
Vol 2 Chapter 1225: Do it

"In the ancient times, the ancient Sirius was addicted to killing and killing innocent people. I don't know how many people died in his hands. Today we have resentment and revenge, everyone shot him together!"

"An ancient wolf is a demon! It is a demon judged by Xiandao, and even more a demon head. If we don't kill him today, he will certainly ruin the world again in ancient times!"

"Born for the world, for the people of dawn, everyone killed him together!"

"Yes, don't be afraid! As long as we work together and kill together, even if the ancient Sirius is really a god, he will certainly die!"

"Ancient Sirius dominated our goddess in ancient times, and now he is back to dominate our goddess. Please do n’t let him succeed and kill him!"

"King, we have no revenge against you, and you have not taken our goddess, but everyone has come forward, and we also want to make fun, you must not find the post account!"

As the Zijin Hall of the Xian Dynasty, the inner gate of the Sect of the Qing Dynasty, the Tianjiaolong of the Zixiao Pavilion at the deficit head, and the big brothers of the major families and families came out, more and more people also followed. Hold up the slogan, shout and kill.

How many people stood up, no one knows, looking around, as if gathered at the foot of Shangzong Mountain, no! It seems that the whole team of Weiyang Dayu is about to move.

Some of these people may have deep hatred with Gu Qingfeng.

Maybe it is because he is not pleasing to his eyes, he is unhappy, and he wants to make a temptation.

There are people everywhere, mountains and rivers, people and mountains, vast and mighty, as powerful as thousands of troops under the pressure of the mountains, trembling with mountains and rivers.

Even though Zhenyang Jiuxian and Zhenting Xianshi who have practiced for ten thousand years have been scared and changed by this scene, Su Shixian is nervous, too many people, making her a little dizzy.


The figure of Gu Qingfeng disappeared.

What about people?

Where did you go?

do not know.

No one knows.

Sorry to say he ran away?

At the time of everyone's suspicion, the voice of Gu Qingfeng was not salty or faint in the sky, saying, "Let's fight it, don't destroy the beautiful scenery of the Qingzong people."

Everyone looked up.

I saw in the void.

Floating is a simple Eight Immortals table with a jug of wine and a glass on it. A worn old chair next to it hangs in the air. There is a person sitting on the old chair. A man in white clothes wins snow and a dark-haired person. His body leaned slightly, with Erlang's legs tilted, sitting on an old chair, eating red leaf demon fruit and drinking a little wine. On that pretty handsome face, there was no sorrow, no joy, no anger or worry, There is no emotional color, some are just lazy, just casual, and nothing else.

Not who is Gu Qingfeng.

Seeing the ancient Qingfeng, the Purple Palace of the Xian Dynasty, the Zixiao Pavilion with a deficit head, the arrogant dragons such as the inner gate of the Qing dynasty, such as Liuguangbing and Long Qi, rushed past, and then the big brothers of the major families and major families all flashed. Up.


At the moment of the rush, tens of thousands of people swarmed into the air, countless people, all floating in mid-air, covering the sun, leaving the entire Weiyang area into the shadows.

"come on."

Gu Qingfeng held a jug and poured himself a glass of wine.

The wine is the dragon-burning wine that came from Zhenyang Jiuxian. According to Zhenyang Jiuxian himself, the wine was made from an ancient cave house. It seems to be brewed with fire dragon spirit beasts. One strong, one cup goes down, even though Gu Qingfeng's body has a feeling of being separated by flames.

He shook his wine glass, which was a red wine glass, a glass he had made by himself, and his name was too empty.

The original red fire-flaming dragon wine was shook a few times by the glass, and then gradually burned. It looked like the burning water. Gu Qingfeng drank his head and drank it, nodding, it was very refreshing.

After that, he poured another glass and said, "It's almost noon, everyone, hurry up and wait for you to finish, and I'll go back and make up for it later."

Look at me, you see me, the slogans of the major gates. The slogans just shouted louder and louder than the others, but when it came to the end, no one dared to take the lead. Not only them, but the dozens of Tianjiaolong who stood out first At this moment, it is no longer as arrogant as before. In the expression, there is a deep fear in the eyes.

They glanced at each other, as if they had negotiated, and shouted in unison: "Hand! Kill him!"


Dozens of arrogant dragons started to work at the same time, knowing that the ancient Qingfeng was mysterious and weird. They shot to kill, and no one had any reservations.

The streamer ice leaped up, and when the ice fairy flashed, it looked like an ice sculpture. When the Jiuyin fairy sacrifice came out, it was freezing in the cold, and he was like a child of nature. In the meantime, the blizzard was like a tens of thousands of blades, sweeping wildly.


Long Qi, who is carrying a book of nature and fire, is like a child of the flame of nature. When it is sacrificed, the clouds become red, and a big day like a mountain is hung above the head. A fire dragon roars and roars around the day and sends out a burst. The array roared.

Wang Ba incarnates a huge fierce white tiger, a tiger howling, and the trembling nature shivering.

Huh! !!

Dozens of arrogant dragons sacrificed their own fortunes, unparalleled fortunes, violent might, and mighty power, all of a sudden erupted.

No one had expected that dozens of Tianjiao Dragons would take action at the same time, and that the shot was a killing move, no worries. Normally, when fighting, everyone would converge to avoid harming innocent people, especially those who made a mighty power. The power is too powerful, even if it is just strangled enough to hurt people's lives, and these dozens of Tianjiao Dragons obviously do not care about these at all, and suddenly acted, making the fairy people present unprepared.

Thousands of immortals were spouted by the mouth and nose of the mighty quake created by dozens of arrogant dragons.

That's right!

There are thousands of immortals.

Some are affected by the sky's blood blades.

Some are affected by the power of Long Qi Cang Long Ba Ri.

Some are shocked by the whistling of the incarnation of the white tiger ~ ~ Even the immortals were sprayed with blood from the nose and mouth of these heavenly dragons, and even the scattered immortals who were robbed and robbed were even shocked to death. , Falling from the air, some people were shattered on the spot, even though Shangxian and Sanxian Sanxian were also snorted by the tremor. They did not dare to neglect, and immediately stepped back. At the same time they stepped back, they quickly sacrifice the fairy to resist .

This is just shocked by the mighty nature of these heavenly dragons.

Power is just power.

Power is not equal to power.

If it is attacked by these formidable forces, I am afraid that the hundred immortals are not just as simple as spraying blood on their noses and noses.

And these immortals are just injured by Liu Guangbing and other personal changes of Tianjiao Dragon.

Now dozens of Tianjiao Dragons are offering sacrifices and killing all, and they all strike the ancient Qingfeng. It is impossible to imagine and cannot imagine how terrifying the power of creation after these Tianjiao Dragons join forces. No one knows.

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