After determining the direction, he must dive, Zeel then orientates himself downwards like an eagle allowing his body to tilt ever so slightly to the left. He keeps this position for about five minutes till he re-enters arch position to slow his decent.

Zeel can see a faintly discernible red dot some distance below after opening his eyes and once again begins to dive towards it. At first the connection between himself and Alice was very strong but the closer he got the more confused he became, the signal got weaker the closer he got. Zeel was now at a point where he could make out the red dot, it turned out to be a small red plane that seated two people on the inside. For a brief moment Zeel was considering taking the plane for himself since the closer he got the less certain he was about to pilot being Alice, deciding to throw these doubts to the back of his mind for the moment Zeel then dives towards the red plane hoping for the best outcome – for the sakes of whoever were inside.

*whoosh* *whoosh*

Zeel can feel the wind blowing in his hair, he would feel thrilled if he wasn't so desperate to survive at the moment. Coming up on the red plane he enters arch position once more avoiding the tail and propellers at the front trying to grab a hold of the left wing but fails miserably as the plane tilts out of the way. Inside he could hear faint sounds of two women arguing, as if deciding whether or not to grant him a chance for survival.

Zeel the tries to widen his body as much as possible allowing the drag to once again take him above the plane, this time the red plane move towards him as if inviting him to hold it. Zeel was confused for a moment but decided to consider the pilot as 'Bipolar' since she obviously couldn't decide if she wanted to help him or not. Not losing the opportunity that could be reconsidered at any moment, he grabs onto the right wing this time, then rotates his body around allowing his back to be facing the ground. Zeel then takes a big breath of air since it was difficult to breathe previously with all the wind blowing in his face. Zeel comforted himself with the fact that his hair should be really beautiful right now since sunset was close, and his silver-white hair glistened in the sunlight brightly. After taking a couple breaths Zeel shows an ok sign to the girls inside the plane; now he could be sure the pilot is Alice. At the moment their eyes met, they both smiled but Zeel noticed that Alice seemed significantly weaker than he remembered – she almost seemed like a normal human.

Zeel tries not to put too much weight on the small plane so as not to destabilize it, he continues in that position for a couple minutes before the plane starts travelling through buildings, one of which seems to be surrounded by a horde or zombies with survivors waving at the top. Had he still been travelling alone Zeel would have no doubt landed and began killing off survivors to steal their resources but with Alice in the plane, he lacked the opportunity to do so.

'F.u.c.k, I need to start using morals again' Zeel thought as he began cursing himself for overlooking this fact about being with Alice.

Zeel looks inside the plane to see Alice pointing down, he gives a thumbs up and when they were 300 feet above the building he releases the plane and begins to fall, truth be told it was pretty stupid of both himself and Alice. Zeel captivated by seeing Alice after so long forgot about his injuries, but at that point it was too late for regrets.

Looking up from the building the group below just sees a red plane with a man attached to it circling around. All of a sudden the man detaches himself from the plane and falls straight down towards the edge of the building. At first they thought he slipped and would fall to his doom, but Luther was the first to notice that the crazy guy was actually using sky diving technique to maneuver himself onto the building they were at.

"Oh my God"

"What the f.u.c.k"

The group cursed infinitely thinking that the red plane was planning to drop a zombie on their roof, this is the apocalypse so such tactics have probably been used before on many occasions. Still the group was comforted by the fact that no matter how strong a zombie or any other creature for that matter, it would still fall to its death given the height of descent being around 300 to 400 feet. With a *boom* and *crunch* the man lands with only what looks like minor wounds appearing on his legs, the group could not make out his facial features since it was clouded by blood, but if his silver-white hair is any indication then no doubt this guy was beyond handsome.

Zeel shakily stands up and does a quick scan of those on the roof, using every profiling technique he knew alongside data recovered from Umbrella Satellites Zeel was able to identify most of the people on the roof in an instant. After he finished securing the ground, Zeel turned his eyes up to the plane only to see Alice circling back around to which he waves and shows a thumbs up indicating it was safe to land. Alice does one last spin and begins descent towards the building which is clearly going to be an attempt at landing. This would normally be nothing short of suicide, but with Zeel below Alice was comforted enough to attempt suicide a couple time over knowing full well Zeel would never even grant her the opportunity to kill herself. Zeel on the ground could vaguely recognize Alice's thoughts at the moment and had to admit he became weirded out at her thoughts.

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