
Vol 2 Chapter 816: Grandpa

? The ancient Qingfeng was fighting more and more bravely, one punch after another, the Taohua old road was defeated in a row, there was no power to fight back, the film constantly exploded, the bones were constantly smashed, and the flesh was constantly blurred. People are no longer whw {] [lā }

"I didn't expect your old boy to be quite strong."

The voice of the ancient breeze came, and Taohua Laodao yelled angrily: "Rabbit! Roll in and die for Laozi!"


I do not know what the Taohua Old Road has used. The ancient Qingfeng instantly seems to fall into a space enchantment. When the space enchantment rotates, it quickly condenses, as if to squeeze the ancient Qingfeng into a meat sauce.

The ancient ancient breeze punched out, the space enchantment exploded, and then another space enchantment shrouded.


With another punch, the space enchantment is broken again!


The space enchantment seems to be endless, and it is constantly flowing.

"Little bunny, aren't you able to endure very much? Let your strength be infinite, this time there will only be a dead end!"

The yell of Taohua was full of anger.

"Boy, Grandpa is just playing with you. Can you really break it as a grandfather? It's just a space trick. Open your eyes and show Grandpa!"

The words of the cymbal fell, and Gu Qingfeng's whole body of evil was extremely violent and violent. The power of Jin Dan erupted, and he saw his arms raised, his fingers crossed and gripped, as if holding a Pangu axe.

"Break me!"

Angrily rushed down his hands, click! An axe is better than an axe. Under one axe, the endless space enchantment is filled with ashes and smoke, and the smoke disappears.

When the ancient breeze appeared, this place was no longer empty, but a secret place full of peach blossoms.

"Little bunny, you **** ... what the **** is this!"

桃 In the empty space of the peach blossom mysterious shouts came from the Taohua Old Road, which was frightening and endless.

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the peach blossom mystery, and said with a smile, "" I have known that your old boy is related to the peach blossom mystery. Today, my grandfather knows that it is more than that. Your old boy is actually integrated with this peach blossom mystery. Regardless of each other, no wonder your old boy is so strong in bone that you can't break it up. This is the case. "

"Rabbit! Say! Who the **** are you!"

The old Taohua roared, and the whole mystery of Peach Blossom immediately raged, and the lightning flashed.

"Fuck, I haven't seen you for so many years. Why don't you even know who your grandfather is?"

"Boy, who the **** are you!"

Here, Taohua Old Road is the secret place of peach blossoms, and it is also him. As Gu Qingfeng said, the two are indistinguishable from each other.

"Okay, don't mess around. If you fight later, if the master can't stop it, then you will break your peach blossom mystery, then you will play big hair."

"You do n’t know how to live or die, just rely on you? Believe it or not, Lao Tzu uses the law of mystery to make your kid go away in no time!"

"Come on, it's not over, use the law of the mystery, who do you scare." Gu Qingfeng shook the remaining power fluctuations on the shaking clothes, and glanced at a gazebo not far away. She sat in and pulled out the peach blossoms. Liquor, a leisurely drink, said: "You are just fused with the Peach Blossom Mystery. Fusion is just fusion, does not mean that you can control, but also use the law of mystery, see what you can."


The Tao Tao old man was speechless. Obviously, he did not expect Gu Qingfeng to see such things thoroughly.

"I do n’t look down on you, do n’t you say that you just merge with this peach blossom mystery, even if you can really control the rules of this peach blossom mystery, you ca n’t help me, so save your energy, come out quickly, and do n’t be blind Come, let's talk. "

"You bunny ... you **** ... **** ..."

愤怒 That anger in the heart of Taohua Lao Dao! Anger can't wait to use the power of Peach Blossom Mystery to teach this unknowing guy.

Although he can't use the law of the mystery, the power of the mystery can still be used, but the price paid is only a little big, and it will also have a great impact on the peach mystery. This is not important. What is important is that after playing for so long, he I'm not sure if I can use the power of mystery to shake the boy.

"Come on, what are you doing? Don't you want to know who is Grandpa? Grandpa will tell you when you come out."

The old Taohua hesitated for a moment before finally showing up.

Howling is very embarrassing, and howling can no longer be embarrassed.

Unshaven look, nose and mouth are a little crooked, blood stains on all seven tricks, and his clothes are not as good as beggars. Perhaps the fight just was too brutal, so that Taohua Old Road is very afraid of ancient breeze, even if it appears, It was just standing far away, staring, staring hard. As long as he found out what Gu Qingfeng was doing, he would use the power of the mystery for the first time.


Looking at Taohua Old Road so embarrassed, Gu Qingfengle laughed.

"Rabbit, you! Laugh! Enough! Enough! No! Yes!"

Taohua's old eyes were about to spit out fire. He didn't know how many fights in his life ~ ~ what reincarnation, what kind of heavenly pride, what fairy demon, he had hit, although there are also some disadvantages, I have never had such a big loss, and I have never been beaten like today, and there is no way to fight back, and the other party is just a stinky kid!

来 "Come, sit down and drink two cups, and talk while drinking."

"This is the wine made by Lao Tzu!"

"Yes, I didn't say it wasn't you brewed it, but it's only you brewed it. Since it was snatched by the grandfather, it is the wine of the grandfather, you said it is not the reason."

"Little! Rabbit! Cubs! Son!" Tao Huadao now does not want to investigate these hard-working peach wine, he just wants to know who this guy is.

"You really don't even know Grandpa?"

Taohua Laodao carefully looked at Gu Qingfeng again, but it seemed that he didn't know the boy, neither was he reincarnated, nor was he reborn, and there was no good fortune. It could not be repaired at all. The boy in his early twenties, Tao Huadao thought about it carefully. He really didn't know him, and he was convinced that he was so special like the boy in front of him. If he had really seen it, he would have been impressed.

"It seems that your old boy really doesn't remember. Yeah, I will give you some tips. More than 400 years ago, Ye was indeed a hairy boy, and he had no choice but to go into the peach blossom retreat. I didn't know why it was discovered by your old boy. In order to figure out the good fortune of Grandpa, your old boy almost tossed his grandfather, almost tossing his grandfather's life. "

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