
Vol 2 Chapter 1322: The tyrannical bully!

Here, the sky is not sky, and the earth is no longer the earth. Light is not light, and darkness is not darkness.

I looked at the past, and the whole world was in chaos.

The raging wind swept the dark clouds rolling in the sky like the sea and the river.

The thunder and lightning were mixed with rain and snow in the air like thundering dragons.

I don't know how many people died, only the flesh and bones of the ground.

I don't know how many people were hurt, only the sorrow of the sky and the scream of the sky.

I do not know how many people scared the courage, only know that everyone is fleeing desperately.


All messed up.

The whole world is in a mess.

The world is in chaos instantly.

Is it a disaster?

Is it the end?

Do not!


Su Shi knew very well that it was only the roar of the ancient Qingfeng that caused the world into chaos.

When empty.

的 The Taoist messenger headed by the broken cloud, the Taoist messenger headed by Wu Yuan, and the Taoist messenger headed by Wuxiang look more embarrassed than a wolf.

They are all ambassadors of the avenue. Not only are they powerful, but they are also protected by the avenue. Although they have not suffered much damage, they are all scared. They are far away at this moment and never dare to approach the ancient breeze.

If it is not for the eyes of judgment in the air, if they do not know that there is a avenue outside the world to back them up, even if they give them 100,000 guts, they would not dare to stay here at this moment.

"Ah! Mi! Tuo! Buddha!"

The priest with white brow and seven bleeding bleeds by Gu Qingfeng shouted with shock and shock. At this moment, he stood in the air, covered with golden buddha light, and chanted Amitabha when he folded his hands.

The sound of cymbals is vast and misty. It is the sound of Buddha for great compassion and compassion, as if from the sky, and also from the ground, more like from a distant flood.

The Buddha sounded, when a huge Buddha statue appeared in the air, this Buddha statue was especially sacred. When it appeared, the dim world instantly brightened, the dark clouds disappeared, the winds ceased, the thunder and lightning no longer thundered, the rainstorm also stopped instantly, and the upside down yin and yang After recovery, the chaotic Five Elements gradually calmed down, the sky no longer exploded, the earth no longer trembled, and everything stopped when the divine brilliance flashed.

"Sinner! If you dare to be extravagant, I will certainly forgive you!"

Wangxiang Sage holds up the Buddha's Taoist edict, and at the moment, the eye of the Buddha's judgment is overwhelmed by the ancient breeze!

at the same time.

Wu Yuan also held up his hands, his left hand was the immortal Tao Lingjian, and his right hand was the world command flag. The eye of the world's judgment condenses a light of law, while the eye of the judgment of immortal light condenses a light of purification. The ancient breeze shrouded.

"The iniquity of the sky is forgiven, and the iniquity of the iniquity cannot live!"

破 When the breaking cloud lifted up the heavenly doctrine, the mighty Tianwei rolled down, and the whole sky seemed to be a big day.


The whole sky is.

what is this?

This is the eye of judgment that belongs to heaven.

If the judgment of the world is the law, the judgment of the immortal is the purification, and the judgment of the Buddhism is the excess, then the judgment of the heavens is destruction, absolute destruction, from ancient times to the present, but everyone who violates the heavens is destroyed by God. Kill.

Dangkong above.

眼 The eye of judgment from the world is the day of the law, located in the center, and the light of a law envelops the ancient breeze.

眼 The eye of judgment from Xiandao is the day of purification, located in the east, and a light of purification envelops the ancient breeze.

眼 The eye of judgment from the Buddhism and Taoism is the day of transcendence, located in the west, and a light of transcendence shrouded the ancient breeze.

The eye of judgment from heaven is the day of destruction, which fills the sky, and a light of destruction also envelopes the ancient breeze.

If the eyes of the previous Dadao trial appeared only to warn the Gu Qingfeng, then when the Dadao trial condenses the light of the judgment to cover it, it is the ultimate ultimatum to the Gu Qingfeng.


Regardless of this world, this immortal path, this Buddhist path, this heavenly path tells Gu Qingfeng with actual actions. If they dare to move, they will come to trial without hesitation, and they will destroy it at all costs.


The man in white, the ancient breeze still stood in the air, and he was shrouded in the light of the four trials, and there was no fear. When the light of the trial was shrouded, he didn't even frown, even watching I never looked at it, just standing, just looking, looking at the **** moon above the sky.

The seal of the Buddhist scriptures that previously sealed the Blood Moon had long disappeared, and the Blood Moon that broke through the seal did not bloom **** glory again as everyone imagined, but slowly rotated.

Amazing and creepy is that when the blood moon spins, Gu Qingfeng's whole body emits smoke, but this smoke is not white smoke, nor black smoke, but **** smoke.

Against the backdrop of **** smoke, the ancient breeze standing in the air is like a blood-thirsty and arrogant demon god.

It's scary and scary.

what happened?

No one knows what's going on!

The same goes for those including the avenue messengers.

虽然 Although they are expensive masters of the avenue, they are only this world. They are not masters of the avenues of this world. It is not their judgment to judge or not, they are just the ambassadors of this world.

"The sinner Gu Qingfeng, if you are acquaintances, immediately surrender all living beings to worship Vientiane, otherwise, the heavenly path will not forgive you, the immortal path, the Buddhist path, and I will not be honored by the Taiji people who have faith in life. Will forgive you! "

Shangguanyu stood up at this time.

He looks very embarrassed.


清 Gu Qingfeng roared just now. Although he took the first time to resist, he was still bleeding by the shocking Qiqiao.

This makes him such a true Tai Chi person who is very frustrated. At the same time, he clearly realizes that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is far more terrible than he imagined.

Even so, Shang Guanyu stood up with courage, not only to find the lost face, but also to double his performance in front of the avenue, because he expected that the ancient breeze enveloped by the four trials was already fish under the sword. Can't make much waves.

and so.

He stood out, still proudly stood out, standing in the colorful auspicious clouds, surrounded by dragons and phoenixes, and guarded by Tai Chi, who was extremely noble against him.

As soon as Shang Guan stood up, Shi Tian, ​​known as the Little Overlord, stood out unwillingly.

The official reputation looks very embarrassing. He looks even more embarrassed than the official reputation. Not only is the Qiqiao bleeding, the clothes are broken, but also the hair is shed.

Ying Shangguan stood up and wanted to save face and express himself, but he wanted to show himself in front of the road more than Shang Guanyu's steel frame wanted to save face.

Shang Shangyu stands in the colorful clouds ~ ~ He stands in the sun of pure sun. Shang Guanyu has the guardianship of Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, and he has the guardianship of three stars and a throne.

Shang Guanyu stood out proudly and proudly, but he stood out arrogantly, pointing at the ancient breeze and screaming: "The surname is ancient, the king no matter who you are, if you dare to go against the sky, you are with me. By contrast, I have four heavenly destinies in the heavens of heaven, will you allow me to be free here and kneel to death! "

Inexplicable, a silent voice came suddenly.

"Only you?"

The words fell, Shi Tian didn't know what was going on, but suddenly felt as if he had fallen into the dark abyss, as if shrouded in death. When he reacted, it was a person who was in sight, a **** body The smokey white man, a silent and lonely white man, a murderous, ruthless white man.

It's him.

Ancient breeze!

He is an ancient breeze like a **** of death.

Seeing Gu Qingfeng, Shi Tian's frightened soul flew away suddenly. He wanted to resist, he wanted to run away, but found that he couldn't move at all.

He was scared, completely scared.

But it's too late!

The ancient breeze fell with one palm, and Shi Tian died on the spot, dying!

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