Resident Evil Multiverse Of Madness

Chapter 336 - 324 - Zeel Crawford and The God of Death

Zeel stirred awake in a land of death and shadows screaming in pain as the darkness around him resonated with the darkness that now stained his soul.

The only thing that kept Zeel even slightly sane were the chains that constantly constricted around his soul as it absorbed the lingering Death Energy in the air.

As the seconds passed Zeel's blurred vision started to recover but the trembles of his soul did not cease in the least.

'Aurolana is fighting,' Zeel thought, getting glimpses and flashes of the battle taking place in Purgatory.

Zeel's eyes took a bit to adjust because of the unique perception required to look upon a Dimension of Death.

A Dimension of Death was never meant to be viewed by human eyes and Zeel had been around Alice and Elizabeth so much that he subconsciously used limited human vision.

He glanced around and noticed that the Dimension of Death defied his expectation quite a bit.

Unlike what you would expect from a Dimension of Death, Zeel could see the barren lands had streaks of lava running through them in an artistic fashion.

Giant monuments could be seen in the distance; some monuments were of giant scythes that could rend the Earth and others of enormous beasts that resembled dragons and krauls.

The greatest monument was one of an enormous Titan that vaguely resembled a throne. It didn't take a genius to determine where Zeel and the others should be heading towards.

Zeel could feel that the moons were as toxic as they were beautiful but it didn't affect him as much as it would have a human soul.


Zeel didn't know when the others began to wake up but the moment they did, they held their eyes in pain and began rolling around on the ground.

Nick was frozen in shock, Jenny squirmed on the ground along with Henry, while Alice and Elizabeth simply rubbed their eyes constantly to adjust their vision.

Himiko and Ahmanet just stood rooted in their place, not budging an inch since they knew that their movements were already being closely monitored.

Unlike the others, Himiko and Ahmanet were associated with the God of Death in some ways and hence didn't feel foreign to his Dimension of Death.

"Be careful," Zeel explained "You are looking at death so you can't do that with a human mindset.

Just change your perspective by imagining death as formless instead of skulls or other nonsensical human interpretations,"

With Zeel's advice and a couple of minutes to practice, Jenny and Henry were soon on their feet feeling relieved that the unbearable sensation of pain had dwindled to manageable levels.

"What's happening?" Nick asked a bit bewildered, feeling a bit at home "What is this place?"

Nick's question caused Jenny, Henry, Alice, and Elizabeth to glance around in wonder. It was their first time entering another dimension separate from Earth.

"I have seen a bit of Purgatory before," Alice stated after feeling the thoughts in Zeel's head.

"I used to enter another dimension when I used my Novis ability gifted by Lorien," Elizabeth also added defensively seeing that Zeel felt like he was showing fire to cavemen.

"You would do well to speak as little as possible, less you give away too much information to the God of this Dimension," Ahmanet stated acting strangely solemn.

Himiko took the advice to heart and said nothing, only walking next to Alice and taking her hand. Zeel could tell that the young Wanderer was truly scared for more than her life.

Alice pulled Himiko close since, despite Himiko's age, Alice knew that Wanderers were generally children amongst the angels of Heaven.

Zeel, however, held no sympathy for anyone at this moment. This was officially war and everyone else was not prepared for war.

In Zeel's eyes, everyone here was already dead, even himself. There was no way around it, especially now that they had been pulled into the Dimension of A God.

Henry, Jenny, and Nick looked around amazed like naïve children who didn't know that they had just entered the wolf's den.

Alice and Elizabeth theoretically knew what it meant to be in another God's Dimension but there was no teacher like experience…

And Zeel was sure that the upcoming experience would be excruciatingly painful for both the girls and himself.

Zeel was tempted to just sever all emotional bonds with the girls at this moment so he could fully focus on the incoming battle, but he had come to appreciate a fact of life – sometimes emotions were needed to beat insurmountable odds.

