Pulling up to the party in a Rolls-Royce, John, Alice, and Zeel exited the car, drawing a lot of attention to themselves. At this point in time, all decorum had been shed, so Zeel didn't have to hold back his intimidating presence from the view of those at the party.

John didn't have any consideration for the party either, the only thing on his mind at this point was finding a way to keep Sarah safe from anything that might come their way tonight. Zeel and John made their way inside as had been agreed beforehand.

Alice remained outside by the car as a lookout as the worst-case scenario. Things could become chaos in the blink of an eye, and Alice's telekinesis was suited for such situations. Though she would never admit it, Alice preferred staying outside because her intuition was telling her that she would be able to let loose a little once she remained out here.

Being in a Universe that had so many restrictions made it hard for her to kill anyone or anything. After surviving an apocalyptic land for dozens of years, a suddenly peaceful life was kind of irritating.

Making their way into the party, John and Zeel asked around for Sarah's location. After a while of run around, Zeel grew tired and was about to set the house on fire so that everyone could exit.

"She is upstairs in the first room on the left with Mark," one of the guests replied, as John flinched hearing the duo were in a room at a party. It didn't take a genius to figure out what scenarios would take place in such an environment.

"Yeah, man just give up already. She probably already getting some d.i.c.k," another one of Mark's friends said.


All that could be heard was the sounds of wind blowing as the guy was blown away through the window and into the pool outside. For the first time, Zeel could not stop John from completing the action, it was a swift action that flowed without hesitation.

After they left the bottom floor, a random guy took out a phone and called the Sheriff "They're here,"

Up the stairs, John and Zeel came to the front of the aforementioned room. John hesitated, afraid of what he might see but Zeel just kicked open the room just to find nobody present inside.

"Maybe they already finished mating?" Zeel joked trying to get a rise out of John who just rolled his eyes at Zeel. John would have attacked but he knew it was a useless endeavor.

"The window," John said as they proceeded outside to see Sarah and Mark looking at the stars a couple of feet apart from each other. While the atmosphere was ambiguous quite a bit, it was clear Sarah was drawing a line between her and Mark, something that was noticed by both Zeel and John.

However, Sarah seemed noticeably less irritated by Mark, so Zeel had no doubt their relationship could progress as long as Mark sincerely apologized. Sadly, all that was for naught now that the truth was about to come to light.

Zeel could only curse at Mark's weak resolve to take the initiative as a man. When Zeel altered their memories, he made Sarah's and Mark's impression of each other a bit more favorable amongst other things.

Turning around, Mark saw both Zeel and John then asked in a smug tone "Why are you here?"

"John?" Sarah asked a bit surprised looking down in guilt after a moment. Did she really deserve to say his name after what she had done?

"Sarah, you've been avoiding me since the incident. I know that you don't see me like that anymore. I just wanted to say goodbye, since I and the others are leaving," John said a little sadly as he was about to turn around and leave. Zeel wanted to ask about the location of the stone before things could get out of hand.

"What are you talking about John? I love you, I am sorry I betrayed your trust. I am still having a hard time dealing with it, I never saw myself as that kind of person – I am sorry I hurt you," Sarah replied breaking down crying. It was the pain of a girl who was not far from a mental break down.

John's footsteps stopped, his face frozen in an enlightened expression, and asked "What are you talking about?"

Zeel, on the other hand, slapped his forehead attempting to signal Mark to intervene quickly, but Mark was looking at another location entirely.

"I hate stupid people," Zeel said as he mumbled to himself in disappointment.

"I betrayed you, John, I cheated the night of the festival. You caught me with Mark remember?" Sarah said crying some more as the memories she had tried to suppress resurfaced once more.

John's eyes became bloodshot as he looked towards Zeel in both anger and resignation "What did you do?"

"I did what had to be done," Zeel replied, shrugging his shoulders not feeling an ounce of guilt at making Sarah think she had slept with Mark. If it was his decision, Zeel would have made them actually sleep together, but Alice stopped him.

Quicker than anything he had managed before, John delivered a punch to Zeel's face with no retaliation from the lather. Zeel had to admit he deserved that, but as John was going to throw another punch, Zeel grabbed his first and said "Mission first, personal matters can be addressed later,"

"Sarah, all that can be discussed later. We need the rock John gave you," Zeel said jumping directly into their reason for being here.

Sarah was about to reply when alarms started blaring from by the road. Smashing sounds could be heard from the road as police officers jumped out the window and said "FREEZE!"

Zeel was too absorbed by Sarah's answer, he failed to realize Mark was stalling just for this moment.

"Get down on the ground now!" The sheriff yelled.

"No!" Zeel said contemptuously as he had grown tired of playing nice all the time. Being nice was a hassle, something he did not want to experience again. If you don't break someone's legs, they walk towards you again after a beat down.

*swish* *swish* *swish*

Gunshots were fired by the officers, likewise, on the streets, you could also hear crashing sounds. Zeel used his TechnoMancy ability to stop the bullets mid-air, surprising everyone at the scene.

Then the bullets turned to dust, Zeel had a steely look on his face the entire time. Frightened by the incident, Sarah back away from Zeel until she reached the edge of the roof. She soon slipped and fell to her inevitable demise.

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