
Vol 2 Chapter 1060: Injustice to Heaven, Darkness in Life

Qimu kept kneeling and begging for mercy while Gu Qingfeng ignored it. If he didn't hear it, he returned to the gazebo and drank three glasses of wine. Then he said, "Okay, stunned, if I want to kill him, One thought is enough. I said that he was given a human scripture, and today I will give humanity a face, let him have a long memory, and let him live up to the expectations of humanity, let alone rely on the human scripture. It ’s okay to wander around outside. Humanely gave the eunuchs to let him concentrate on his cultivation and make a difference in the future. It ’s not his mother who let you shine!

"I don't want to say more than that, and the people with you will get me off."

Qimu dare to say half a word, repeatedly hoeing gratitude, and then dare not have any hesitation, and quickly left with Wang Feiyu.

After the rebirth of Nirvana in the northwestern part of the ancient Qingfeng, the flesh has been very weak, it is really not suitable to use force, just turned over, and now I am really tired, and even drink a few cups, turn around, and look at the deficit head Meishan sub-rudder More than ten Chixiao people.

"I was planning to ask you for a few drinks and talk about them, but ..." Gu Qingfeng deducted his forehead and said, "It's just that I'm so tired today. Let's sit another day."

The old helm master Yuheng of Meishan sub-rudder, and the current helm master Ben Lei, as well as Chixiao, such as Fengxu, looked at each other, didn't know what to say, and they could not figure out whether the ancient breeze had merged. The king's residual knowledge, in their wish, Gu Qingfeng would have to be related to the king even if he had not incorporated the residual knowledge of the king. Otherwise, the blood evil dragon elephant would never be so awesome and kind to him.

And if he does not incorporate the remnant knowledge of the king, and has nothing to do with the king.

Then there is only one possibility.

He is the true King of the Xiaoxiao.


is it possible?

Not sure.

None of them are sure.

Gu Qingfeng stretched a lazy waist, his bones crackled, and he yawned several times, preparing to leave. When he walked to the door, what did he think of, and asked, "Where can I find you?"

Yu Heng's heart stunned and said, "Old man and others live in the sub-helm of Meishan. If the son has time, he might as well sit in the sub-helm."

"Okay, just stay like this, it's not too early, and you should rest early."

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, and people have disappeared.

When he left, no one dared to speak in the field for a long time. Although the elders of the four major gates of the four major families woke up from the coma, they only woke up, sitting on the ground in a panic, until now they still have Rumbles, the mind is disintegrated and unable to condense, the consciousness is also vague and the reaction is slow, let alone the elementary gods phase, all are frustrated and confused.

Mo said that at this time and a half, even if it was three years and five years, I was afraid I could not recover.

Tang Manqing, Liuyue, and Lin Xianger all slumped on the ground. They were no longer the beautiful goddesses as before. They looked as if they were losing heart, like a withered rose.

Looking at the elders of Zongmen, who were paralyzed on the ground, and the heavenly arrogants who were lying in a pool of blood, their feelings were more complex and complicated.

These elders of Zongmen are masters who have practiced for thousands of years. Some of them have stepped into Xianmen, but now they can't even bear the guts of Gu Qingfeng.

Those who are good fortune are also the darlings of the ancient times. Which one is not great fortune?

How prestigious was the elders from Tianzhao Guoyu Xu Zong at the gate of Yuyuan.

now what!

Gu Qingfeng used pure boxing and kung fu, divided the dead by three strikes, five wounds, wounds, and waste, and even the pride of their pride was incomplete, lacking, Zhou Ting's Xiao Tianming was directly taken away by Gu Qingfeng.

Ha ha.

Tang Manqing wanted to laugh.

Not to laugh at the elders of the four major families and the seven ancestors, nor to laugh at the heavens who made good.

Instead, laugh at yourself.

Laugh at your ignorance, laugh at yourself naive.

Previously, the three also planned to join forces to deal with Gu Qingfeng. To this end, Tang Manqing also deliberately voted for the bundled immortal cord of Yan Luo, the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

She thought that relying on the strength of the three of them, plus a bundle of cents, would definitely be able to subdue Gu Qingfeng.


She realized that it was all she thought.

To subdue him?

This guy yelled, and tens of thousands of people didn't even hum, and directly fell to the ground. Even the flying feather Fei Yunjue, who was humanely shivered, knelt on the ground with his shocking seven tricks.

How can the three of them be their opponents?

Do not say that the three of them are thousands of themselves, I am afraid they are like ants in front of her.

Of course.

This is just one of the reasons for Tang Manqing's loss of life. More than that, this time, the three's self-esteem has also been hit hardest.

All three are darlings of the ancient times. Their own fortunes may not be as good as those of Wang Feiyu's humane scriptures, and they are not as good as those of Zhou Tianting. However, compared with other Tianjiao, the three are definitely the best.

From childhood to large, no matter Tang Manqing, Liuyue or Lin Xianger, the three people's path of practice is also very smooth. They never feel that they are worse than others. They have no small destiny, no books, and they are not envious.

However, after witnessing the powerful strength of Gu Qingfeng today, the trio's self-esteem was unbearable. The gulf of Gu Qingfeng not only shattered their hearts, but also completely dispelled all their self-esteem.

If only this guy was reincarnated.

In this way, at least Tang Manqing can still accept, after all, the reincarnation people are immortals in previous lives, and there is nothing wrong with this world's strong points.

But that guy is not reincarnation, not even rebirth.

If he attained a high point, even if the good point is good, Tang Manqing is not unacceptable. She is very clear that everyone has its own good point. This thing is doomed to heaven and cannot be envious.

But the point is, that guy did n’t do anything, and he did n’t make any difference!

He had nothing on his body.

With such a pure body, even the elders of the seven major gates of the four major families in the field stubbornly did not dare to breathe one.

What makes sense to you?

How can this be accepted?

What else should we do? What else do you cultivate? What's the point?

How good is it? ~ ~ How good is it? Even if Tao Chengxian can do it, can he hold this guy a slap? Can you bear her prestige?

With this in mind, the three of Tang Manqing only felt that life was full of darkness, and they also felt unjust!

The same are people.

Why does that guy have nothing to do, drink and listen to music all day long, free and easy, but so hard, but he worked hard and practiced, and in the end he couldn't hold back a drink.

Doesn't it mean that people are doing, heaven is watching?

Is God blind?

How can your elders tolerate such a perverted guy to survive in the world?

How to tell others how to live?

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