
Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Empress

"I said Fei Kui, I didn't see it, your kid knows a lot."

Fei Kui slightly embarrassed and quickly said: "Small is just ... just listening to others."

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said nothing.

"Gongzi, we have good luck. Now we are close to the temple fair. Mo Lanfeng will be open to the outside world these days, alas, that is Mo Lanfeng."

Gu Qingfeng looked in the direction pointed by Fei Kui, and saw Mo Lanfeng at a glance.

The mountain peaks are soaring and towering, and they are particularly unique in the rugged peaks. Especially the blue flowers that are full of mountains, with a slight purple and blue brilliance, are really beautiful. In the sun, the blue mountains are beautiful. Like a woman in a purple-blue dress, it is as quiet and uncool as Yan Luo, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, beautiful but not beautiful, and elegant and refined.

Ancient Qingfeng boarded Mo Lanfeng.

The memories of that year also flashed in my mind.

I still remember clearly that when he was dancing the piano on the top of the mountain, Tang Tang danced in the blue sea.

I also remember clearly that he was drinking wine on the peak of the mountain, Tang Ji snuggled up in his arms, and the two of them enjoyed the sunset and the wine under the sunset.

It is more clear to remember that in the moonlight and under the stars, we talked about this Mo Lanfeng and expressed each other's thoughts.

Climbing to the peak, closing my eyes, remembering, feeling, because this Mo Lanfeng carried too many memories of him and Tang Yue, there are good memories, but also memories that make him think of regret and blame.

The last time the two met, and even parted, was at this Mo Lanfeng.

He said he was leaving.

Tang Yan reluctantly, she hoped that Gu Qingfeng would stay and expressed her own intentions.


Gu Qingfeng did not stay, but still left.

Before leaving, he turned around and could never forget that when Tang Zhi was paralyzed sitting on the top of the peak, he cried aloud, crying heartbreaking, broken heart.

If it comes again, Gu Qingfeng will definitely not leave, let alone leave.


There is no if in this world, and it is impossible to come over again.


Gu Qingfeng shook his head and sighed, blaming himself for being too young, wayward, and selfish. He always thought of himself, regardless of the feelings of others.

The peak of Mo Lanfeng is not big, but there are too many people to come and play. People are crowded everywhere. The ancient Qingfeng has not stayed for too long. It is preparing to go down the mountain and see people not far away. They all looked at what was on the mountain wall, and Tang Yue seemed to be mentioned in the argument.

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled, so he walked over and looked around, only to find a few poems on the mountain wall.

Jun heart flies to the sky, and desires to be higher than the sky.

The sunset went down again, and the waves were on the horizon.

Back to Mo Lanfeng, recalling the love of the year.

Love is hidden in the heart, only waiting for the return of the king.

When Jun wants to rely on me, I am willing to accompany Jun.

"Well, I heard this is a poem written by the Empress Dowager herself."

"Yeah, it is said that the King was parting from the Empress Dowager here. The Empress Dowager was heartbroken. She was alone on this Mo Lanfeng and stayed there for a long time. , My mother is already dying. "

"Even so, the Empress Dowager cannot forget the King. From the literal meaning of the poem, the Empress Dowager knows that the King ’s heart is higher than the sky, and she likes the horizon, and the Empress Dowager is willing to wait until the King Enough to play outside, enough to break, enough waves, when I want to settle down, when I find someone to rely on, the Empress Dowager is willing to accompany him to the old age. "

"Well, the Empress Dowager is so pathetic."

"Who said no, but then again, there is no pitiful woman who likes the king."

"In the final analysis, blame the woman, how could he be so unforgiving."

"As far as I know, the king has always been ruthless towards women."

"This lady, you ca n’t say that, you ca n’t think about the problem. You ca n’t think about the emperor alone. You have to think about the king. The king was in a very dangerous situation at the time. Niangniang, leveled the six major gates of the four major families, and at the same time resisted the fairy dynasty for the Yanluo royal family. At that time, the king was a sinner of the immortal road. Facing the pursuit of the fairy dynasty, how do you let the king accept the will of the emperor? "

"That's it! You women are short-sighted and only know about feelings all day long. If the king really agreed to the Empress Dowager that year, wouldn't it have hurt him?"

"I agree with this statement. I want to come. The king was afraid that he would have to leave because of the fear of involving the empress.

"Is there anything to agree with, what is fear of being involved, and what have to leave? Is this an excuse? Okay, the Empress Dowager doesn't care about these."

There are many young men and women gathered at the summit, and they are still arguing about the king and the emperor. The men said that they can understand the king ~ ~, but the women are different. Most of them are embarrassed for the emperor. At first, At that time, the man side could still strive for reasons and prevail, until later, when the woman side carried out the king's twenty-four deadly sins, the man side was completely defeated.

As we all know, the famous twenty-four sins of the king refer to the emotional connection between the king and the twenty-four women.

And the man's so-called fear of being compelled to leave this view is untenable in the face of the king's twenty-four sins.

Do n’t you say that the king had to leave the emperor for fear of being involved?

Afraid to involve the king and so many women?

This is not an excuse?

The women were sharp-skinned and, with the help of the king, ridiculed and ridiculed the men of the world, and made the man's speech dumb, leaving only a embarrassing expression.

Gu Qingfeng kept silently watching.

in fact.

In the end, was he afraid of involving Tang Yan, or was it really just an excuse.

Gu Qingfeng himself did not know.

Maybe the former.

Maybe the latter.

Or maybe both.

Looking at the poems carved by Tang Yue on the mountain wall, the ancient Qingfeng's heart became more and more unpleasant, and he urgently wanted to find Tang Yue as soon as possible.


He remembered that Fei Kui had said that it seemed that Tang Ye had lived on the mountain for a while, and he had also opened Dongfu here, but no one can find it yet.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng immediately sacrificed consciousness and investigated the entire Mo Lanfeng in detail.

The existence of Dongfu is actually a unique small space, which is unique, not necessarily true, because all Dongfus exist on the basis of the space laws of this world, and at the same time hide in nature. In other words, Dongfu It exists both in this world and in nature, but it is just invisible to the naked eye.

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