"I saw you guys punching those football players to blood mist last night, fighting at super speeds, and Henri firing weird-looking energy projectiles," Sam continued "And I have proof, people would ask a lot of questions if they saw this video,"

Sam then pulled out his cheap outdated Nokia phone, Zeel just flashed over grabbing Sam's head and reading his surface memory. John took the phone out of Sam's hand during this process and skimmed through the pictures.

After Zeel was finished, John told Sam "Knock yourself out. All the pictures on here are of Bernie Cozar. My pet dog I adopted when I first came to Paradise Hill," John further explained for clarification as Zeel had not seen the dog as of yet.

"You mean the little monster always following you around in the dark?" Zeel asked since he would always notice the dog following John around. Sometimes it was an entirely different animal that followed him.

"Little monster what do you mean?" John asked confused at Zeel's implications.

"By the way, I didn't erase this guy's memories yet, his father was a greeter," Zeel said as he pointed to Sam who stood there shocked. What would you expect when you threaten two superhuman guys? Did you not plan ahead in case they kill you?

"My father was a what?" Sam asked regaining his wits.

"Greeter," John replied "The first to welcome us to this planet, get us settled down, assimilate and years later, they were responsible for bringing us together,"

"So all the things about Ancient Astronauts, my dad kept studying? You guys abducted him?" Sam asked backing away.

"We don't abduct people, but the Mogadorians might. Well, they eliminate not abduct, so chances are your old man already kicked the bucket long ago. Well, maybe not seeing that he is useful as a greeter," Zeel said after a brief moment of contemplation.

"What do you mean? He might still be alive?" Sam asked with excitement apparent in his voice.

"Yeah, but that's worst because he would be tortured and experimented on every day, but seeing as the Mogadorians haven't come here yet, it seems your old man is very strong," Zeel answered as he nodded his head, agreeing with everything he himself is saying.

John used to Zeel's self-centered attitude so he did not mind it. But Sam was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Why would they come here if not for us?" John asked since he was always confused by the way Zeel talked.

Zeel has the habit of assuming that everything he is able to deduce, can also be deduced by everyone around him; so he speaks as if everyone already knows what he was speaking about.

"For this!" Zeel replied walking to a nearby shelf and removing a weird-looking rock from the collection.

"Skimming through his memories, I was able to see his father attaches great importance to this particular rock. Sam was too young to notice but I could. Should be a Loric locator of some kind," Zeel said.

"With this, we can find the other numbers?" John asked.

"Wait! What is all this talk about numbers and all?" Sam interrupted.

"Kid, the best I can do for you now is to erase your memory so you can live a normal life. The less you know, the better, you'll die if you even think of going against the Mogadorians," Zeel said to Sam in a rather serious tone. Zeel did not fancy useless sacrifice and hence decided to give Sam a way out.

"Do you know what it's like, living being beaten on the daily, hoping every day for your father to come back, then to finally have a chance at answers only for them to be taken from you?" Sam asked.

"No, I don't and I don't care anyway. Some questions are better left unanswered. You could be r.a.p.ed for all your life and I could care less," Zeel replied as he began walking to Sam who was backing away.

John then got between them as he was sympathizing with Sam "Leave him with his memories, people will think he is crazy anyway. He at least deserves to know what he is dealing with if the Mogadorians ever come looking for him,"

Zeel thought for a moment before he decided against it and still proceeded to walk towards Sam.

Suddenly, Zeel's eyes began flickering with code as a message from Alice "Come here asap!" was projected onto his irises. Zeel and John wasted no time and bolted home leaving behind a relieved Sam.

15 minutes earlier at the mansion.

The Sheriff entered the mansion alongside Henri.

"Incident reported last night, some footballers missing in the forest. My son was there but had no memory of the incident. Also getting accused of touching that girl Sarah against her will," the sheriff said in a stiff tone. He seemed certain that Zeel and Alice were the ones responsible.

Alice replied looking directly into the eyes of the Sheriff "Sheriff, I have a story to tell you, my husband likes telling me stories though he always gets the morals behind the stories wrong,"

Alice continued explaining "I think I always get the story right, so listen very carefully.

One day two frogs were hopping in and out of a watering hole and accidentally hopped in an extremely deep hole. They tried to leap out but to no avail. They began to yell and croak until other frogs heard them and came to help.

The other frogs looked over into the hole and said the hole was too deep for them to help, but both frogs kept leaping up the sides of the hole. The other frogs, leaning over the hole and waving their front legs, began to yell to the frogs to just give up and die and that there was no hope of them getting out of the hole, but both frogs kept leaping and trying to get out of the hole.

They leaped for hours and one of the frogs just gave up he was so exhausted and died. The other frog in the hole kept leaping, but the other frogs, leaning over the hole, kept yelling and waving their front legs for him to stop and give up, but the frog kept leaping trying to get out of the hole.

Finally, the frog leaped so high that he was able to leap to the top of the hole and used his back legs to push himself up out of the hole. The other frogs said even though we told you to give up that there was no hope of you getting out of the hole you kept leaping. The frog that got out of the hole thanked the other frogs for egging him on - the other frogs didn't know that this frog was deaf."

"So what, want to tell me to never give up?" the sheriff asked a bit confused about the story.

"No, on the contrary, I want to remind you that sometimes it is better to die at the bottom of the hole, rather than leaping out to an unpredictable world. A world where say your house is at 125 Clover Grove, and you have a happy wife in the kitchen who can die at any moment. Or a son on the football team who can be injured during a game anytime, sending his career into oblivion. Do we have an understanding sheriff?" Alice asked a bit grimly after finishing the story.

This was the side of Alice that Lexa feared. Others may not notice it, but when it came to Zeel, Alice was as protective as women came.

The sheriff nodded, got up, and exited the mansion, all the while not looking back for even a moment.

Alice smirked a bit before Henri pointed out "That's more something Zeel would do, I didn't expect it from you,"

"That's where you are wrong, where do you think Zeel learned that from? Zeel use to be a person to kill first ask questions later," Alice replied.

"Glad I didn't meet that version of him," Lexa replied.

"Yeah, be glad you didn't," replied Alice staring off into the distance while c.a.r.e.s.sing a scar on her t.h.i.g.h. After a couple of seconds of sitting in a daze, Alice stared into space and used her nanites to communicate with Zeel.

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