
Vol 2 Chapter 1084: Black Buddha and Black Water both appeared

"As a Chixiao? Of course worship the king? Hahaha!"

Hearing that Yuheng, who had always been so serious, suddenly laughed loudly, and then rebuked, "Zhou Taihe, aren't you blushing when you say this? You have already trusted in the Xian Dynasty, and what qualifications do you claim to be Chixiao people!"

"I am Zhou Taihe from the Qixiao Sect. I am naturally a Chixiao person. At least once, even if I am not a Chixiao person in the future, the king will always be my Zhou Tai and respected king. What's wrong with worshipping the king?" Zhou Taihe appeared Very calm and expressionless, he walked up the mountain and said, "No matter who I am, Zhou Tai and the future, I will never forget the great grace that the king gave me."

"It really sounds better than what it sings." As early as in the Qixiaozong, Sword Scarf Kui was not used to Zhou Taihe. Today, after learning that Zhou Taihe took refuge in the Xian Dynasty, he was even more unpleasant, and naturally in his words. You will not be polite, and yells: "Zhou Taihe, you have already relied on the Xian Dynasty, why bother to worship the king falsely, who do you worship to? Is it lost to the people in the world? Why? I ’m afraid people say you are Zhou Taihe behind An apostate traitor? "

"Tell you, a traitor is a traitor. Even if you slap 10,000 beeps today under the king's gravestone, you are still a renegade renegade. Today, even if I die, I will be the brothers who died that year, more Slaughter your traitors for the king! "

Kua Kui's words are not trivial.

Zhou Taihe, who was going up the mountain, stopped abruptly, but he did not respond, not even turning.

He is so.

But the hundred scattered immortals around him, the two hundred made the heavens proud, and the eight hundred ancient immortals all killed at this moment. As long as Zhou Tai and the order, they would break the scar of Kuikuan.

"Dog stuff! I think you're impatient!"

Jumping out is the second son of Zhou Taihe, Zhou Wansheng.

Previously, his son Zhou Ting was deprived of his little destiny, and the life and death of him are still unknown. The anger in Zhou Wansheng's heart has already covered his body. However, things have been suppressed by Zhou Taihe, so he ca n’t vent at all. Shame on his father, Zhou Wansheng could not bear it anymore.

Of course.

When he was about to move, he suddenly felt his heart sinking, knowing that his father Zhou Taihe had stopped him in secret.

"Father! Why are you ..."

Zhou Wansheng was so anxious that he couldn't figure out why his father Zhou Taihe had been so patient again and again.

Zhou Taihe did not respond, still did not turn around, and still did not look back, but said lightly: "Today I am here to worship the king, and to read the feelings of the past, I do not want to do anything with you, I hope you will do it yourself, At the same time, I also told Dong Donghu for me, so that he should not worry about it, otherwise he would only harm others. "

The voice did not fall.

A thick voice suddenly sounded in the air.

"People who are familiar with Lao Tzu know that I have never been a nosy person, and I don't like to fight and kill. If not, you Zhou Taihe can't live today, and it is impossible to grow up in Romania. ! "


who is it?

The endless number of people on the field were watching the battle between the two Qixiao people, and when they were watching, they suddenly heard such a thick voice of Hong Zhong, and also claimed to be Dong Tiger? Sorry to say ...

Just when everyone was in doubt, a group of more than ten people appeared at the foot of Panlong Mountain.

The man headed is a fat man.

A fat man who looks extremely rich.

The fat man, standing in blue and blue robes, stood like a Maitreya.

Seeing this fat man, the scene boiled, everyone in the scene knew the fat man, it was the richest man of the black smoke, the famous black Buddha Lord Dong Tiger.

Lord Black Buddha is definitely a legend in the Romanian country.

No one can do business in Yan Luo.

No one knows about his cultivation strength.

I only know that in ancient times, it was Jiuzai Sanxian. As for ancient times, I have gone through a few times. It is rarely known, and no one has ever seen the Lord Black Buddha.

Mo said that no one in modern times has seen him do anything.

Even in ancient times, few people saw him do it, because everyone who saw it was dead, even some immortals were no exception. They were not killed by Lord Black Buddha, and some were strange and strange by Lord Black Buddha. Magic weapon was smashed to death, but more were killed by Lord Black Buddha in various conspiracies ...

That's why the name of the Black Buddha came from.

On the surface, Dong Tiger looks harmless to humans and animals. The rich state is like a noble grandfather who has nothing to do. Plus his appearance is like Maitreya. He always smiles at the corner of his mouth, but no one knows how much behind that smile Conspiracy.

He also came with his apprentice, Master Yanluo's Ben Lei, and Haoyang and Liuyue also followed.

In addition to them, several others are quite noticeable.

One of them was burly and tall, standing there, like a mountain, giving a strong sense of oppression, just like the born demon, and it was very aggressive.

That was really terrifying.

Along the way, many people in the field can feel the powerful evil spirit of this burly man, just like the turbulent waves coming from endlessly, one after another, which has a kind of choking feeling.

Who is this person?

Many knowledgeable old people gathered at the foot of Panlong Mountain to see the lively people, and at a glance they recognized that the burly man was the famous black water master in the northwestern part of the country.

Good guy!

Master Black Buddha actually brought Master Blackwater?

When everyone recognized Master Blackwater, he was shocked more than seeing Black Buddha Master Dong Tiger ~ ~ and Blackheart Master Zhou Taihe.

To say that of the seventy-two masters of the Qixiaozong who had the highest cultivation and the strongest strength, perhaps no one could say.

But to say who fights the most fierce, who is the most fierce, who is the craziest, I am afraid that everyone will say Master Blackwater.

What is the name of Master Heishui, no one knows, but the little one is Ergou. It is said that before entering Xiaoxiao, he was once a bandit leader who was scared by some people, and brought some scars to make a living. Today, a small martial art robbed, Minger robbed the small family until he met the king, after joining the Qixiao Sect, the master Heishui encountered the change of the dragon, followed the king of the Qixiao, and conquered the north. With the meritorious service, countless dead souls died under his sword.

If the people who died at the time of Lord Buddha Black Tiger were killed by various magical tricks and conspiracies.

Then the undead soul who died in the master of Blackwater at that time was beheaded in person!

The unrequited nine cuts created by the king at that time were also the deepest understanding of this blackwater master. His unrequited nine cuts, but all the older generations who have experienced ancient times know how terrible it is.

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