
Vol 2 Chapter 995: cemetery

The sunset went down again, and the sunset was near dusk.

A two-headed lion and tiger salamander is galloping in the territory of the Romanian and Romanian country. This two-headed lion and tiger salamander is particularly fierce and fast. It is like lightning. It is a hundred meters away in a leap. See its shadow.

Vaguely you can see that the driver is a short and fat man who is more sophisticated in dress. The fat man's body is round and the amount of oil in his hair comb is also a fairy. It is not someone else. It is the big boss Fei Feifei. At this moment he is standing In front of Dasao, he pulled the reins with both hands and hurried the car carefully.

The luxurious majestic majesty's whole body is laid out with heavy arrays, so even if the two-headed lion and tiger majestic is in the jungle mountains, the majestic won't be bumpy.

Within the big salamander, Gu Qingfeng sat at will, squinting his eyes slightly, drinking a little bit of wine, as if asleep.

He made a lot of impressions during the trip to the helm.

Not because Feng Su and others do not believe his identity.

Nor is the life of the deficit head.

to be frank.

From the beginning, he had no interest in the life and death of the deficit head, and he was too lazy to care about these unrelated things. What really concerned him was the brothers of the Xiaoxiao, especially Zhou Tai and those of the Xiaoxiao. The Xianchao didn't say that he actually dealt with the brothers of the Xiaoxiao regardless of the feelings of blood sacrifice, which made him very unhappy.

If you don't know about it, it's fine.

Now that I know.

Gu Qingfeng will never sit idly by and ignore it.


No one knows Zhou Taihe's whereabouts. Dong Hu's nag is not in Yanluo now. There is no good way for Gu Qingfeng for a while. Feng Xu said that Dong Hu will return when Yanluo Temple Fair. Zhou Taihe may also be there. Come out.

Anyway, the distance to the temple fair is also approaching, and Gu Qingfeng wondered now that he can only wait until the temple fair.

At that time, when he was at the helm of the mountains and rivers, when he heard the wind raised the temple fair, he suddenly thought of a person, an old man who guarded the cemetery.

The cemetery is the cemetery of the royal family of Yanluo.

The old man guarding the cemetery is also known as the Yan Luo Royal Family.

No one knows how long the old man has lived, and what is the identity of the Yanluo Royal Family, and no one cares about it.


In ancient times, no one paid attention to this problem, not to mention that there are as many geniuses in modern times as there are stars in the sky. Who cares about an old man who guards the cemetery.

In fact, if it wasn't for a chance, he thought that the old guy who didn't know how to drink and bask in the sun all day was just an old man guarding the cemetery.


The Yan Luo Kingdom was in danger. The Emperor Yan Luo suddenly died. The four major families and seven families in the country were involved in the throne battle. At that time, the Xian Dynasty had to intervene to control the Yan Luo Kingdom. At that time, it was not the Emperor Yan Luo. It ’s just that the princess' Tang Yan ca n’t talk about it all night,

In order to help this confidante, Gu Qingfeng went out alone and not only wiped out the seven main gates of the four major families for Tang Yan, but also went retrograde, and he forced the Xian Dynasty to cancel the plan to dominate the tobacco kingdom.

Although Gu Qingfeng at that time relied on a mysterious and anti-natural good fortune to run wild and fearless, but after all, he was alone, and the time of practice was not long. In addition, the seven major gates of the four major families of Yanluo Kingdom were passed down forever. Years and even tens of thousands of years, not only masters such as clouds, but also all kinds of great respects, especially the Xian Dynasty, the masters sent at that time were all earth immortals.

The great respect of law in ancient times is not comparable in modern times.

The immortals of the ancient times are not matched by modern times.

It is no exaggeration to say that in ancient times, I said that it is the great respect of the law. Even the Yuanying old monster is enough to dominate one side. If it is the earth fairy, it is absolutely terrible.

At that time, the ancient breeze relied on a mysterious and counter-natural creation. Although it was not afraid of being immortal, it was just not afraid. One or two was fine, four or five could handle it, and seven or eight would be able to handle it. Constantly coming to the master of the immortal, he could not carry it alone.

Once upon a time, he was hunted down by more than thirty immortals of the Xian Dynasty. At that time, Gu Qingfeng had fought for several days and nights in succession, killing many people. The Yuanshen Fa had faced exhaustion and was exhausted. Almost when he was about to run out of help, a man suddenly killed him.

That man was the old man of Tang who guarded the cemetery. With one move, more than thirty people were wiped out by one move.

Gu Qingfeng was really shocked at the time.

Before that, he knew the old man of Tang, because from time to time Tang Yan brought some good wine to the old man of Tang, Gu Qingfeng also followed a few times, and both were good wines, and the old man of Tang also An old boy, the two are definitely the masters who can pee into a pot.

Tang Yan said that the old man was the ancestor of their royal family.

As for the ancestor, Tang Yuan didn't say, Gu Qingfeng didn't ask, and he couldn't see that the old man Tang had any skill besides drinking and blowing cowhide.

It's just that I never thought that the old man Tang was a peerless master who was hidden.

To what extent is the strength of the old man Tang, Gu Qingfeng did not know that year. In the impression, he seemed to see nothing in the old man's body at that time, because the time is far away, the impression has long been blurred, and many things are now I can't remember ~ ~ I don't know what the old man is like.

The reason for mentioning the temple fair was to think of the old man, because it was the day of the temple fair when he followed Tang Yan to visit the old man, and what impressed Gu Qingfeng the most was that he was also drunk by the old man at that time. A bunch of messy things, I did some shameful things, I did n’t know what was happening at the time, now I think about it, I realized that the old man must have done something to himself in the past, let himself do it in front of Tang Yan Some shameful behavior.

Thinking of the events of that year, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but think of Tang Yan, and this time when he came to Tang old man, he wanted to ask Tang Ye's whereabouts.

He wanted to come, if anyone else in this world knew of Tang Yuan's whereabouts, then this person must be the old man of Tang.

That guy doesn't know how many years he has lived, and has been silently guarding Yan Luoguo behind his back. He absolutely knows the whereabouts of Tang Yan.

Opened the curtain and looked out. After more than 300 years, the impression of Yan Luoguo has long been blurred, and I don't know where this place is. He asked, "Fei Kui, do you guys know the way? Don't be damned Take your grandfather blindly. "

Fei Kui slowly slowed down when he entered the mountains with his two-handed lion and tiger. When he heard the sound of Gu Qingfeng, he responded: "Gongzi, every year at the temple fair, young people will also follow the Buddha to the cemetery to worship , Naturally know the way, you can rest assured. "

"If the grandfather remembers it correctly, the cemetery is the cemetery of the Yanluo royal family. What's the matter of Dong Tiger's cemetery going to the cemetery of another's cemetery?

"No ... Lord Buddha is ..."

Fei Kuizhi seemed to be afraid to speak.

"What to do?"

"Master Buddha went to the cemetery to worship ... to worship you."

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