Zeel and Alice made their way to the principal's office to finish the registration process, which was code for the principal boot liking for more funds, the majority of which would go into his pockets anyway.

Alice grew dull to the gazes as she could not feel murderous intentions; possessive, l.u.s.tful, and even obsessed gazes but never killing intention.

Zeel, on the other hand, grew irritated by the gazes directed at Alice. While he could be tolerant, he had yet to experience such blatancy now that he had faint emotions. Zeel had grown a bit possessive towards Alice in this new Universe. Zeel had an inkling of what was happening, but he needed to investigate to fully understand what effects the chains on his soul was having on his mentality.

Spinning Alice around, Zeel directly laid a kiss on her lips, which soon turned into a French kiss - long and sensual beyond any kiss they shared before.

Satisfied with the kiss, Zeel withdrew as Alice was still very much into the action, causing her to give him a look of blame. Soon the duo was heading towards the principal office again, leaving behind the red faces of the freshmen, the curious faces of the sophomores, and the envious faces of the seniors.

Not long after they left, the crowd dispersed as they no longer had a show to watch or a hot girl/guy to check out. Arriving at the principal's office, the principal spent the better half of an hour complimenting them and admiring everything about them, down to the color of their socks, having described it as a 'wonderful taste in fine material'.

Alice couldn't take it anymore and laugh aloud with Zeel, barely stifled a grin, since their socks were both from a cheap nearby store. They were never one to place importance on the way they looked since everything just had to fit one condition – survivable.

They also didn't usually use socks as they wear combat shoes which did not require socks at all and were in tuned to vibrations from the ground. This aided in Alice's detection skills, but in a technological world, the nanites were usually enough to defend themselves.

"Are you done? We're a bit tired," Zeel said clearly indicating his growing annoyance with the constant compliments. What was the principal going to compliment next? Their eyebrows?

"Yeah, my cashmere socks can't take the sweat from this hot office," Alice said with a smirk, still toying with the nervous principal who was running out of things to compliment. She was actually curious about his next target of compliments: maybe Zeel's scars? Her big toe? Or maybe even the whites of her teeth?

"Oh yes! Please head to your class. Mark, please escort these students to their locker and class," The principal yelled at the random guy who was just about to open the office door. The boy named Mark froze for a moment, then he gazed at Zeel and Alice.

His gaze lingered on Alice slightly longer before he agreed. Alice and Zeel ignored Mark since they had already become used to the gazes of the teenagers at the school.

"Sure," Mark replied after giving Alice and Zeel a once over. Had this been the previous universe, Zeel would have already dug out Mark's eyes since he hated being evaluated, it gave him the feeling of a potential enemy.

Exiting the office, Alice realized that Mark could be useful by providing information on the possible Number candidates. Alice began to ask a series of questions.

"How long have you been in Paradise Hills?"

"All my life, the name is Mark James by the way,"

"Play any sports, Mark?"

"Football. Why are you a fan?"

"Is it easy? Do you feel like you're too strong for the other guys?"

"Do you known anyone that seems suspicious that might have moved to Paradise Hills recently?"

"Yeah, a couple of kids,��� Mark replied while floating a gloating look at Zeel, thinking he must be pissed at his girlfriend taking interest in another guy. But Zeel only felt endless pity for the guy who was getting his hopes up a little too high.

Zeel had enough of Mark's gloating look and decided that he could do things much faster than Alice and her endless questions.

Moving with a blur, Zeel placed his hand on Mark's head, with swift movement Zeel read through Mark's surface memories, searching for any indication he was anything more than a football player or had seen anyone suspicious recently.

"Not him!" Zeel said to Alice who kept a stoic face throughout the process. Alice was wondering if Zeel found her unreliable or was he just plain impatient?

"Wait. What were we talking about again?" Mark asked after coming out of a daze, confused about why Zeel was holding him up against a locker.

"Nothing, we know where our classes are, don't bother," Alice replied dismissively as she held Zeel's hand walking off. She was pissed at Zeel for ruining her questioning and also felt frustrated that she wasted her time talking to Mark for no apparent reason.

Unknown to the trio, a nearby Sam Goode was peeking at them and managed to catch the incident. Though it seemed unusual, it was nothing overly suspicious, so Sam failed to connect the dots but a vague suspicion was planted in the back of his mind.

Alice had developed Zeel's bad habit of coming up with countermeasures should anything occur. After all, a good explosion could save a life at any time. This was common practice for them as scouting the land and planting explosives ahead of time was ingrained into their very souls throughout the years in Resident Evil World.

Alice once said 'A nicely placed bomb could be the difference between life and death.' But Zeel's favorite phrase was from none other than the Red Queen 'You're all going to die down here'.

When entering class after finishing their locker business, the teacher greeted them both by names.

"Okay, class today we have Zeel and Alice joining us. I'll have them introduce themselves,"

"Name is Zeel Crawford," was all Zeel said.

"Alice, we are not saviors, we are fighters and survivors," Alice said looking for anyone who would change expression in the classroom, after finding nothing out of the ordinary she and Zeel proceeded to their respective seats.

The class was confused at first but after seeing the scars on her stomach, they felt Alice had a story behind those scars, hence her statement earlier.

Zeel had to throw a kid out of his seat so he could sit close to Alice. The entire scene was comical since he threw the class bully around like it was nothing.

"Hi, my name is Sarah," A girl next to Alice introduced herself in a lame manner.

"Alice, nice to meet you," Alice replied looking a bit interested in the loner-like girl.

"Sa-" as Sarah was going to introduce herself to Zeel; he cut her off mid-sentence.

"I don't care,"

"Ignore him, he's always been a bit anti-social," Alice said attempting to smooth things over.

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