After the bombardment cleared up, the field could be seen in shambles. Alice and John could be seen lying on the ground exhausted, barely managing to keep their brave façade on their faces. Elizabeth and Zeel were a couple of meters away from them also exhausted.

Zeel was severely disoriented from being taken into a minor dimension alongside Elizabeth when she used her Novis ability. Zeel values logic beyond anything, but in the minor dimension that exists alongside this plane, like a parallel one, the laws of physics were no longer applicable.

It was only for a split second but for Zeel it might have well been a couple of years. Zeel was surprised that Elizabeth's ability was not teleportation, but minor dimension jumping that warped the distance. This meant she could turn invisible from all forces acting on the Earth for a brief period of time.

Henri and Lexa, from the Quinjet, ran scans of the entire battlefield before deciding to dismount. Zeel had the habit of not blinking a lot during battles, so he was able to see that some Mogadorians had escaped during the confusion of the bombardment. If the heavy scent of blood was any indicator, then a lot of Paradise Hills inhabitants have died tonight.

The Mogadorians who slipped between the cracks would have murdered some inhabitants.

"Smell it?" Alice asked as she gazed into the distance.

Everyone fell silent as they knew what she was referring to. Even without enhanced senses, they could guess what she was talking about. Even Henri and Lexa had witnessed the pandemonium throughout the town from their brief flight to the school.

"I sent the chimera to deal with stragglers," Zeel said not minding the scent of blood that was growing increasingly stronger.

Zeel and Alice were still very cautious, after countless battles they knew the moment you let your guard down was the moment the tide could turn. The groggy feeling began impacting Zeel in torrents as his body grew warmer.

Now that he had exhausted his legacies, the power keeping the seal on his soul restrained, came back with a vengeance. Alice feeling the pain through their connection, ignored everyone else, and opted to take care of Zeel.

All those factors played a part in what happened next. Exhausted beyond belief and with their two most experienced combatants not paying attention to their surroundings, it was too late to intervene when Mogadorians popped out from below ground.

"Henry! Behind you," Alice yelled as she attempted to flashover, but she was too late as a blade pierced through Henry's heart from behind, after which it continued to pierce the abdomen of Lexa.

"Damn!" Zeel yelled as he used the last components that remained undamaged on the battlefield to make a large stasis chamber tossing both Henry and Lexa into it before their bodies could decay.

Loriens when they die would undergo rapid decay, and Zeel had begun to understand why that happened.

Zeel then turned to Alice, frustrated and angry beyond belief. He decided to make sure that the battlefield was totally cleansed.

"Blow it!" Zeel said.

Alice then pointed her hand towards the jet and utilizing the full strength of her nanites for the first time in a while, she said "Self-destruct".

Using the last dregs of her telekinesis power, Alice shielded herself and John in a cocoon for the second time. This cocoon was reinforced beyond belief, with the energy saturation inside the cocoon becoming seemingly tangible.

Zeel out of components could not build something to withstand the explosion, so he was about to use the unstable new transference method but ultimately decided against it. He was unsure of where he could end up, or even if he would make it back to reality.

Elizabeth was really responsible in tight spots; she mounted Zeel's waist and her body started flickering with bluish energy in preparation for the impending explosion.


A massive explosion shook the entire school, seeing the incoming explosion Zeel held onto the waist of Elizabeth like his life depended on it – which it did at the moment. The bluish energy lingering on her body also extended to Zeel, and enveloped his body within nanoseconds.

Dust covered the entire football field, or what could be formerly called a football field. Clouds in the sky had cleared giving everyone a glimpse into the mystery that is the night sky. Zeel drifted into a daze as he looked at the star that was Plant Lorien, not aware that his hands had begun to massage a soft surface in circular motion.

Zeel felt two buds become stiff as Elizabeth started to rotate her h.i.p.s on his waist. Regaining his wits, Zeel looked at his hand and nodded in improvement "Perky".

"Careful there, I wouldn't want your woman killing me," Elizabeth said as she rolled off Zeel, but with more exaggeration than was necessary allowing him to grind against her for a brief moment.

"I think you'd be surprised about what Alice would do," Zeel said before he sundered off looking for Alice and John. Alice woke up with John hugging her t.h.i.g.hs, she got annoyed immediately and kneed him in the face, which woke him up with a yelp.

"Touch me again and next time I'll take you're f.u.c.k.i.n.g head off," Alice said before dragging John like a sack of potatoes and heading in the direction of Zeel's voice. John was truly the most underappreciated member of the group, even Sam Goode didn't get physically assaulted.

Everyone gathered together as Sam and Sarah exited the school and came to meet them, Zeel floated the stasis chambers containing Lexa and Henri next to himself.

"They were severely injured; it could take years to recover but at least they will recover. Loric biology is difficult to grasp but rest assured they are fine," Zeel said letting everyone's' concern dwindle before he hugged Alice and walked off with the group following closely behind.

They could not stay in that area for too long, the energy saturating the environment would have adverse effects on human biology.

"We need some rest before we can rebuild the jet and get out of here. Everyone else should get some rest too because come morning, we'll be out of here," Alice said too exhausted to mind subtlety on John's and Sarah's part.

Sarah paused and looked back "Mark was …,"

Before she could finish her statement Zeel answered simply "Dead. Vaporized. Don't be a wussy about it. I even saw the Mogadorians looking at my socks during the fight,"

After arriving at the mansion, everyone went to their respective rooms. With John taking Sarah to his. Zeel and Alice, after setting the stasis chamber in the base, went to their own room. Sam got a room next to Elizabeth, it had become painfully obvious to everyone that he had developed somewhat of a crush on the bad-ass Elizabeth.

Zeel could only sigh and shake his head at Sam's antics, since he could tell what kind of girl Elizabeth was. Extremely traumatized by her childhood, a damaged girl who was forced to grow up too early, and she was not looking for a lover – she craved anyone who could protect her, command her, take away the hard decisions from her.

She was a damaged person, and would continue to be one in the near future. Zeel knew Sam matched none of the characteristics Elizabeth wanted in her potential mates.

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