
Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Rivalry

As we all know, Zhou Ting is the grandson of Naihei Zhou Taihe.

Of course.

What really made him famous in Yan Luo was Xiao Tianming.

Since the advent of destiny nine years ago, many people have been hearing how the big and small destiny came to be. No one knows how the little destiny is made. It ’s just that I heard most of it. I heard this week After getting a little destiny, the whole person was born and reborn, and even those ancient red fairy Qixiao people who were in deficit were not their opponents.

After hearing this rumor, everyone was shocked.

The ancient Dixian is already very powerful. The Qixiao people who are cultivated to be Dixian are even more powerful. Even if they are only one or two, they are not something ordinary people can deal with. After Zhou Ting got the little destiny, Even Qixiao Dixian is not its opponent, and you can imagine how powerful Xiaotian's power is.

At this moment, witnessing Zhou Ting's one-on-one picking up of five Great Satisfactory Immortals, everyone was stunned.

Everyone knows that Zhou Ting's destiny is so powerful, but no one expected it to be so powerful and shocking. However, he stood proudly in the air, and the five consummate immortals tried everything but failed to shake them. .

If it were not for your own eyes, no one would believe it to be true. Even if you saw it at this moment, many people still could not believe it.

"A group of old things that don't know life and death. I am very fond of Zhou. God-given, is it that you ants can shake."

In the air, Zhou Ting, holding his arms, opened his eyes, a scorn of contempt flashed in his eyes, and shouted, "Give me down!" The voice dropped, and he saw his hand waved, a little heavenly power. Suddenly burst, the seven tricks of the five Greatly Immortal Earthquakes bleed instantly and fell from the air.

Soon after.

Lu Tianze of Yanluo Xianfu, Qiao Yu of Nandouzong, and Li Juncai of Taijizong all also knocked down the immortal fairy from the air.

People watching the scene watching the lively people suddenly burst into blood.

Someone cheered, someone shouted.

Some people are envious, others are jealous.

Still others shook their heads, and someone sighed.

Cheers and shouts were emotional. After all, Yu Xuzong from Tianzhao Kingdom had not talked about Yanluo in the garden. Four people including Zhou Ting and Lu Tianze came forward and crushed more than ten Yu Xuzong with great strength. The Great Immortal immortal even told Yu Xuzong with facts how powerful the Tianjiao of Yanluo Kingdom was.

Envious of envy, naturally envy is the great fortune of the four people such as Zhou Ting. Jealousy of the four's lives is good. With this great fortune, the strength has increased, not only can make a name for themselves, but also the future achievements are absolutely unlimited. Immortal doesn't care.

Most of those who shake their heads are some old seniors.

Once upon a time, how powerful the ancient immortals were, especially the great perfect immortals. In the ancient times, they were definitely the overlords of the Megatron. In the ancient times, they were hung by a few young people who had not practiced for more than ten or twenty years. Crushing, and some of these young people are even just practicing the law.

This has to make people sigh, and the madness of this ancient age has to sigh the formidable power.

Especially Zhou Ting, who has a small destiny, is so powerful that he can hardly believe his eyes.

The five great celestial beings tried everything to fail to shake him without saying a word, but they were still half-dead by the seven tricks of his shock.

Many people can't imagine how powerful Zhou Ting's little destiny power is. The power is really shocking and unacceptable.


At the gate of Yuchuan Yuyuan, more than ten Yuxuzong Dixian sat on the ground and couldn't stand up. Some of them died of fainting directly, while others were seriously injured. Dozens of Yuxong young disciples stood. There, one by one filled with indignation, but fearing and fearing Zhou Ting's four people, no one dared to step forward.

And when empty.

Zhou Ting, Lu Tianze, Qiao Yu, and Li Juncai were all powerful and mighty. One by one, like the generals who returned from victory, stood proudly in the air to receive the praise of everyone.

"A bunch of waste!"

Lu Tianze looked down at dozens of disciples in Yuxong Zong, and yelled, "Don't inquire about who Lu Tianze is, and dare to show off in front of the lord!"

"Mr. Lu, what a magnificent power!"

Zhou Ting was playing with a black snake in his hand, with a smiling smile on his mouth, saying, "I don't know if you singled out all the masters of Yu Xuzong."

"Zhou Ting! What did you say!"

Lu Tianze stared at Zhou Ting, looking very upset.


He has always been very upset and disapproved of Zhou Ting's little destiny, and even more unhappy that Zhou Ting grabbed his limelight today. He glared at Zhou Ting and said angrily: "I don't think you can leave Xiaotian for this The prince was mad in front of him and told you that others are afraid of your little destiny, and I am not afraid of Lu Tianze. "

"Oh, really?"

Zhou Ting glanced at him, and despised: "Just with your little natural beauty of more than three hundred, also want to fight with me Zhou Ting? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Zhou Ting! I think you are looking for death!"

Lu Tianze was furious ~ ~ Pointing at Zhou Ting, his eyes were full of murder.

Zhou Ting was unmoved and fearless, and did not put Lu Tianze in his eyes at all, and said, "Okay, Zhou Ting is indeed looking for death. How dare you fight me?"


Lu Tianze glared at Zhou Ting, gritted his teeth, and his face was angry.

Although he wasn't afraid of Zhou Ting's little destiny, he just talked about it. In the face of Zhou Ting's powerful little destiny, even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that Xiao Tian's destiny was not his three. There is a thunderous nature that can be compared with Cai Cailing, even if coupled with his fear of the bright daylight, it is not Zhou Ting's opponent.

"Huh! It's nothing more than a little destiny, but it's not a real destiny. You have nothing to be proud of, and sooner or later the lord will make you look good!"

Lu Tianze snorted, turned his long sleeves away, turned away, and stopped paying attention.

And just then, a hundred people from a distance hurried to this side.

These people flew in mightily, which is really scary, because most of the more than 100 people are Dixian, and the first 20 people are still Lingyuan Dixian, and the old men leading the team are Chaoyuan Di Cents.

Looking at these people, many people suspect that they may be Yu Xuzong.

I heard that the young disciples of Yu Xuzong came to visit Yunchuan Garden today, and the elders of Yu Xuzong were meditating in the villas in the city.

What's more, when they just fought, some people saw Yu Xuzong's young disciples send out more than a dozen letters, thinking that they should have informed Yu Xuzong's elders about this.

Sure enough, when more than a hundred people came to the gate of the park, Yu Xizong's disciples rushed over, and said something roughly with an angry expression, pointing at the four people in Zhou Ting, begging the elders of Yu Xuzong. Get justice for them.

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