The choice they made surprised everyone there, even Zeel who thought he was always prepared for anything. Sam and Sarah both stepped back, meaning they want the memories gone, and happy stable lives. Not many people could choose to remain mortal in a universe of Gods and Demons, it takes some serious discipline.

"Sarah," John said in a questioning tone further amplified by his pained voice.

"I am sorry John, that you maybe will never forget me and truly love again. I know this is selfish but I hope at least one of us will remember the times we had. I love you, John, I really do but I also know as humans we are fickle beings. I can't say I will love you forever without malice or resentment. To be honest, deep inside I am already blaming you guys for the loss of my family.

And the deciding factor for me was – the Garde. You guys are more human than you realize, I can't believe you'll love me forever throughout whatever faith has or rather had in store for us, because that is the dreams of a child who has not seen the world, and now I need to be a woman," Sarah said as she kissed John on the lips and backed away slowly, making the departure that much painful for John.

Sometimes it was better to rip the bandage off directly, in comparison to tearing it off carefully to not cause discomfort.

"Sam?" John asked since he was sure Sam would want to find his father more than anything.

"To be honest, I wanted to surprise you with my decision but I know you already planned for this right?" Sam asked to which Zeel nodded. Though it was the least likely outcome, it was still a predicted outcome nonetheless.

"That's why you stressed the word 'happy' because you knew all I ever wanted was for someone to love me like my dad did when I was a child, and I know you plan on giving me that. I don't want an adventure that never ends, I just want a place to belong, and that is here beside Sarah and not with all of you," Sam said to the group as he made his way next to Sarah.

"Wait! What do you mean?" John asked stunned by what it meant when Sam and Sarah stood next to each other.

"He'll be taking away their memories but no matter what you take away, people will still realize they're missing something so you need a happy replacement. Basically, he's giving them a happy ending together, not all of it is a lie either because Sam and Sarah did like each other at one point in time, however long ago it may have been," Alice explained as Zeel placed his hands on Sam's and Sarah's foreheads replacing all memories of his group and John with happy memories of the both of them together.

"Memories are a tricky thing, so I need a good storyline and even then it might not work. They say true love trumps all so let's test that theory," Zeel said after removing his hands from Sam's and Sarah's foreheads.

When he was finished, Alice and Elizabeth laid them down on the grass holding hands next to each other. John stooped down and kissed Sarah on the forehead one last time before the group departed.

His footsteps seemed especially heavy at that moment, but everyone could understand his reluctance to leave. John would have probably stayed if he would just lose his power, but instead, Zeel would take both his life and power if necessary.

On the Quinjet heading to the official New York base, John asked "Was her family really killed in the Mogadorian attack?"

"Nope. But I said what needed to be said," Zeel replied still fiddling with his Forbidden cube. It was a comfortable pass time activity for both Zeel and Alice.

"It's for the best. You should know this but a Lorien cannot love a human like they do another Lorien, so the only 'one love' should not apply to her. You'll love again and when you do, it will be the right one," Elizabeth said as she glanced at Zeel a couple of times, obviously saying it so he and Alice could hear.

"By the way, I have always wondered babe, how is your TechnoMancy legacy so dang overpowered? I mean I have never seen one before but I am pretty sure it shouldn't do everything like what you did. Alice as well, her telekinesis goes way beyond her arms while mine and John's can only be done through our hands," Elizabeth asked feeling a bit anxious to upgrade her strength since the battles in the future would only get that much more intense.

"Well, I was gonna explain it when every member of the Garde was gathered but it's because…" Zeel was beginning to explain but he suddenly stopped. Both Zeel and Alice and froze in their places, leaving a confused Elizabeth and John.

"No rest for the wicked," Alice said with a mocking snort.

"Someone… probably a number just called for help via the internet so let's use the locator another time," Zeel said.

"How can you know where the number is?" John asked still a bit sad from what happened earlier but bouncing back very quickly.

"When we first met in your mind spaces, we told you guys to contact us with any computer by just typing our names in. That is because almost all messages of a certain data-density on Earth go through our network first, where a series of verifications are done and the interesting ones are flagged to be reviewed later. We just flagged someone typing our names into a computer at a nunnery," Zeel explained since Lexa wasn't around anymore.

"How do you know it's one of us with just that?" Elizabeth asked suspiciously if only things could really be that simple.

"Because of the erratic movements of Mogadorians in the vicinity," Alice replied as a series of codes flickered across her retina.

"Trap?" John suggested.

"Too few, and you don't send a trap after losing approximately thirty percent of your forces here on earth, you sit back and bide your time until reinforcements come," Zeel replied stating the logic behind such unwarranted actions.

However, he could not dismiss the possibility of a trap, but in a quinjet, Zeel had massive firepower. If it was a trap, he'd just blow it up.

"So where are we heading to?" Elizabeth asked.

"Hope you guys practiced your Spanish since we are heading to Spain," Alice replied as she flicked her wrist, and a holographic image was projected in the air for everyone to see.


"See even Bernie Kozar knows his dog-Spanish. Don't worry Bernie you'll be getting those Spanish chimeras soon enough," Elizabeth joked and everyone laughed. The quinjet flew into the horizon seeking the next adventure, the next battle, the next step towards the inevitable end.

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