Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 316 - 305 - Dawn of The Jumper Universe





David was Jumping through the battlefield of Herme's Dimension, killing drones, droids, humans, and Jumpers one after the other.

The battlefield in the Herme's Dimension was loitered with corpses and broken machinery, but David was the only person alive within his section of the battlefield.

He was bathed in the blood of his former comrades but there was no look of hesitation or innocence that he once possessed.

Gone was the face of the boy that once used his gifts to rob banks and leave 'I owe you' notes. David's eyes now resembled a slumbering beast, much like the eyes, Zeel used to have.

Time had hardened his heart and now David bared the burden of returning peace to the Herme's Dimension.

David stopped Jumping as he was surrounded by several drones, humans, and Jumpers. Over the years, David had grown his Jumper abilities to the peak of what his constitution would allow.

When Zeel extracted the Divine Fragment within all the ten thousand Jumpers, he allowed the Jumpers the opportunity to grow their Jumping abilities if they were diligent in training.

Seeing there was no way of escape because the drones could block Jumping, David knelt on the ground and started to Jump while remaining in the same location over and over again.

This created a rippling effect that blocked the bullets being shot in his direction.

It appeared as if there were several Davids overlapping and melting their existences into the original David.

The ground cracked, winds stirred and transparent light pulsed as the air grew heavy around David's location.

Very soon, the droids, drones, and humans were swaying randomly like leaves in the winds.

"[Telekinetic Destruction]" David yelled, sending out a wave of transparent energy that crushed everything within his vicinity.

What remained in David's wake was strewn human organs and crushed machinery.

This was actually an original move he created from observing Zeel's abilities.

David was using everything he learned from Zeel in their brief time together. Safe to say, David was the best and most lethal Jumper in the entire Herme's Dimension.

While other Jumpers were limited to a couple of miles Jumping, David could Jump thousands of miles before he reached his limits.

No one could contend against him when it came to Jumping, but even with his abilities, the Herme's Dimension was no closer to being united under his flag.

David fell to the ground exhausted after using one of his trump cards, and there he laid for about five minutes before standing once more.

He slowly spun around as he observed the Herme's Dimension from horizon to horizon, all he could see were the explosions that showed that the years of battle would not be ending anytime soon.

The Herme's Dimension was seemingly endless so there was no need to fight for resources or land, but like always, humans always found something to fight over.

David tilted his head towards the faintly discernible Eastern Mountains and gritted his teeth in anger and resignation.

The eastern mountains floated in the air, appearing as if it was detached from all mortal squabbles but David knew that such was not the case.

David could always faintly feel the mountain calling out to him, but it felt like the beckoning of a Devil instead.

'How many people have died? How many more will die? Why must everyone be so greedy? We have a new world after the Earth was destroyed and this is what they do with our second chance!' David thought angrily, but never once did he regret his decision to allow humans entry into Herme's Dimension.

Yes, the Earth of the Jumper Universe had been destroyed from the experiments of humans into the phenomenon of Jumping.

David retraced the events of how everything became this way in his mind.


After noticing that all the Jumpers were disappearing from Earth, Political Leaders all over the world panicked at losing such a valuable 'resource'.

It seemed like the Jumpers had been known by governments for decades, and some Governments of the world funded the Paladins to retrieve Jumpers for experimentation.

The Governments were close to creating an artificial Jumper but the experiment always fell short.

The Governments never really antagonized the Jumpers, only snatching a couple dozen and letting the rest go free.

Some Jumpers were even paid for voluntary experiments and properly protected by the Government.

The issue came after Jumpers started being pulled into the Herme's Dimension, disappearing from Earth for months at a time.

Even the brightest scientific minds could not stop the disappearance of Jumpers from the world.

When the Jumpers reappeared, they didn't want to participate in Earth's affairs anymore. The Jumpers that returned to Earth simply came to retrieve their families and sought to leave Earth forever.

They now had a home in Herme's Dimension, a much more beautiful and endless home.

But… the Governing Powers of Earth would not just allow the Jumpers to leave just like that.

Jumpers were captured by the hundreds, but they never could be kept away from returning to Herme's Dimension no matter what the Powerhouses of the world did.

That was when a secret war started on Earth between Jumpers and Human Governments.

Families of Jumpers were kidnapped, r.a.p.ed, extorted, tortured, and whatever else heinous actions it took to find out where the Jumpers were going.

