Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 328 - 316 - A Warning of Monsters



Henry coughed to get the attention of the three embracing in the middle of the room.

"If I may be so inclined," Henry said and stepped forward to introduce himself "Dr. Henry Jekyll,"

Alice was the first to spin out of Zeel's embrace with a giggle since Zeel's hands were being dishonest to both her and Elizabeth.

However, just as she was about to shake Henry's hand to introduce herself, her body warped once more into Zeel's embrace and his hands massaging her h.i.p.s in a circular motion.

Unlike Alice, Elizabeth was indulging in the moment, her eyes turning slightly slitted as she playfully bit Zeel's neck as a show of ownership.

Finding herself once more in Zeel's embrace, Alice giggled and shook her head in admonishment when Zeel's hands started to destabilize the nanites that made up her clothing.

"If you hold me so close to your body then I might be inclined to ask about the female scents I smell on you," Alice said aloud causing Zeel's body to drift away from her as fast as it possibly could.

"I smell three of them," Elizabeth said, also releasing herself from Zeel's embrace with an accusatory look.

"Four," Zeel corrected Elizabeth and then explained "One of them died. She was a Princess of some random country,"

"Why did you kill her?" Alice asked disappointed at Zeel's lack of control.

Sleeping around with mortals was fine since it was incomparable to sleeping with them, but killing mortals was out of the question.

"I didn't kill her… she basically committed suicide," Zeel replied, finding himself much more honest than previously.

Alice had a realization and decided to test her theory "Zeel what is your favorite color?"

"I don't have favorite colors, but I am fond of the abyssal darkness in your eyes," Zeel answered and continued "It reminds me of the darkness from which the cubes were bo-"

Zeel managed to stop his statement mid-sentence and stare around the room frightened, looking for anything that could have gone wrong with the environment.

Slowly, Zeel's eyes trained onto Alice's finger where there was nothing, but he was still sensing a powerful concept wrapped around her finger.

"Where did you get that?" Zeel asked pointing at Alice's hand.

"Get what?" Alice replied "I thought you were affected by the lingering effects that happened to me and Elizabeth earlier,"

Elizabeth catching Zeel's drift focused on where he was pointing and sent a spark of multi-colored energy at Alice's finger.

[Prism Beam Emission]

With that blast of multi-colored light, an emerald green ring became apparent on Alice's finger.

"Ring of Candor," Alice said in amazement.

Elizabeth looked at the ring confused and asked "How can you wear that?"

"Because she has never lied…" Zeel answered and then said "Anyhow, we need some honesty right now to interrogate someone in this facility,"

"Excuse me?" Jenny interrupted "Ring of Candor?"

"Don't mind it… it will just be an additional headache to the one you already have," Alice said kindly and then extended a hand to Jenny "Alice Crawford,"

Jenny's eyes widened in realization and said "You're his…"

"The first wife… yes," Alice said, confirming Jenny's guess.

"Wait," Nick interrupted and said "First?"

"And I am the second," Elizabeth added, walking over and giving Jenny a hug instead of a handshake.

The moment Jenny and Elizabeth hugged, a white light pulsed around their bodies, and Elizabeth sighed in relief.

"It seems everyone here is a friend," Elizabeth said and then pointed at Nick "He feels weird though,"

"He smells like something sorta Divine," Alice murmured and then had an idea "He is a Demi-God,"

"Nice try," Zeel admired Alice's sensing abilities but still corrected her "He is a Herald,"

"Herald?" Elizabeth asked confused.

"Haven't you already met yours recently?" Zeel asked and commented "I smell her on you,"

"Kinzi?" Elizabeth asked, unsure and when Zeel nodded she also connected the dots of what Heralds were.

"So Herald?" Henry asked while gesturing everyone to the door as a gentleman would.

Everyone exited the room and began walking to another section of the facility while Zeel explained about the birds and bees of the supernatural world.

"Heralds are Incarnations of their respective Gods – they slowly became their God over a period of time, usually a thousand years.

