Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 293 - 282 - The First Strum

In a yellow void, a woman sat with a zither in her hands. The yellow of this void was not a pleasant yellow, but the type of yellow that could be seen from rusting metalloids.

Still, the beauty of the woman stole all focus away from the less than pleasant environment in which she dwelled.

The race of the woman was indeterminable, but everything around her seemed to be in a constant state of spinning. Like reality, itself would spin just to satisfy her smallest of whims.

Yet, the woman didn't look pleased at all. She looked upon everything around her disdainfully but also a bit helplessly.

Suddenly, a small smile graced her face and a soothing voice echoed throughout the void. The voice was almost as lovely as the songs of angels but infinitely colder.

"Three Strums…

Three precious things lost…

What is the cost?

What is the cost?"

The woman snapped her head to the right as if peering through the infinite expanse of one Universe into another and then another until she laid her eyes on an entire section of the Multiverse.

"The first strum – The strum of Deceit and Revenge," The woman said as her eyes flashed with blinding golden radiance.

The strings of her zither sent golden energy propagating outwards, and into the Multiversal currents.

The golden radiance turned fainter and fainter the further along the Multiversal Currents it drifted, but the energy still traveled through many Universes – known and unknown.


Alice and Elizabeth were currently in a room that held various runic carvings on the wall. The runes were a complex network that would ensure the continuation of their legacy even after they left the current Universe.

Alice and Elizabeth were still in the Tomb Raider Universe, unaware of Zeel's departure to the next Universe.

They had not seen Zeel in six years, but as Gods, they perceived time differently from others. To Alice and Elizabeth, they hadn't seen Zeel in probably a couple of months at most.

The room in which they stood ensured that whoever inherited their many orphanages across the world would continue where they left off.

Of course, Alice and Elizabeth already knew who would inherit their care for the many children around the world – their adoptive daughter Zil.

"You can feel it right?" Elizabeth asked with excitement lacing her tone.

Alice nodded but not as excited "We are going to leave soon,"

"Yes!" Elizabeth squealed happily.

Both Elizabeth and Alice could vaguely feel that their time in the 'Tomb Raider' Universe was coming to an end.

Still, they couldn't leave without certain assurances.

And who better to take up the responsibility than their adoptive daughter Zil?

Though admittedly, Zil felt less than stellar about inheriting the responsibilities.

She stood silently at the corner of the room with Alle and Ella. Honestly, Zil wanted nothing more than to venture with her family, but Ella and Alle had convinced her of the dangers it posed.

Zil did not fear danger, but Alle and Ella specifically told her that she would die at the hands of their father.

Fact of the matter was that Zil was too weak, and Zeel hated weak people.

"So you're leaving?" The downtrodden teenage Zil asked her sisters.

Ella and Alle had m.a.t.u.r.ed a fair bit but still chose to keep their childish forms.

"Yeah, we can feel it, and it's dangerous," Alle answered, with Ella nodding her head solemnly.

Sadly, her hope would never come to fruition as a beam of light shot through the ceiling of the room.

Inside the red light, the small figure of a girl could be seen sleeping. Alice and Elizabeth's faces instantly paled, and with a flash of rainbow lights, Elizabeth had already caught the sleeping Red Queen.

Feeling a Mbeamer so close, codes began flickered across The Red Queen's eyes as her body merged into Elizabeth's Mbeamer.

"Astrogate Processes Online. Optimal Sequences Initiated. Code ID 23-45-Al-El-J6. Verification confirmed… Alice and Elizabeth Crawford found!" The Red Queen said as the last of her red light faded into Elizabeth's Mbeamer.

Feeling the tension building in the room, Zil didn't even bother to ask about what just happened.

While she knew that her mothers were special due to their abilities, she could not phantom how much until now.

"What happened?" Alice asked, her nanites becoming active once more as a series of memories were uploaded into her mind.

Still, major parts of the memories were blanked out, as if being obscured for some reason. This was not like Zeel, he always kept things as transparent as possible in emergency situations.

Elizabeth felt a similar sensation as the once-dormant nanites in her body went active. Before either she or Alice could marvel at the feeling of being whole once more, a faint voice could be heard.

"Help Zeel! Help Zeel! Help Zeel!" The Red Queen said faintly.

Alice and Elizabeth suddenly turned rigid at The Red Queen's implications. Alice noted The Red Queen sounded strange but paid it no attention.

Zeel was injured and it was something serious if he sent The Red Queen back with blacked-out memories.

Alice and Elizabeth were not anxious though, since they knew exactly where they would find answers. Amongst the vague memories uploaded into their minds was the image of a woman – Lara Croft.