"Let's go!" Zeel commanded, dragging everyone's attention to him "We walk steadily. Don't walk too fast and don't walk too slow, just be very steady!"

"Why?" Nick asked confused, his sentiment echoed by everyone except Himiko and Ahmanet.

"Walking fast means we get to die that much earlier.

Walking slowly may make the ruler of this Dimension impatient and we wouldn't be able to experience a final walk before we die," Zeel replied nonchalantly.

There was pin-drop silence after Zeel's statement, or at least it should have been silent if the eeriness of the Death Dimension didn't have constant whispers of damned souls floating around.

"You say that but I find nothing particularly wrong with this place," Henry said, looking around in fascination at the unique beauty of the skies and the monuments as far as the eyes could see.

"Of course, you don't… you're only human after all," Zeel replied, swiftly turning around and sending a lightning strike through his fingers in Henry's direction.

Elizabeth and Alice also tried to access their divinities but they couldn't even make a flash of light appear outside their bodies like Zeel had done.

"Make no mistake, this is another God's Dimension. We are all sitting ducks just waiting to die," Zeel said grimly, finally replacing the relaxed atmosphere with one of fear.

Fear was good, fear was excellent, fear keeps humans alive and human fear would guarantee that Alice and Elizabeth give their all in the upcoming battle.

"We should be looking for a way to escape!" Elizabeth suggested adamantly.

Elizabeth was prepared to die alongside Zeel previously but now she was second-guessing everything.

She didn't mind dying alongside Zeel but she did fear dying while Zeel lived without her at his side.

"There is no way to escape," Zeel replied, raising his Mbeamer as it flashed but quickly lost its l.u.s.ter "We need to weaken the God of this Dimension to even Mjump…

Some areas are restricted spatially so we can't enter or exit such locations without destroying the barriers around them.

A confrontation is inevitable… the only reason we are not dead is because the God of this Dimension is the foolish kind that wants to negotiate before a battle begins,"

"Why would 'it' want to negotiate when we are already within 'its' grasp?" Henry asked while everyone walked towards the monuments in the distance.

Previously, the monuments were as far as the horizon but each step of the group brought them closer, faster than they expected.

"Because you can't kill someone like Zeel without being prepared to wish you were dead alongside him," Alice murmured, looking at Zeel for confirmation.

Zeel had plans for plans upon plans to counter plans and if all else failed, Alice was sure that Zeel had something in his storage dimension that would take his enemy with him.

'So that's why he was so certain that we would die because he knew that he couldn't win but he also knew that if he didn't win, everyone would die due to his final plan,' Alice thought laughingly.

Zeel just directed a small smile in Alice's direction as if confirming her idea, then his eyes zeroed in on Himiko who shyly hid behind Alice to avoid his gaze.

"We are here," Zeel said causing everyone to look up and realize a giant titan of almost a thousand meters blocking out their vision of the night skies.

"How did we get here so quickly?" Jenny asked fearfully while clinging to Nick.

Henry and Jenny were already demonstrating signs of Hysteria brought on by the Death Energy that saturated the Death Dimension.

Suddenly, the air around the group warped as runes floated in the air and the next moment, everyone was standing within the upraised palm of the massive titan monument.

Next to him was a throne made of crystal skulls that had their eyeballs replaced by precious gems that ignited the greed of even Zeel.

"I grew tired of your dray pace that besmirches my Dimension so I called you to my side a bit earlier," The Being said, finally standing and partially revealing his features under his hood.

"God of Death, Seth!" Zeel said, aligning his right hand with his forehead and then bringing it down at a perfect perpendicular angle to his body.

"The Homo-Superior Pantheon's Zeel Crawford," Seth replied, also returning the salute Zeel had done as a show of respect between Gods.

The Ombos symbol burned into Zeel's ankle flashed and the Hybrid Rune burned into Seth's body also flashed.

At that moment, both men knew that they were talking to the real deal since the runes they cursed each other with were still active.

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