Think of them as a backup in case a God dies… but to hold the soul of a God, their bodies have to change into Divine Bodies over a thousand years' time.

If the God does not die in that time, then the Herald becomes a God themselves and are responsible to serve under their creator God and the process repeats,"

"So I am?" Nick asked confused.

"A God in training," Alice replied.

"Or a replacement for a flat tire," Elizabeth added.

"Or maybe he wants to marry you," Zeel inputted causing everyone to simultaneously flinch.

"It would seem that nothing is out of the realm of possibility Mr. Morton," Henry commented, drawing everyone's attention to the front of their mini-procession.

The walking, joking and talking continued until Zeel started to feel a bit too much under the weather.

He slowly distanced himself from the group by a couple of steps as he felt his body getting heavier and heavier.

Just as the dizziness was about to overtake him, Zeel felt two pairs of arms wrap around his body and stabilize him.


Zeel began coughing up black sludge and he instantly knew what had gone wrong.

Zeel glanced up at Alice's face as she held him, and felt a slight feeling of fear at the danger of his 1st Wife.

In the alternate timeline he had viewed, Alice mere glanced at him with her [Malevolent Gaze] and even now, in a separate timeline, he was reeling from the after-effects of that attack.

Alice stared at the sludge on the floor confused and then looked at Zeel strangely.

[Soul Seeker]

Divine-Energy gathered in Alice's eyes as she stared at Zeel's soul intently.

"Your soul was damaged but it looks kind of cleaner," Alice stated, noticing that Zeel's soul was not as black as before but the chains were still wrapped around it like a cage.

"Well, I do feel lighter," Zeel joked, trying not to show too much weakness.

After all, he had already decided to kill Elizabeth and possibly Alice as well after getting rid of the hidden danger that was Ahmanet.

The blue aura around her hand was slowly absorbed by Zeel's body in the form of lightning. Soon, Zeel felt his body being washed over as he became more energized.

Seeing the confusion on Zeel's face, Elizabeth opted to explain.

"I hated the thought that my power could hurt you, so I spent years finding a way for my power to help you with something.

My [Rainbow Aura] purifies things depending on the color. Blue is the color of lightning in my mind, so think of this as purification by lightning," Elizabeth said, smiling when Zeel didn't refuse her care.

"At this rate, I'll have to make you the first wife since you're treating me better than Alice," Zeel joked loudly so Alice could hear them a couple of feet ahead.

"If you want the first wife position, it's yours," Alice replied just as loudly "Being the first wife means you have to stay inside his mind more than your own…

All you ever hear is … got to kill this… or kill that… maybe destroy this world… or kill that person… resources from this planet… giga-structural engineering modifications…"

Elizabeth jumped onto Zeel's back and he caught her. This time, her entire body was radiating blue light instead of just her hands.

Elizabeth threw a smug grin at Alice when the latter glanced back at her and Zeel.

"I think I'll be the second wife instead," Elizabeth stated and joked "I don't even have to do the laundry. I just have to remind Zeel not to vaporize kitchen utensils and plates,"

Jenny, Nick, and Henry even managed to laugh a bit at the trio's antics because they could sense that Elizabeth and Alice were speaking the actual truth.

The group came to a door that Henry swiftly opened with a press of his hand on the scanner.

Alice, Zeel, and Elizabeth simultaneously whispered "Primitive," under their breaths.

Entering the room, the first thing the trio did was tense their muscles for combat, while Henry, Henny, and Nick just walked forward carelessly.

Groans of pain could be heard from the center of the room where Ahmanet knelt tightly chained and being pumped full of Egyptian Mercury.

Seeing Ahmanet in such a state caused Nick to become slightly uncomfortable with her treatment.

"What is this?" Nick asked defensively, not even noticing that his mind was affected.

Henry glanced around the group of Nick, Alice, Elizabeth, and Zeel before introducing his organization and its origin.

"Welcome to Prodigium guests… from the Latin 'Monstrum el Prodigium' – 'A warning of monsters',"

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