The group consisting of LJ, Alice, Zeel, Carlos, Claire, Luther, and K-Mart was making their way to the deck after aiding in the awakening of the remaining survivors. Talking and making fun of each other to deal with the stress of the apocalypse was a common trend, even LJ as the biggest coward in the group had grown somewhat desensitized towards death. In the midst of their enjoyment a jet launched from the pad and shot off into the distance.

Everyone was aware of who the pilot was – Wesker no doubt. Zeel was stunned at this point, if destroying the brains couldn't work, his next best option would be a demonic ritual or something else just as superstitious. Zeel did not believe in superstition but with his mother's background he was still exposed to the world of the metaphysical at a young age.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Alice yelled as everyone followed after her running thinking that it was an emergency situation that required all hands on deck.

As the jet was continuing in the distance, all of a sudden it self-destructed with a huge explosion that would rend the earth and create tsunamis had the jet not been exceptionally fast in its evacuation. Just the thought of being near such an explosion sent chills down Zeel's back.

"I really didn't want you guys to miss that" Alice said as she reveled in the misfortune of Wesker.

"yeah explosion is art, and that my friend, is the work of the one and only" said Luther bragging about his menial task of transporting the bomb to the only working jet on the ship, as if it was a god given task.

Everyone stood together laughing at the closest thing they will ever see to a fireworks show in this apocalyptic world; suddenly Zeel and Alice hugged everyone and dropped to the ground. Thankfully they completed the action just in the nick of time as an explosion from two rockets bore holes in the deck of the ship almost at their previous location.

"What is that?" Claire asked.

"Major trouble" Zeel replied as he used his throwing knives; killing off pilots from the incoming Umbrella jets from nearly 200m away. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of jets firing at the ship and soon soldiers began to fall as well. Zeel was beginning to wonder if this was what his danger sense has been bugging him about ever since he set foot on the Arcadia but dismissed this thought pattern as it had gotten him in trouble several times before – he should always be prepared for every eventuality.

Everyone was exchanging fire till Zeel and Alice simultaneously yelled "Stagnation"

Utilizing the new ability of their stage three nanites to freeze any machine within a certain distance for around three seconds of time.

Like a command from a god all electronics, from jets to guns, stagnate for a couple seconds; however, Zeel and Alice were far from done as with the upgraded nanites when together they could amplify the effects hence stagnation stopped nearly all jets. The next command given sent the nanites into a dormant state instantaneously.

"Electromagnetic Pulse!" The two said in unison, and like the fourth of July the Umbrella sh.i.p.s begin exploding in a blaze of glory killing the pilots and soldiers inside.

Zeel looked at his scanner and murmured to himself "Guess that wasn't needed after all"

Alice then ran to a certain location and came back with an unconscious, injured Jill in her arms with a beetle like appendage attached to her c.h.e.s.t area. Alice nanites got work immediately as they hacked the apparition causing it to release Jill and then self-destruct.

"I hope that's the worst of it" said Alice as she looked around at all the dead bodies with a melancholic look in her eyes.

"Yeah me …" Zeel's sense blared up like never before, and Alice stood there frozen for a brief moment. The two make eye contact as if searching for strength from the other's gaze.

"Hurry up and follow me!" Zeel yelled to Carlos, Claire, Chris, JL, Luther and K-Mart. He then proceeded to take Alice's free hand and sprinted to the edge of the deck, flying off in a diving motion into the ocean along with Alice and the unconscious Jill still on her back. The rest hesitated for a brief moment before following suit, with K-Mart being the only one left behind for lack of ability to swim.

The moment they fell into the water, the group could feel their body being pulled down and tried to struggle but to no avail as Alice was using her telekinesis to pull them alongside her and the fish like Zeel. Near the bottom Zeel and Alice opened a duct to a submarine allowing everyone inside. As the water drains out Zeel and Alice could be seen throwing up a shit storm looking as white chalk.

Zeel wasted no time as he rushed to the control room and pushed a bunch of buttons. The submarine started trudging forth as fast as it could, though this did not seem enough for Zeel as he took out an extra-large chunk of Zeelinium and laid it on top of the controls with great regret. The submarine roared as if on steroids, and began accelerating faster and faster forwards.

"Wait! Where is K-Mart?" Claire asked after realizing she was currently not with them.

"It's too late for that, f.u.c.k K-store or whatever" Zeel said clearly agitated at everything right now, had it not been for Alice, he would have left this extra baggage to die aboard the Arcadia.

"What the f.u.c.k is going on?" LJ asked looking confused as f.u.c.k, a sentiment which was present in everyone apart from Zeel and Alice.

"I didn't think they would go that far; guess T-virus did nothing for the nuclear missiles" Alice said smiling bitterly, while also thankful for Zeel's precautionary measures.

"Five minutes ago two very advanced, state of the arch, compounding-imploding nuclear missiles were launched towards the arcadia, it should be making contact in about 2 minutes" Zeel said despising how weak he is in comparison to a nuclear missile, funny a man who discovered multi-dimensional travel using cosmic wormholes would fall to such a primitive device as a nuclear missile.

"We need to get K-Mart" Claire yelled clearly not understanding the gravity of the situation, she became frantic which prompted Chris to knock her out temporarily. While the others may not be clear, Chris was very certain that Zeel was quickly reaching his annoyance threshold.

"It's too late" Alice replied with a tear slipping from her eye, she was currently distraught at not only having to leave behind K-Mart, but also the other survivors.

"Brace for impact" Zeel yelled as he hugged Alice close unsure of whether or not they would survive this as they were still within the blast radius. He blamed his own inadequacy as he got distracted by LJ and did not further investigate the weird signals present on the ship.


The submarine that was impacted by a shockwave that would rupture metals and human flesh alike. The submarine was travelling both deeper and further into the ocean at the time of impact and was blown away damaging the navigation system. Everyone's body was washed with radiation a couple times over, at this point the radiation was so intense that it could even kill Zeel and Alice a couple times over.

"Computer cease all functions and execute project stasis for however long it takes to get rid of the radiation poisoning from our bodies" Zeel commanded feeling weaker and weaker as he hugged Alice evermore tighter.

"Command accepted. Conducting stasis storage. ETA approximately three years" The AI responded as everyone's seat tilted back and placed them in a stasis chamber to begin the cleansing process to expulse the radiation afflicting their bodies. Alice and Zeel's stasis chamber was the only conjoined one, since their shared amplification of the nanites could aid them in getting rid of the radiation poising much sooner than the others.

"What a mess" was Zeel's last thought as everyone went into a slumber for four years, in a submarine set adrift towards a destination that can only be found three years later.

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