Zeel, Alice, and John's reappearance in school caused quite a stir amongst the students for several reasons. Zeel and Alice had been feeling a bit restless as of late. After enjoying their time in this universe so much, they had almost forgotten what it felt like to be genuinely worried.

The fight for survival should never end, and the moment you become lax was the moment of your demise. So despite all the fun, they were having, Zeel and Alice had never really had a chance to unwind.

Heading to their lockers, John met up with Sam Goode, by now they had become great friends; with Zeel being only vaguely familiar with the guy. As John and Sam were opening their lockers red paint spurted out, John could have dodged it but he guessed it would be too suspicious.

Zeel and Alice nodded at his response because they know it was the little reactions that mattered.

John's actions garnered him mental praises from Zeel and Alice. Sam, in a fit of rage, attacked the person most likely responsible for the incident – Mark and his group of man-s.l.u.ts. However, all he did was get trashed around before John stepped forth pushing Mark back against a locker.

This attracted the attention of all students in the corridor. Everyone was itching to see a proper a.s.s whooping, even Zeel and Alice were no exceptions. They had begun to feel bored of late and needed the little excitement a fight would bring.

School had not been as adventurous as Alice thought it would have been. Rather, it was just as expected and Alice's view was a bit skewed due to Zeel's memories.

The previous night, John had snuck Sarah into the mansion; though it was a part of the mansion that acted as front – it was the mansion no less. Zeel and Alice who were m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e did nothing about this but John was given a stern warning by Henri and Lexa, who seemed to be getting fairly close as well.

This was not the problem, however; the problem came about from the fact that someone else had seen their late-night rendezvous.

"Did you have a nice time last night, John?" Mark said then continued " You see, in football, a quarterback needs a few things. Speed, strength... Mostly, though, you need intuition. A feeling when things are going south. The first time we talked, I should've listened to mine,"

Seeing that John was about to blow his top, Alice intervened with a quip that made everyone suck in a breath of air "Do you know what else a quarterback needs? A house to live in, one call from me and Zeel to our wealthy friends across the world and you won't even have clothes to wear by tomorrow,"

Mark backed off after being threatened by Alice, but not before shooting John a last glare and warning "Can't hide behind your brother's girlfriend forever John,".

"You should stay away from that girl. Logic dictates that you don't get involved with normal humans, it would hurt them. If you like her do yourself a favor and spare her from a painful death that would most likely come from associating with you," Zeel said his little piece of wisdom as a warning before walking off.

Alice, following after Zeel, passed by John and said "That Sam kid too, and tell him to stop watching us, we know. It was cute at first but now it has become downright creepy,"

The incident blew over after a week and contrary to Alice's and Zeel's advice, John only got closer to Sarah. His friendship with Sam became stronger as well.

"So there is a festival next week. You gonna take me?" Alice asked Zeel while twirling around, she enjoyed playing the innocent rich type but Zeel knew deep down that she just wanted to believe in the fantasy they now called their lives.

They had come a long way from killing Zombies and humans alike, but somehow it still felt like they hadn't moved a bit from where they were. Still felt the same pain on the new mattress, still heard the same sounds from the luxury speakers, still tasted the same food from the expensive restaurants; everything seemed the same dullness it had always been.

"Sure we could make it a quadruple date?" Zeel replied no longer wanting to think too deeply about their underlying issues.

"Didn't know we knew that many couples," Alice replied with a statement that was more of a question.

"You and I, John and Sarah, Henry and Lexa, Sam and his hand. See four couples," Zeel answered to which Alice and everyone nearby began laughing their asses off much to Sam's ire. Over the past week, Zeel and Alice had been picking heavily on Sam and Sarah, attempting to drive them off before they could become even more evolved in their strife.

Alice could be tolerant of their existences but Zeel could not for much longer; allowing weak people into their circle would weaken everyone in the circle, hence Zeel thought it was better to eliminate those who could not carry their weight.

And just like that the tedious week passed by in a flash, with Henry and Lexa suspecting the Mogadorians have found John. However, the Mogadorians seemed to be waiting for reinforcements as they were wary of the unknown variables that are Zeel and Alice. This again reaffirmed their suspicions that a Number was working alongside the Mogadorians since Zeel and Alice were only known by the Numbers.

Unbeknownst to Zeel and Alice, they had become somewhat of a taboo for the Mogadorians as in their first encounter with a Mogadorian, they escaped from a general. Generals were exceptional fighters amongst the race, adding to that was the fact the general reported to the high command that both of them were humans and not numbers.

Humans, who were believed to be weak and low on the evolutionary chain, bested a General of the Mogadorian Army? This was not only inconceivable but also a direct threat to the Mogadorian regime. This led to the Mogadorians becoming increasingly wary of the humans, and as a by-product, they began intensifying human experimentations.

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