Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 324 - 313 - Coming For Judgement

"What do nightmares have anything to do with what's happening here?" Jenny asked in a fl.u.s.ter.

"Because every word has a point of origin in history and Nightmares were originally named from the creatures called 'Mares' loosely translating to 'eaters of shadows'," Nick explained, surprising himself and everyone else.

Even Zeel was a bit surprised since Homo-Superiors were the race that put an end to the creatures called Mares, or rather the true manifestation of a Mare - The Mare King.

Still, at most Homo-Superiors only managed to convert the existence of Mares into the Dark Dimension for all eternity.

Even Homo-Superiors could not fully destroy the Mares.

"I have to be honest," Zeel said, his hand still hovering over his Mbeamer.

Truly, Zeel would have jumped Universe long ago, he was only abiding by human customs to offer some advice before taking his indefinite leave from the Universe.

Anyone with eyes could see that Zeel was a bit spooked when he realized that the curse on Nick had something to do with the creatures called Mares.

"To be honest… I am a bit out of my depth here," Zeel stated, all the while looking skittish "Mares are magical creatures so you just have to find a wizard or something,"

Zeel said the last statement looking a bit sympathetic at everyone in the room, obviously demonstrating that he was mentally killing them off due to the hopelessness of their situation.

"Are there no other options available?" Jenny asked, knowing Zeel always had 'questionable' methods to do things "Even extreme solutions are welcomed,"

Zeel entered a state of deep contemplation before replying.

"You can always kill yourselves before the Mares kill you," He said, eyes not blinking a bit to demonstrate how serious the suggestion was.

"Mr. Crawford…"

"I don't think you understand what Mares are," Zeel stated and explained "Mares were once a part of one huge entity that could never be destroyed called The Mare King.

The Mare King was as Ancient as it was destructive.

The Mare King was split apart and dispersed into the Dark Dimension by a very powerful, super-advanced race that is now extinct.

Mares nibble on everyone's shadow from the Dark Dimension. Even now, they are eating away at your shadows.

So when a shadow goes thin, someone has a 'nightmare'. You can think of them as little critters when they are separated from each other.

However, when they get together… like the type of curse placed on Nick, they can achieve almost anything,"

"Why do we need to fear little critters?" Nick asked, walking over to Jenny and holding her hand reassuringly.

"Because Mares deal with magic, and I never studied magic at all. Especially, Real Magic which is a whole different category of Ancient Magic," Zeel said in exasperation.

"What type of Combat Warlock cannot use magic?" Henry asked probingly.

"The same way someone can be 'gay' without ever sleeping with a man," Zeel replied aggressively.

Seeing that everyone was confused at his comparison, Zeel opted to explain.

"The term 'gay' meant happy before it was used to describe s.e.x.u.a.l preferences. Likewise, 'Combat Warlock' meant someone who is knowledgeable about Magic, but it said nothing about having to practice the magic you preach,"

"But you said Magic wasn't your specialty?" Nick corrected, still trying to put the dots of the puzzle together.

Zeel waved his hands around in agitation and eyed everyone like he was talking to a bunch of fools.

"Because I am not a f.u.c.k.i.n.g 'Combat Warlock'…" Zeel yelled "Hell! I am not even f.u.c.k.i.n.g human," he shouted even louder and then held his head as a striking heading shook his mind.

'F.u.c.k! I guess I wasn't supposed to admit that last part,' Zeel thought.

"You're saying there is no way to avoid this catastrophe?" Henry asked the key question since Zeel never particularly said there wasn't a way to combat the situation.

"There are a lot of ways to deal with the immediate problem of Ahmanet and Nick, but Mares are beyond your dimensional view, so they will eventually get this world.

At the end of the day, all Universes will be destroyed from infinite expansion and gravitational forces losing traction…

Just think of Mares as an early end to your Universe… instead of a billion years, you have a couple dozen years instead," Zeel explained, knowing that humans had a different view of time than most other species in the Multiverse.

However, what sounded comforting in Zeel's mind usually gained the opposite response from others. Luckily, Henry was there to keep everyone focused on the real issue.

"Then tell me a solution to Ahmanet and Nick, leave the Mares issue for another time. It is not an immediate issue is it?" Henry asked, hoping to kill the closest snake first.

Zeel shook his head "No, it's more like an eventuality," he agreed.

Henry nodded and Jenny sighed in relief, both gesturing for Zeel to propose a solution to their immediate problem instead.

