Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 304 - 293 - Transfer of Memories

Jenny and Zeel climbed to the surface assisted by Chris, and they were immediately approached by Greenway who figured that something went wrong in the tomb.

What followed Zeel's reappearance on the surface was a strange atmosphere of nonchalance that was infectious.

"What happened down there?" Greenway asked "Communications was cut off for a couple of minutes,"

"We had communication… issues," Jenny answered, gesturing to Zeel subtly as if to ensure that Greenway knew it was all his fault.

However, unlike his usual behavior, Greenway acted strangely unperturbed by Zeel's sudden appearance.

Zeel was found within the tomb, so his appearance should have surprised Greenway to a certain degree, but Jenny couldn't find any tell-signs on Greenway's stoic face.

"Unfortunately, Nick Morton encountered an accident during the extraction of the sarcophagus," Zeel stated, carefully gauging the reaction of all the soldiers around.

They all seemed strangely nervous, unlike the cool-headed Greenway.

At first, Zeel thought that humans had suddenly evolved into rational beings, but he knew that Greenway had probably been given specific instructions to not irritate him.

Codes flickered across Zeel's pupils as he observed all the soldiers present but noticed nothing particularly amiss.

Still, Zeel knew that it was unlikely that he would be able to notice anything amiss with his nanites' research capabilities restricted by The Laws of the World.

Right now he was limited to public domains and situational access to satellites, but that was far from enough to access Top Secret records on American Soldiers.

Knowing he would get no answers by being gentle, Zeel placed Nick's body on the desert sands and quickly grabbed Greenway by the neck before anyone else could react.

Several guns were instantly trained in his direction and Zeel found that he felt vaguely threatened by the guns.

Assuming that Henry had not betrayed him since that would be illogical, that meant that America had finally found him after the incident in Saudi Arabia.

And America had a superficial knowledge of supernatural beings.

This was not unexpected given America's technological prowess, and Zeel had a relatively easy solution.

"I overreacted," Zeel stated, releasing Greenway back onto his feet.

Greenway immediately signaled for all the soldiers to calm down and restrain themselves.

Not mentioning anything further, Greenway simply nodded at Zeel and ordered soldiers to load Nick's body onto the cargo plane.

There was a brief expression of anger that flittered across Greenway's face before it was thoroughly disguised.


Jenny boarded the cargo plane appalled by how everything went so smoothly even after they returned with an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus, and Nick's body wrapped in ritualistic cloths.

It seemed like Greenway and all the other soldiers present just took whatever story Zeel spun as the law.

Though she was certain that Zeel had somehow threatened everyone, Jenny was still angry at The Army's cowardice.

Unknown to Jenny, however, was the fact that Zeel wasn't entirely sure what happened either.

While he could guess that America had become aware of his presence in this place, he could not figure out why they remained cordial after the death of a fellow soldier.

Luckily, with some of the natural charisma of a God, everyone was less wary of Zeel at the moment.

As a God, Zeel exuded an undeniable presence that just made every mortal nearby trust him that much more.

It was one of the many kinks of being a God – a natural atmosphere that made you superior to everyone else around you.

And despite their actions saying otherwise, humans always respected authority in some way, shape, or form.

After all, it was encoded into their DNA.

"You okay?" Zeel asked, taking a seat next to Jenny.

Jenny didn't reply, her eyes still puffy from the tears she shed earlier.

Just as Zeel was about to inquire about several things, he felt a sudden burst of death energy emerge from the desert and engulf the plane before quickly disappearing.

Zeel jumped to his feet and shouted to Greenway "We need to leave now or we won't be able to!"

Zeel was somewhat anxious since Ahmanet, within the sarcophagus, had no doubt awakened, but he had no idea where the burst of energy suddenly went.

Zeel also had no idea about what kind of cards a God of Death would have in his repertoire.

All the soldiers swiftly took their seats after strapping down the sarcophagus.

As the cargo plane took to the air, Zeel could feel cascading energy emerging from the desert threatening to cover the plane entirely.

It was as if the desert was reluctant to part with the sarcophagus. Not the parting of lovers, but more like the parting of a junkie and his daily dose.

