
Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Old boy

Knowing that the ancient breeze is coming, the Chixiao people at Meishan have already prepared delicious dishes.

of course.

Speaking of delicious dishes, more of them are all kinds of spiritual fruits that are beneficial to spiritual practice. These things may be a great complement to others, but they are the same for ancient Qingfeng. Compared to these so-called Linguo, he likes big fish and meat more.


He is not so particular about it, he said that with all kinds of spiritual fruits, that is, with root weeds, he should still drink.


Gu Qingfeng was drinking one cup after another, and the hundred-odd Chixiao people in Yuheng did n’t have the mood to drink, all of them were full of thoughts, and they seemed to have a lot of words to say, just For whatever reason, I don't know how to speak.

And Gu Qingfeng naturally knew what they wanted to ask, held up a glass of wine, glanced at the crowd, and asked, "Come and hold on, let me ask any questions."

Yuheng Qi, who was sitting next to him, asked, "I don't know why my son is posing as a king?"

"Who told you, grandpa, I'm posing?"

"In the face of the Ming people, they don't say anything secretly, they don't hide it. Lao Shi and others have known that the son is the ancient Qingfeng of the Chiyan son in the northwest nine years ago."

"How?" Gu Qingfeng smiled fluently and glanced at Liuyue, saying, "Is that little girl from Liuyue telling you?"

"Yueer did say it, and she also asked someone to confirm it."

"Confirmed? Can this thing be confirmed?" Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and asked, "How to confirm?"

"I wonder if he knows them?"

Yu Heng stretched his finger and Gu Qingfeng looked down. When he saw four or five Qixiao people sitting on a table, he couldn't help but chuckled, and then smiled extremely silently: "I didn't see it just now, I said How did you guys come here? "

The four or five Chixiao people are not others, they are the banner masters of the three black flags under the seat of the black man in the northwest of the northwest, the old man Hong, and others, and Sword Kui is also in them. They stare at the ancient breeze and look They all felt a rather complicated and extremely strange feeling.

Because several people still clearly remember what happened nine years ago in the Northwest.

At that time, hundreds of centuries and thousands of immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty came to work on the deficit head of the Northwest, plus Jinhe and other Chixiao people openly turned to the Xian Dynasty, making them angry and ready. Fight with the Xian Dynasty.

But no one ever thought that this ancient breeze was born in the air, with incredible strength and terrible strength, wiped out hundreds of imperial imperial elders at the fingertips, the power of the hegemony shocked thousands of imperial imperial officials and did not dare to breathe.

Gu Qingfeng said that he had merged a remnant of the king, and he represented the king.

Mr. Hong did not know whether he should believe it or not. Although they could feel the throbbing blood dragon from the body at the time, they still couldn't believe it completely. They were all deceived. The only thing they could do was to wait for Mr. Blackwater Come and discuss countermeasures together.

Just waited and waited, did not wait for Master Heishui to not say, but waited for the death of Gu Qingfeng.

In order to verify the authenticity, they also deliberately found Su Shixian.

It turned out to be so.

Gu Qingfeng died.

Fairy Su Shi said he died while robbing his fate ...

For Father Hong and others, this is definitely no less than sunny thunderbolts.

In their thinking, if the ancient Qingfeng really blended with the remnants of the king, then he was a descendant of the king in a sense.

After waiting for so many years, I can't wait for the king to return, and once the king's succession is counted.

But even the heirs of the king are dead now.

The mood of Father Hong and others is naturally extremely sorrowful and extremely self-blame.

In this way, I have spent nine full years in grief and self-blame, and have not recovered from grief. The news from Yan Luo said that Gu Qingfeng was still alive.

At first, they did not believe it, because it was Su Shixian who heard the news of Gu Qingfeng's death, and they all believed that Su Shixian was human.

Until today, when they saw Gu Qingfeng in Meishan, they realized that Gu Qingfeng was not dead. Neither Mr. Hong nor Dao Kui could believe it, so they stood there staring at Gu Qingfeng.

"You ... you are not dead?"

Sword Kui grinned, staring at a pair of tiger eyes.

"I said Da Kuizi, who told you that Grandpa is dead ..."

"Su Shixian herself ... said it herself!"

"She's a yellow-haired girl, she knows a fart!"

Gu Qingfeng suddenly popped out such a sentence, so that all the red people in the field looked at each other and did not know how to answer.

You know, Su Shi is a strange woman in this world, and she is also an angel of nine angels. Her previous life is also a goddess of nine days.

Huang Mao girl?

In this world, in this world, who dares to say that Su Shi is a Huangmao girl?

Especially Liuyue, she is a faithful admirer of Su Shi's fairy ~ ~ Now listening to Gu Qingfeng, she is very disdainful to say that Su Shi is Huangmao girl, and she is really angry with her. If she used to, she would definitely stand up A few words of fierce rebuke to this guy, but after experiencing Yunchuan's garden tour, Liu Yue knows that this guy's strength is terrible. Maybe she left a deep shadow in Yunchuan's garden tour, and now even if she is upset She dared to just slap her lips. She didn't dare to say anything in person, not to mention, most of the people sitting in the hall were seniors from the old Chixiao, and her dad Ben Lei belonged to the juniors, and she didn't dare to say anything.

"The fairy Fairy has great affection for my deficit head, and she certainly will not deceive me. Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Yu Heng's words came, and other Qixiao people nodded. Obviously, they also thought so.

"It's impossible to talk by mistake, maybe Su Shi's **** really thinks I'm dead."

Gu Qingfeng looked at the eyes of these Qixiao people in the field, and his eyes were full of doubts. He even drank three glasses of wine and shook his head. He was so helpless and helpless in his heart. He looked at them and smiled bitterly. "Su Su ... Su Su again, it's okay not to mention this girl, but when I mention this girl, my mind is very uncomfortable."

"My grandfather wondered, what Su Shi's girl said, you believe what, and it still seems to be convinced, why when you turn to me, none of your mothers believe it, what? See if the little girl looks good? Or what? I do n’t look like a liar? ”


Many Qixiao people on the field were blushed by the old words that Gu Qingfeng said, and Yuheng quickly explained: "The son must not misunderstand, the old man and others are not distrusting the son, but ..."

"Just what?"

When Gu Qingfeng's words turned, the smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared, and the atmosphere inside the hall suddenly became silent.

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