"Off the top of my head," Zeel said pointing at Nick "You can deal with Nick and Ahmanet pretty easily.

Dealing with them without any loopholes would take weeks and I don't plan to stay here much longer, but resolving the issue roughly is also an option. It's a bit nasty but effective,"

Henry nodded and said "Nasty but effective is also okay,"

"I can genetically splice Nick and Ahmanet together and create an abomination of some sorts. That way the curse would apply to them both. Then we get rid of them.

And by getting rid of them, I don't mean shooting them to outer space… I mean sending them to a different plane of existence entirely.

Somewhere far and sunny since we aren't monsters to banish them to a dark plane," Zeel said, trying to channel his inner-Alice and come to a peaceful and righteous solution.

"What the f.u.c.k!" Nick interjected, "How is that not monster-ish?"

Zeel shrugged "I can splice your DNA in a way that lets you keep your genitals. That way you can f.u.c.k Ahmanet's decaying p.u.s.s.y for all eternity in a different, sunnier, dimension?"

"How the f.u.c.k do you even come up with such nasty solutions?" Nick asked, wondering how many times Zeel was dropped as a child.

"Doesn't sound like a bad way to go," Henry stated to comfort the stressed Jenny "After all, Mr. Morton basically killed himself the moment he entered Ahmanet's tomb in the desert,"

"I agree," Zeel said with most of the soldiers in the background also nodding in agreement.

At that point, it was literally Nick against the world since Jenny neither agreed nor denied Zeel's suggestion.

However, in the midst of the most intense staredown in History, Zeel's body froze up and thin bolts of lightning began to sporadically strike random places inside the room.

Henry, Jenny, and Nick didn't feel any threat from the lightning but some of the guards were struck and instantly dropped dead where they stood.

Nanites gathered in Zeel's hands, forming dual blades that dissolved and reformed in a cycle.

It was as if Zeel was uncertain if wanted to fight or not. Jenny noted the conflicted emotions appearing on Zeel's face and was somewhat scared.

Despite their brief time together, Jenny was sure that Zeel had never shown a genuine expression on his face, but now his face was filled with all the emotions at once.

It was terrifying since Zeel's emotions were warped in a way Jenny had never seen before.

Jenny saw everything, ranging from pain, to anger, to happiness, and even cruelty.

A sinking feeling assaulted Jenny, Nick, and Henry.

While everyone was at a loss at what caused Zeel's strange mood, the television in the room was automatically powered on.

"Oh my gosh folks, it's happening once again over the skies of Dubai… a…" The News Reporter continued, but everyone got the gist of why Zeel was behaving strangely.

Broadcasting on every channel of the television was a Rainbow Phenomenon that was eerily similar to the phenomenon that occurred when Zeel came to The Mummy Universe.

Jenny carefully walked over to Henry's side along with Nick, all the while dodging Zeel's bolts of transparent lightning.

"Enemies of his?" Jenny asked.

Henry pulled out the Book of Fates from seemingly thin air and peeked inside but saw nothing written on the pages.

"I believe whatever is coming is not a threat," Henry said but he was not too certain about the machinations of Fate.

The moment the Rainbow phenomenon disappeared from above the skies of Dubai, Zeel's lightning froze in the air and everything inside Henry's Private Quarters became motionless.

As if Zeel had finally made up his mind, the nanites in his hands solidified into dual blades carved with numerous complex runes that screamed of death and chaos.

Zeel extended both blades outwards.

Slowly, the air rippled with liquids that resembled the purest drops of water in the world.

With the ripple of the air came the manifestation of two beyond-beautiful women who were as gorgeous as the dangerous feeling their presence emitted.

Zeel had placed his blades at the perfect position since when the two women appeared, Zeel's blades were already directed at their necks.

Zeel's blades were so precisely aimed that any small movement would probably lead to the death of both women.

There was no other movement for about a minute until one of the women, surrounded by flames, raised her neck slightly to give Zeel a clearer view of her throat.

This was, of course, Zeel's first wife - Alice Crawford.

The other woman, with silver-gold eyes, hid her throat and stared at the ground in shame as if she was unworthy of even looking into Zeel's blazing, ruby-red eyes.

This was, of course, Zeel's second wife – Elizabeth Crawford.

Alice and Elizabeth had finally arrived in The Mummy Universe to confront their husband, the battle of ten years ago still fresh on their minds as both women awaited their husband's judgment.

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