Peeking through the cover of the shrubs Zeel could see a clearing that contained about a dozen helicopters, and even more people in white gowns – obviously Researchers if his keen eyesight was to be believed.

His best guess was The Umbrella High Command were looking into Sasha's project but could not find the exact location since it was likely moved underground without proper permission from the higher ups. Researchers tend to be paranoid like that especially when they are on the verge of a breakthrough, a feeling Zeel was all too familiar with. Probably due to their search objective being only to locate Sasha, not many guards were sent along, looking for an insignificant Researcher amongst many, did not require a powerful fighting force.

Nonetheless Zeel's objective would remain the same; over the past six months he has been to parts of the world: Russia, Africa, Australia, and now Brazil in South America. All these locations were thoroughly investigated by Zeel, and cases were embedded below the surface of the Earth at key points at every location visited.

Zeel's next location should be Antarctica, which ironically is also the location that Alice headed two weeks ago. Zeel has been unable to continuously check Alice's location due to the influx of personnel accessing satellite imagery as of late, a couple of times his hack was almost back traced to his location. He took great comfort in the fact that Alice was at the very least still alive, if she had died the connection between them would have ceased transmission.

Fishing the gear required for the upcoming infiltration from his belt and pocket, Zeel planned the perfect strategy to infiltrate, steal, and then escape the encampment below. Everything seemed a bit too easy considering majority of the forces below consisted of only Researchers; Zeel had no problem killing them all since Umbrella Corporation was huge threat to his future plans and goals.

"Okay. Neat and tidy. Steal some charges, drip a drop of blood in the engines, wait a while then go for the escape" Zeel mumble the plan he had come up with on the spot, usually his plans would be planned in greater detail but once in a while he also liked the thrill of not knowing exactly what to expect; though he may come to regret that a bit later.

Under the cover of night Zeel sneaks along the electrical perimeter; waiting for a couple seconds the gate turns off and on in a blink, that blink was enough for Zeel to jump through using his enhanced agility. Zeel's perception of time had only improved with his growing strength, now he could make one second seem like ten seconds; though his body is not able to keep up with his perception at that rate.

Slitting his wrist, Zeel then begins running, jumping, back flipping around the compound at impossible speeds. Over the months he had come to value speed instead of just efficiency, being a multiverse traveler he was not pressed for time since his algorithm took into account temporal shifts.

After making sure a decent amount of blood hits each electronic equipment with great precision, Zeel then calmed down and watched as his blood oxidized the parts of the machinery it had come into contact with. The rate of oxidation was much faster than previous uses, Zeel chalked it up to his increased nanites efficiency. He continued this in the dead of the night until only one helicopter remained untouched – the one he planned to use for his great escape. However, his mission was not complete as he did one final round through building, and tents to place charges; after all the only way to be sure that someone is dead is to watch as their souls leave their eyes.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

All of a sudden the compound lit up the night in flames and Zeel used this opportunity to rush towards the only helicopter left undamaged. Little did he know there was one camera that caught his running visage in its full glory, and the being manipulating the camera had already expected his intersection with this particular base camp.

In an Underground Umbrella Facility, a computer could be seen calculating outcomes at insane speeds; then the calculations ceased as a hologram manifested itself in the form of a 8 to 9 year old girl.

"Target: Project Exodus found."

"Capture if possible. Otherwise terminate. He must not be allowed to escape" The Red Queen projects her visage throughout the camp grounds using a beetle shaped minicomputer in the center of the Researchers' c.h.e.s.ts as a conduit. At that moment the seemingly panicking Researches suddenly wore calm faces and moved as if professionals trained for decades in the art of combat.

After arriving at the helicopter gun shots ring out, Zeel pushes his body to its limits and his senses go into overdrive; as his perception of time slows down to a crawl he dislocates his left shoulder as a bullet grazes by leaving a flesh wound. Sadly, it was already too late to do anything about the bullet that pierced his abdomen.

Ignoring the pain Zeel grabs the knives from his belt and toss them into the air, followed immediately by unstrapping his guns. A fierce gun fight breaks out with each of Zeel's bullets hitting its target either in the heart or head. He re-straps his guns back into their respective holsters as he sees a group of soldiers coming from behind the helicopter.

Not wasting time, he pushes his body pass the limit once again using his four burst technique. As the knives he had thrown earlier make their way to the ground he grabs the first four knives of the six sending them directly through the hearts of four soldiers – two in the front and the two immediately behind them.

Zeel rolls then kicks at the last two knives still in the air launching them at the feet of the next two soldiers pinning them in place, then he grabs his rarely used sword from its sheath on his back and with the quickest two slices in history, he divides the soldiers in perfect halves.

*pant* *pant* *pant*

As his perception of time resumes to normal, Zeel gasped for air as trying to breath when moving that fast is a bit of a task. Zeel then watched as every soldier around him collapses, but at that moment his intuition kicked into overdrive as his 'fight or flight' instinct was invoked.

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