Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 282 - 271 - Trying To Be Nice

"Sorry, I was not speaking the English of this universe just now," Zeel said, but the uneasy look on Ameera's face didn't lessen one bit.

Ameera looked like a rabbit that was ready to dart away at any given opportunity. With the realization of what she had done last night, Ameera's mind had already decided to run first and think about everything later.

Maybe, she could even get someone to come up and subdue Zeel until she found a way to explain her involvement with the strange Being of Silver hair and slitted eyes.

Feeling the energy growing inside the woman's body, Zeel had an internal struggle about whether to help her or not.

He was innately a good or bad person; it was just that ruthlessness always got the job done. In the past, he could destroy two planets and the other five planets would still fight the Homo-Superior Race.

So Zeel had to think of a way to preserve as many resources as possible.

He no longer destroyed planets, he tortured the inhabitants to the point of insanity, and the remaining planets would lose their will to fight.

But ever since meeting Alice, he had become somewhat averse to such tactics. He was slightly concerned about how the girls would view him should they know his ill.u.s.trious past.

Still, it was better to play the part of a 'decent' person.

Zeel stared at the woman in front of him, he could tell the woman was a selfish person because her body instinctively rejected the release of the energy it had acc.u.mulated during s.e.x.

Even Lara's body, with its unique absorption capabilities, released the excessive energy within her body without Zeel's need to ask.

The moment he fulfilled his inside her, the energy he released became Ameera's and not his.

The body would usually willingly give back the energy but Ameera's body did the exact opposite – keeping the energy at risk of her health.

Zeel extended his hand as if to coax a frightened animal, trying to look as amiable as possible. Still, the woman did not seem to treasure her own life since she refused to come to him.

Zeel furrowed his brows and decided a more detailed explanation was owed to his onetime bed-companion.

"Come to me or you will die!" Zeel said with his voice oozing authority

However, to Ameera's ears, Zeel's warning was a threat from an evil man to an innocent woman.

Zeel stared confusingly at the woman in front of him. He had witnessed the moments that made up the journey of her life, and she didn't seem to be someone suicidal.

He decided to give further explanation since she was probably not aware of the dire situation she was currently in.

"I am a God… Gods and Humans don't mix. It is usually forbidden, especially if we don't suppress our power," Zeel explained calmly while rising from the bed as his nanites covered his body in Arabian-style clothing.

She was genuinely scared for her life at the moment. Something about Zeel just screamed danger to her senses. Ameera wanted to run, she felt as if she could run a couple of miles and never feel tired.

Suddenly, the world froze around Zeel as he walked slowly in front of Ameera. Once he was in front of her, the world resumed its speed once more.

Before Ameera could react, Zeel was already holding onto her hands, but the frown did not leave his brows.

'This is a stubborn woman!' Zeel thought internally.

"You have to willingly give the energy back to me," Zeel said, rolling his eyes and finding a newfound appreciation for Lara's instinctive obedience.

Zeel would have liked to yank his energy directly out of the woman, but The Restrictions were not exactly in his favor right now.

While he no longer felt physically restrained, Zeel did not want to take any risk that could call down Heavenly Lightning since he needed to be in top shape for the duration of his time in this Universe.

After all, he was going to face his biggest opponent yet. Well, he was truly here to make sure that Seth died.

Zeel slowly began absorbing his divine-energy that remained inside Ameera's body.

It was already a miracle that the woman was still alive.

However, the more he tried to retrieve his energy, the more Ameera created trouble for him by refusing to give it up.

Seeing that Zeel held onto her hands, Ameera pushed him away with all her strength. She felt as if she would lose something precious if she allowed him to hold her hands once more.

Though she didn't want to admit it, Ameera felt more powerful than she had felt in a very long time. She correctly surmised that Zeel wanted to take the power back, and she couldn't allow that to happen.

"Stay the f.u.c.k away from me!" She yelled with all her might, hoping that someone would hear and come to her rescue.

Zeel was never a patient person, especially not for a woman that just benefitted greatly from s.e.x with him. In Zeel's mind, Ameera was biting off more than she could chew.

This woman was a greedy person by nature since her body didn't release the energy even when it knew that such a potent level of energy was suicidal.

"Will you give it back?" Zeel asked straightforwardly.

Ameera shook her head while trembling. She didn't know what there was to give back exactly, but she liked the feeling of being powerful.

He was merely trying to be a good person like Alice and Elizabeth always wanted him to be. But if his kind intentions were not appreciated then he could care less.

Zeel walked back to the bed and observed Ameera with a stupefied gaze. Zeel realized that no matter how much he tried, he could never really understand humans.

Seeing Zeel's strange gaze, Ameera felt that something was amiss but she came to the realization a bit too late.


There was no warning, Ameera simply turned into blood mist in an instant. One moment she was trembling scared, and the next moment there was only red smoke dissipating into the air.

Zeel sighed as he rose from the bed once more.

"I told her she would die if I didn't retrieve the energy," he murmured disappointingly.

Still, he knew that Ameera's plight was partially his fault since he was too used to sleeping with Lara. Unlike Ameera, Lara's body was compatible with both his Divine-Energy and Draconic Energy.

Usually, A mortal and A God could not have s.e.x for this exact reason. Gods, during the excitement of s.e.x, would leak their divinities into the mortal, and the outcome would always be an 'explosion' of sorts.

Why throw away a major aspect of the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e just to satisfy a human?

Zeel closed his eyes as his nanites connected to the entirety of the Due to the restrictions, he wouldn't be able to overtake the building but at least he could take a peek to understand the weaknesses in the security systems.

Knowing that staying inside the room of the now-dead princess was a bad idea, Zeel decided the best way to exist was to exploit his physique.

Even though he had a divine body, Zeel had not really used his physical capabilities as much. There was no need to, Homo-Superiors rarely used their physical capabilities.

However, in his three-year slumber, Zeel had gained insight into how he could grow his divinities in the future.

He didn't only need to master his Divine-Energy, but also his Divine Body.

Zeel sunk to his knees and ran towards the glass that separated the condo from a painful fall of 300 ft.

Zeel's body passed through the glass with a warp, not damaging the glass window at all. As far as investigations would later find, nobody was in the room aside from Ameera.

Still, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the crystal-diamond was missing, but Zeel did not care.

It would be much easier to suspect other countries like China and America.

Through the window, Zeel enjoyed the sensation of the fall while maneuvering his body to dive to an area of sparse population.

Zeel shifted his body to make sure he landed feet first. Zeel did not activate his divinities and simply stuck the landing using only his body.


The ground beneath his feet shattered at the force of which he impacted the ground.

Now on the ground, Zeel stared up at the top floor of the and was somewhat disappointed with the height.

At this point, terminal velocity meant nothing to him, but the concept of falling still caused his legs to hurt slightly.

This confirmed one of Zeel's suspicions about falling.

Zeel found it strange that Supernatural Beings were scared of falling from great heights. This should not have affected them because their bodies could move faster than the speed of sound.

Now, he knew that as long as a Supernatural Being could not fly, they would likely die from a fall from an excessive height.

This was because Supernatural Beings were not only subjected to the physical exertions of falling from great heights, they were also subjected to the concept of falling itself.

The concept of falling meant that if you could not fly, and you fell from a very high place, then it didn't matter how strong you were, you would still die like anyone else.

'Maybe, I can use this to be an advantage later on,' Zeel mused internally.

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