"That's a huge sandstorm," Jenny stated, staring out the window with amazement.

However, Zeel was having a problem of his own.

He could feel steady streams of death energy mixing into the atmosphere, and knew that Ahmanet was about to try something strange.

Zeel grabbed Jenny by the shoulder and pulled her towards the sarcophagus at the center of the room.

Once there, Zeel began tracing hybrid runes onto the sarcophagus using his finger.

Each trace left behind glowing silver liquids that formed complex runic structures that diminished the death energy in the air.

While drawing the runes, Zeel was also explaining to Jenny "These Runes will restrain whatever is in the sarcophagus. Your job is to watch these silver runes and make sure nothing changes,"

Knowing that something serious had occurred, Jenny just nodded and pushed Nick's matter to the back of her mind.

"Why can't you monitor them?" Jenny asked since Zeel would be perfect for the job of monitoring his own runes.

"I have to concentrate to cloak this Plane so we are not followed," Zeel stated his plan to avoid monitoring from any governments that may be watching.

There was a strange sense of foreboding that assaulted his senses and it was becoming more and more vivid by the second.

Taking a deep breath, Zeel grabbed Jenny's face with his working left hand and stared deeply into her eyes.

He needed to ensure the severity of their situation since she was dealing with something more dangerous than World Destruction, she was dealing with the preservation of Zeel's life.

Zeel's intuition was telling him that Jenny would be important in whatever event was triggering this intense feeling of foreboding.

"Listen to me," Zeel said seriously not minding everyone else observing them "I don't care about this world, but I care about my life, so you need to take this seriously,"

Jenny was a bit peeved by Zeel's mansplaining but also knew the severity of the situation. Still, Zeel could tell that Jenny didn't take his warning as seriously as he would have liked.

There was still intense anger in her heart concerning Nick's death and that distracted her from the duty at hand.

All of Jenny's discontentment was plain as day for Zeel to see, and he knew that something would have to be done to satiate the unreasonable woman.

Zeel hesitated for a bit and briefly glanced at his inactive right hand that had just begun to regain the sensation of touch.

"Jenny," Zeel whispered in a soothing voice as his eyes flickered with codes, accessing the memories he obtained from the Information Dimension.

Jenny was slightly tranced by Zeel's intimate way of saying her name and froze for a second. The voice of a God did have a unique effect on emotionally vulnerable women.

Not knowing what happened next, Jenny just felt the most tingling sensation she had ever experienced in her life.

Soft lips pressed against her own that reminded her of every moment in her life that she felt the happiest.

The kiss was like an odyssey of her life.

Her nerve endings slowed all the electrical currents inside her body as if hoping to have the instance of when those lips touched her own immortalized forever in her mind.

Then came a movement that was proceeded by a passionate kiss that Jenny unconsciously indulged in.

While Jenny had her eyes closed, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of kissing a God, Zeel had his eyes opened carefully observing her during their kiss.

Slowly, the codes in Zeel's pupils faded as the memories of Ahmanet and Seth were transferred into Jenny's mind.

Zeel could feel the metaphorical chains tighten around his body as he defied The Restrictions for the nth time in a single day.

Unable to risk the chains tightening more, Zeel recoiled his head from the kiss and watched Jenny intently for her reaction.

First came an overwhelming feeling of dread after she witnessed Zeel's memories, then came a feeling of comfort knowing nothing had truly happened as yet.

Finally, Jenny experienced shock for enjoying the kiss so much despite it only being a means through which Zeel sought to educate her about the possible crisis.

"I got it!" Jenny said, avoiding Zeel's eyes as she walked over to the bench as sat in full view of the sarcophagus.

Zeel sighed in relief and also walked over and sat next to Jenny.

Everyone else just gawked at the incomprehensible scene that had just taken place.

Chris patted Nick's body that was next to him.

"At least you didn't live long enough to be cuckolded," Chris whispered to Nick's dead body.

As soon as Zeel sat down, he entered a meditative state and allowed his nanites to seep into the plane from his hands.

Soon, unknown to everyone except Zeel, the huge cargo plane shifted routes and became invisible to not only all technology on the planet but also to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

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