
Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Sue O's Past

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Thinking of the Jiuyou Emperor who upset the world of the Great Wasteland that year, Su Shi moved a little in her heart, because she suddenly felt that the Jiuyou Emperor looked like Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng was lonely and arrogant, as was the Jiuyou Emperor.

The ancient Qingfeng is free and unrestrained, and the Jiuyou Emperor seems to be boundless.

Gu Qingfeng was a creature of great fortune, and had enough courage to overthrow the immortal dynasty. The nine emperor emperor was also a **** of fortune, and he was even more courageous.

Moreover, the nine emperor emperor had no idea where it came from, no one knew where he came from, and no one knew what his identity and background were, only that the man was more than three hundred years ago. The birth of the sky turned the world upside down.

Su Shi knew very well that when Gu Qingfeng swindled to death in this world, it was also more than 300 years ago.

and many more.

Shouldn't he ...

With this in mind, Su Shi stopped and stared at Gu Qingfeng with an inconceivable and indifferent look, and asked in shock: "Don't you ... be Jiuyou Emperor?"


Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and asked calmly, "What Jiuyou Emperor?"

"It was Jiuyou Emperor who turned the world of the Great Wasteland upside down!"

"Hahaha!" Gu Qingfeng laughed, "I said big sister, your imagination is too rich, right? Do you think I am like the nine emperor emperor of Laozi?"


"I said big sister, what do you think of me like Jiuyou Emperor?"

Su Shi looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down and said, "I look at you like everything. Although the looks of the two of you are different, things like appearance can be said to change, and I think about it. It ’s too much like a person! ”

"That's OK? Why don't you say I'm God."

Su Shi stared at Gu Qingfeng, wanting to distinguish between true and false. However, she could not see anything from Gu Qingfeng's face, and asked in disbelief, "Are you really Jiuyou Emperor?"

"Crap! I want to be an emperor, but then again, who is Jiuyou Emperor?"

"You don't even know who Jiuyou Emperor is?"

"Sister, didn't I tell you? I only walked around the heavens in the past, and in order not to be noticeable, I spent most of my time in retreat and practiced in the world. Little is known about the heavens. Later, ancient catastrophes occurred. The heavens were turbulent, and I returned. "

"real or fake?"

Su Shi was skeptical.

But she was just skeptical, she could not tell whether Gu Qingfeng said what was true or not.

As for the nine emperor emperor, apart from his temper and the ancient Qingfeng image, there seems to be no more connection. The most important thing is that when Su Shi knew of the ancient catastrophe, heaven and earth judged all evil, and the nine emperor emperor is Nai The culprit between heaven and earth was destroyed by the heavens and earth at the time of the catastrophe.

Moreover, in the view of Su Shi, Gu Qingfeng could not be the Emperor Jiuyou, who is the chief culprit of sin, and there are many trials on him. If Jiuyou Emperor is still alive, he will be punished by heaven and earth all the time. The endless trials are endless and will not cease until they are completely wiped out.

"Sorry, it looks like I think too much."

"No problem."

Gu Qingfeng was curious, only to find that when Su Shi mentioned Jiuyou Emperor, his eyes were quite complicated, so he couldn't help asking: "What? Do you have any grudges with that Emperor Jiuyou Emperor?"

"That's right."

"What? What?"

"It's a bit complicated to say. How to say it. In fact, Jiuyou Emperor was not as bad as the outside world. At least, when I met him for the first time, he felt like a man of affection and righteousness. Man, he would rather be in danger than hurt his friends. Speaking of which, when he first met Jiuyou Emperor, he also helped me. "

"Is this still happening?"

Because Su Shi didn't say what the specific thing was, Gu Qingfeng didn't want to get up for a while. He had met Su Shi when he was in the realm of heaven.

"Since the Jiuyou Emperor has helped you, how can you say that you have any grudges?"

"He almost burned nine days with a fire."

"Just because of this?"

"After all, I was a nine-day goddess. After all, shouldn't I treat him as an enemy? Of course, you can't blame Jiuyou Emperor for that matter. You can only blame Jiutian for making a cocoon. If you did n’t use Jiyou's friend in the past, Threatening, Emperor You will not burn like that for nine days. "

To this day, recalling the events of that year, Su Shi still has a lot of fear. She will never forget how crazy the Jiuyou Emperor was. In order to save friends, she broke into the Nine Heavens alone, cut off the immortal monument and overthrew the altar. The slaughter of countless immortals on the avenue was burned for nine days with the fire of Jiuyou ancestors. In the past, if the Xitian Buddha Tao had helped, Jiudai Xiandao would have disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Actually, do you know? I was kidnapped by Emperor Jiuyou then."

"Kidnapped, you?"

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng didn't remember who he had kidnapped. Even if Jiudai threatened him with his friends, he did not threaten Jiuda by the people who kidnapped Xiandao. This kind of business? "

"He didn't threaten me by kidnapping me."

"Then what did you do to kidnap you, idle and boring?"

"To be precise, I should have asked him to kidnap me."

"Is this still happening?"

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, couldn't remember who he had abducted, and the other party asked for it? is it possible? When he was in Heaven, he was notorious, and was regarded as a nail in the eyes by Three Thousand Avenue. How could the free time egg hurt to care about a woman who asked for abduction ~ ~ So I said that for the Emperor You Man, I do n’t know whether he should be treated as an enemy or a benefactor. Yugong is my enemy, and if he is private, he is my benefactor. "

"How to say?"

"At that time, I had to marry a Jiutian Immortal King because of a family relationship ordered by my ancestors. I didn't like her at all. It can be said that I was extremely disgusted, but this family relationship was ordered by my ancestors. Ten thousand were unwilling and could not violate it. In order to reject this family relationship, I ran away, but later I heard that my parents and the master were both implicated because of this. So, I can only come back in the end, you know? I was desperate that year, and I even had a dead mind. "

Speaking of this, Su Shi smiled and said, "Maybe God heard my prayer, or maybe I was really lucky. On the day of marriage, Jiuyou Emperor came down from the sky and gave the owner of the family Killed, and later I learned that the family had previously provoked Jiuyou Emperor, and he came to take revenge. "

"Do you know? I was scared and stupid at that time. When I saw Jiuyou Emperor, I said subconsciously and took me away. There was no hope at all. As a result, Jiuyou Emperor really took me away ..."

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