
Vol 2 Chapter 882: Power coming

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This is a barren ruin.

There is a well in the center of the ruins. A sacred glory blooms in the well, which is the light of destiny. This light of destiny does not look the same as other light of destiny. This light of destiny is not pure except sacred, otherwise it is very turbid, turbid like chaos.

There was a woman standing beside the wellhead.

An ordinary-looking woman, who does n’t have any practice on her body, but is just such an ordinary woman, standing here quietly, no one can sense her existence, her eyes are extremely clear, clear as if Without any distractions, it is more like being able to see everything in the world.

She stood, staring at the light of destiny, her brows froze, wondering what she was thinking.

And not far away, there was a group of people.

There are as many as fifty or sixty people, not others, but the Canyang people who guard the lifeline, and Wolan is among them.

The ordinary woman was the Xuanyuan she had been waiting for.

Although Wo Lan is the Canyang people who guard the lifeline.

But she didn't know what lifeline was guarding, and even this so-called lifeline mystery came for the first time.

She had previously imagined the lifeline mystery, but she never thought that it would be a ruin here, and it looks like the ruins of a palace. Although it has long been worn out, there are still a few columns standing there, which can be seen from the column. Create some mysterious totems.

This ruin is very strange. I ca n’t say what it feels like, but it ’s strange. The strange thing makes Wo Lan standing in the ruins afraid to move, and I have an inexplicable awe of this ruin in my heart.

Especially that well.

Although she has never seen the lifeblood of guarding, Wo Lan is sure that this well is the lifeblood she has been guarding.

She can feel it.

And it feels very strong.

In addition to awe, Wo Lan couldn't figure out how the light of destiny appeared in the lifeline of her guard. She didn't know what it meant, but she felt very scared.

It's not just her.

More than fifty people of the Canyang guardian clan have a feeling of fear. Even the grandfather of Wolan, Canyang Hengshan, the chief of the Canyang clan, is no exception.

As the patriarch, Hengshan in Canyang may know more than Wo Lan, but he only knows that the lifeline he guards is related to the Age of Injustice. In addition, knowing nothing, even so, is enough to scare him because He knew that destiny in lifeline meant a terrible thing.

Remembering that Xuanyuan had let all other practitioners in Canyang Mountain leave, Hengshan in Canyang asked: "Mother Xuanyuan, have you already known that the fate of life will appear?"

"I just feel it." Xuanyuan still stared at the light of destiny, and responded lightly: "Not very sure."

"Well ... the mother-in-law." Hengshan of Canyang asked anxiously: "The mother-in-law is still inside, will she be affected."


Xuanyuan shook her head slightly, and then she remembered something again, saying, "Zanyang should have taught 'Van Luo Hollow'."

Hengshan in Canyang nodded.

"Okay, from now on, don't pay attention to whatever happens, just chant Wan Luo Hollow ..."

Although Hengshan, Canyang and others did not know why, they did not hesitate, sitting around the mouth of the knees, folded their hands together, began to chant Wanluo Mantra.

Just then, a figure rushed out from above the light of destiny.

The figure was vague and fuzzy, like smoke and fog, could not see clearly, and could not detect the spirit breath. The first time he rushed out of the light of destiny stood in the ruins, stared at the wellhead, and looked at Xuanyuan.

Immediately, oh!

Another figure rushed in from the light of destiny.

This figure is also vague and vague, as is smoke and fog, and it is also indistinguishable, and no spiritual interest can be detected.


With less than a few breaths before and after, seven or eight misty silhouettes rushed out of the light of destiny.


It's not over.

It didn't take long for another five or six hazy figures to appear.


Another figure burst out from the light of destiny.

The figure that appeared this time was neither hazy nor vague, but an old man, a vicious old man.

The old man appeared and flashed to the side for the first time. He looked at more than a dozen vague figures. A pair of dark eyes flashed with strange colors. Then he looked at Jingkou, where the light of destiny was blooming. His expression moved slightly. When he saw Xuanyuan standing above the wellhead, his eyes became suspicious again, and the more he looked, the more he was astonished.

Just then.

Another figure emerged from the light of destiny.

This figure is neither hazy nor fuzzy.

Is a monk.

A bald monk wearing a robe and a fat body, a monk holding a bowl in one hand and holding a delicious one in his hand. After appearing, he first said a word to Amitabha.

"Fuji monk!"

The previously appearing eerie old man stared at the bald monk ~ ~ and shouted his name.

The Fuji monk took a sip of delicious food, and he smiled, "The old Guangyin senior is also here."

"There is more than one husband." The gloomy old man called Guangyin glanced at more than a dozen vague figures in the distance, and laughed: "All the things that should come, all the things that shouldn't."

When Fuji monk's eyes swept away, and he looked at more than a dozen vague figures, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he said aloud Amitabha, saying, "Little monk has seen your power."

On the other side, there were more than a dozen vague figures who didn't bother him, as if they hadn't heard it, they kept looking at Xuanyuan on the wellhead.

The monk Fuji also followed, and like everyone else, when his gaze fell on Xuanyuan, the monk of Fuji also drew a deep frown, and the more he looked at the deeper frown, the more he wondered in his heart. The richer it gets.


There was another change in the light of Destiny, and a group of seven or eight people rushed out of it.

It was seven or eight old men, headed by a handsome young man who couldn't see whether it was a man or a woman. The young man in black looked around with a look of surprise, saying: "It's really hilarious, all have come So many people ... "

Before he finished speaking, the young man in black was forcibly stopped by an old man behind him. The old man looked at the second monk, looked at Guangyin, and looked at more than a dozen vague figures. The muscles in the corners of the mouth twitched twice.

They were watching, and the monks, Guangyin, etc. who were opposite them were also looking at them, as if they were very confused about the identity of the seven or eight people.


It didn't take long for the Light of Destiny to change again.

Two men rushed out of the light of destiny, a calm and calm man in Tsing Yi, and the other was a cold and fierce boy in white.

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