Alle and Ella turned into Sword Rings and flew into Elizabeth's hands.

Alice and Elizabeth turned to their sad daughter Zil and felt guilty for leaving her behind. But they knew she didn't have what it took to survive the menace known as Zeel, their husband.

Alice and Elizabeth weren't even sure if they would survive considering that big battle ten years ago.

"Everything belongs to you now," Alice whispered, walking over and hugging her adoptive daughter for the last time.

Elizabeth joined Alice, hugging and kissing her adoptive daughter as well. Before Zil could even speak, The Sword Rings in Elizabeth's hands turned crystal clear like water.

The next moment, Alice and Elizabeth rippled and they were gone from the room. Seeing her mothers and sisters gone, Zil slammed her fist into the ground in anger.

Even if Zil wasn't as amazing as Ella and Alle, she was still the daughter of Alice and Elizabeth, her strength could not be considered weak… just not enough.

Zil remained rooted to the ground as she wept tears of blood, but a growing determination soon overclouded her depressed state.

Zil slowly removed a picture from her pocket, and on the picture was Zeel. Zil took the picture from Alice and Elizabeth unknowingly.

Looking at the picture, Zil's gaze turned firm "I will prove to you that I am worthy of my mothers' love!"


At the center of a dying Universe stood a singular planetary body. This was Planet Archy, the last of the sentient planets to remain in Universe 0.

Absolute had all but consumed Archy's former radiance, but the planet still held on for the sake of his last remaining inhabitant – The Apollonian Aurora.

Absolute was not like any kind of energy in the Multiverse, it was the most unique and dangerous energy in the entirety of existence.

Anything touched with the power of Absolute energy would not only die, but they would also be forgotten entirely, and not just them, their entire species.

Aurora sat by the Multiversal Lake watching the still waters, searching for any inkling of her past lover.

She was once the princess of the Apollonian Race, but she fell for a Homo-Superior who used her, f*cked her, played with her, and then threw her away.

So much in love was she, that Aurora performed many taboos to please her then-lover – Zeel Crawford. Her love story was perhaps one of the most brutal in existence.

Still, every day she waited by the same lake and stared at the myriad universes for a glimpse of his figure, and today her expectations were somewhat answered.

A faint golden light flickered within the waters, the coordinates were no doubt sent to her by someone else, but she could care less about their machinations.

Aurora grasped the coordinates and suddenly a ruthless smile dawned on her angelic face.

"Oh," She said intrigued "The coordinates of one of his whores… What was it the old-humans used to say? 'Thou hast been to me as a snake that wound itself round a bramble and fell into a river. A wolf saw it and said: Lo the evil is mounted on the evil, and evil that which drives them along'."



"No Young Miss, the phrase is 'Beat the bush to scare the snake'," Archy reminded, holding back the laughter that threatened to squeeze its way out of his non-existent throat.

"Oh," Aurora said a bit embarrassed "You're right. I am not that familiar with humans that's why I got it wrong!"

However, the next moment the duo's jovial atmosphere was replaced with a serious one.

"Goodbye Mistress!" Archy said bowing "It was an honor to serve the Last Royal Apollonian in existence!"

Aurora wanted to say many things, but none of which would matter in the end. Instead, she turned around and walked into the waters of the Multiversal Lake.

Instantly, both Aurora and the Multiversal Lake were gone. While Zeel had his Mbeamer to travel around the Multiverse unimpeded and undetected, Aurora had the Multiversal Lake instead.

Archy sighed and stared at the skies as the energy of absolute consumed his Planetary body, or at least, the planetary body he owned in this Universe.


Aurora unfurled her massive wings and glided through the Multiversal Currents with ease. The Multiversal Lake reduced to the size of a snowflake that now hung around her neck.

Suddenly, Aurora dipped out of the Multiversal Current and found herself in a temple of statues. Each statue held infinite mystery and a story meant for only one person to observe.

Aurora could tell the statues were hand-carved with enough detail to rival the true Being. And how could she not recognize the Being, it was her former lover Zeel Crawford.

The next moment, a girl appeared in front of Aurora.

"You're not Aurolana?" Gabriella asked suspiciously.

Gabriella's hand didn't stop carving the Zeel-figurine she held. Gabriella's obsession with her childhood lover had long passed the point of obsession.

Aurora looked at the woman for a while and then asked "You must be Gabriella?"

Gabriella's smile bloomed and she asked "Are you a fellow sister?"

Aurora sighed and answered "Formerly,"

Then Aurora materialized a dagger made of frost in her hand as Gabriella materialized several warps in the air around them.


A massive battle broke out between two former lovers of Zeel.

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