Everyone in the room was impressed by Zeel's foresight. Though they were also a bit freaked out by the thought of having Zeel as an enemy at any point in the future. Zeel gave off the vibe of someone that would not even spit your bones out.

"You guys should go get your stuff, here is much safer than where you're staying. I know you guys can weigh the advantages and disadvantages on your own," Alice said since she had already gotten used to Zeel telling those types of stories.

This often kept her from going crazy during the apocalypse because being alone with Zeel, while amazing, was also a very taxing experience. How could it not be? Zeel, while extremely logical, also had a couple of screws loose.

"Yeah and as for that kid," Zeel said pointing to John "He'll have to get some proper training,"

"I don't even have my legacies yet. And aren't we like the same age," John replied wondering if training under someone as young as him would help him at all.

"Legacies? Sigh, why would you need them? This would be even better since you'd have to be able to fight without the aid of your gifts. Also, we're about 28 this year," Alice said which was seconded by both Lexa and Henri.

"Well, we have to go get things settled. John's training can start another day," Henri said before taking John to the exit, before pausing briefly and turning back to ask "Nothing is gonna attack me right?"

"I don't know, even Zeel and I try to avoid entering and exiting so much, take a chance," Alice replied to which Lexa giggled at the accuracy of that statement. Even the inventors themselves had to be careful in their own homes.

This just further demonstrated how truly paranoid Zeel really was.

After the brief meeting, Henri and John had arrived home.

"Do you trust them?" Henry asked John who nodded in affirmation.

"Yeah, I saw his memories unlike you who was just told the story. They hail from a planet wrought in destruction similar to this planet in infrastructure. Developmentally, they pursued the path of biological evolution, on Lorien we chose to live with the environment and used runes as our path of evolution. They did long-distance teleportation, ended injured here, helped by three, and later reciprocated the action.

They're practical, the girl is a little softer but would still strike if the situation requires it. The boy, on the other hand, made a deal for power and hence here we are," John said as he summarized the memories Zeel had shown to him.

"What are the chances of the memories being fake?" Henri asked since he wasn't the type to rely on anyone.

"Infinitesimal, I could feel the intentions when we were dragged into meeting them in our mindscapes after number 3's death. The intentions match what I felt in the memories. Intentions are the hardest thing to hide especially when you're connected by charms. Though the charms seem to be getting weaker and weaker every time" John replied, touching his ankle in contemplation.

"Yeah, the only reason the charm hasn't stopped working as yet is that while they are numbers, they both have half of the total power. But from what I can see, they're stronger than most of the Garde I have met before and that includes your father," Henri said as his intuition born from countless battles told him Zeel's and Alice's strength was much more than they let slip.

"How can you tell?" John asked since he could feel no strength radiating off of Zeel or Alice.

"Experience," Henry said walking off like someone would after they said something cool "That and the scars,"

"What scars?" John asked to which he doesn't get any reply from Henri. Truly, Henri was just appalled at John's lack of proper observation, since anyone could see Alice and Zeel's scars if they looked close enough.

The following day at school Alice, Zeel, and John could be seen walking together like chummy buddies who had not seen each other in a very long time.

"Guys, the principal wants to see you all at the office," a teacher passing by notified the trio before scurrying off quickly. Zeel recalled he had bullied the teacher sometime last week since he was also amongst those who bothered Alice a lot.

"Okay," Alice replied holding Zeel close to herself and began leaning on him lazily while walking. John, like a good third wheel, always remained silent and made himself as unnoticeable as possible.

Arriving at the door "Come in" the principal said from the inside.

Walking inside the trio could see Sarah sitting in a chair arguing with a teacher in front of the principal.

"I'm sorry Mr. Webster, if you really want the picture I'll give you a copy," Sarah said slyly.

"You can't go taking pictures of anyone you please and upload it to some website," Mr. Webster complained while also demonstrating a photo of himself digging his nose; not noticing there were three more people now inside the office.

John chuckled from the side, drawing everyone��s attention towards the newly arrived trio.

"We'll talk about this later, Mr. Webster," the principal said in a dismissive tone "Come have a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, John you can stay standing,"

"Thank you,"

"Thank you,"

"Now Sarah, you can't keep isolating yourself from everyone around you. Lucky for you I may have a solution," The principal said and continued "Sarah, meet John Smith, Alice, and Zeel Crawford. You'll be in charge of showing them around the school and town,"

"it's been about two weeks since school started. Shouldn't have they become familiar enough to find themselves around?" Sarah inquired a bit displeased clearly remembering the altercation in the corridor yesterday.

"Well. We are sort of an acquired taste, so nobody really socializes with us," Alice replied.

"You mean people try to talk to you and your psychotic boyfriend drives them away," Sarah replied hitting the nail on the head.

"That's what I just said" Alice replied looking a bit confused, to which Sarah and everyone else in the room aside from Zeel sighed and shook their heads.

Zeel being the person he is, could not help but make a correction "Sociopath. Psychopath means you're born crazy, but I was born normal so if anything I can be considered a sociopath,"

Everyone once again shook their head in exasperation.

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