nearby village and clearly saw the entire situation from beginning to end.

They were orphans who lost their parents in one of the many raids that would assault their village daily. However, they had completely different perspectives of the world.

Where Aaron saw trouble, Abbas saw an opportunity to move up in the world.

"Arune nahin la ntzerf dad irada al-alhah. welas lamada yaterkon lina methel huthe al-hadia [Aaron, we are not acting against the will of the Gods. Otherwise, why would they leave us such a gift?]" Abbas asked with expectation twinkling in his eyes.

Below the hill, they saw the faint silhouette of something humanoid covered in a huge chunk of diamond.

The crystal diamond seemed to change color constantly within the sunlight.

Whether Abbas and Aaron encountered disaster or fortune was yet to be seen.

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