Of course, the Jumpers retaliated with acts of terrorism that decimated entire cities at a time. Hundreds of Thousands of Humans died for every Jumper that was killed.

While this was occurring, David and Griffin built a city within the Herme's Dimension and beckoned all Jumpers home using their power over the Laws set by Alice and Elizabeth.

David and Griffin had put an end to the war between Jumpers and Humanity by disallowing all Jumpers to ever leave the Herme's Dimension again.

But the damage was already done and World Powers had become obsessed with the idea of an entire Dimension of Supernatural Phenomenon.

Jumpers had effectively gone extinct from Earth.

However, the World's Governments could never let go of such a valuable 'resource'.

They started experimenting with the phenomena of Jumping and accidentally created a black hole that began to slowly consume the Earth.

Witnessing this from Herme's Dimension, David and Griffin got into a battle about the right thing to do.

David wanted to create a home for the humans of Earth in Herme's Dimension, and Griffin wanted to avoid problems altogether by allowing humans to die on Earth.

Yet, neither of them could make the decision because they shared the power over the Laws granted by Alice and Elizabeth.

The Herme's Dimension was large enough to house trillions of people, let alone billions but neither men could agree on a course of action.

In the end, David won the battle and Griffin left the Jumper City to create a faction of his own called 'Travelers City'.

After David opened the Herme's Dimension to the population of Earth, a couple years of peace followed where the humans were grateful for David's magnanimity.

Everyone lived together in peace.

Of course, the years did not pass without incident, several people wanted to vie for control of such a unique world as the Herme's Dimension, but David and Griffin cut them down immediately.

The first signs of war came in the fourth year of adjusting to the Herme's Dimension when everyone learned that Millie, David's wife, was an Artificial Jumper – a human who was turned into a Jumper by some unknown means.

This enhanced the greed of many humans and people started to entertain the possibility of creating Jumpers of their own.

They demanded the secrets of Millie's transformation from David.

Truly, David didn't know how Millie became a Jumper, he only knew that Zeel was the reason why.

There could only ever be ten thousand Jumpers before, but within the Herme's Dimension, there could be more Artificial Jumpers.

Jumpers began to be kidnapped and Griffin replied with the slaughter of countless humans, but nobody expected a true war to begin.

After all, the humans numbered billions and the entire human race would never go to war since countries were an idea of the past.

The straw that broke the Camel's back came later in the fourth year.

A multi-colored light of brilliance dyed the horizons and everyone felt a heavy pressure descend onto the Herme's Dimension.

However, out of the brilliance came a girl that could only be described as angelic.

She had white hair and ruby-red eyes, she looked at everyone below her feet with disdain and simply retreated to the Eastern Mountains like nobody was worth her time.

She remained there for months without issue, everyone that ventured to confront her would never return.

The only three people to ever return were David, Griffin, and Millie who thought that Zeel had returned to the Herme's Dimension, but who they found was Adallindis, a self-proclaimed 'follower' of Zeel.

Another year passed and Millie was pregnant, David was a happy man with a loving wife, and Griffin was also contended with keeping the humans in check and protecting his fellow Jumpers.

Adallindis was fond of the trio and they would come to visit her often even when Millie's daughter, Millicent Rice, was born.

However, Adallindis was given a very specific mission by Zeel.

One day, a blood crystal floated in the skies of Herme's Dimension, and a sudden thought was beamed into everyone's mind 'Whoever eats the crystal will have immortality, but that person must be the owner of Herme's Dimension,'.

Nobody suspected it was Indis who started created the blood crystal, and it was never truly Indis, she was just carrying out the instructions she had received from her owner – Zeel Crawford.

Zeel wanted a war that would create strong warriors for his use, and Indis enjoyed the entertaining show of humans slaughtering each other, so why would she refuse such a gift?

Within the Herme's Dimension, the humans found a technology that could compete with Jumpers and everything went to shit.

During the fifth year, a war started on epic proportions and continued endlessly.

Jumpers defected to human sides, human defected to Jumper sides, Griffin tried to kill David for complete control of Herme's Dimension.

The events were endless, random, and confusing.

The entire war raged and became a bloody mess.

Every time someone died, their blood was absorbed by the Blood Crystal and the reward of immortality became that much more difficult to resist.

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