
Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Smelt Blood Moon!

The Fairy Trial is gone.

The Buddhism trial also disappeared.

The trial on Sanqian Avenue also disappeared, and even the trial on Tiandao never appeared again.

Of course.

The sky is still falling.

The ground is still cracking.

The world is still shaking.

Vientiane is still changing, purgatory is still burning, and the lives and deaths are still worshiping.

White clothes are still flying.

The black hair was still dancing around.

Those blood eyes were still boiling.

The ancient Qingfeng, who turned into Abi Wujian evil Shura, stood like a **** standing in the air. He raised his head slightly, pointed at the collapsed sky between his hands, and drank, "Roll down and fight with me!"

Tiandao did not respond.

Instead, he chose silence.

Is it difficult to see and hear Gu Qingfeng's provocation?

Do not.

On the contrary, regardless of whether they are Daxing Monks or Xuanyuan, they know that the Heavenly Way is not only visible but also audible, and it is clearer and clearer than anyone else.

That's it!

Why did Heaven choose silence?

Are you afraid of being stumped?


Who is not afraid?

Ancient Qingfeng has embarked on six kinds of avenues, and they are all taboo avenues. They are incarnations of Abi Infernal Evil Shura, accepting worship of all living and dead, and even the bright and bright aspects of the dragon of purification and the sacred aspects of the five great kings of the Buddha. He is gone, who is not afraid of Sanqian Avenue? Who dares not be afraid?

Tiandao certainly claims to dominate this world.

But it's only known.

Ancient times may be.

But who controls the world in ancient times is still unknown.

What's more, the origin of Immortal Taoism is being re-evolved, and the origin of Heavenly Tao is no exception.

"Since it is not expensive, then go back and wait honestly, when Lao Tzu kills Heaven, it will be the day when your heaven will perish!"

Say nothing.

The ancient Qingfeng shook his hands, and the lives and deaths of the earthquake bloomed tens of chaos, which rose like a dragon, breaking through the clouds, penetrating the barriers of the world, and heading directly into the sky.

Who would dare to be so unscrupulous and blatantly outlawed by heaven?

Throughout the world, through the ages.

Not without.

Gu Qingfeng is not the first, nor can it be the last, but it is definitely the craziest and most arrogant one ever. It madly makes Tiandao recognize and silence, and the arrogant dare to send the war books directly to the sky.



Boundless seclusion.

Endless silence.

The only blood moon still hung in the air.

It looks as if it has not been affected in any way, it has not been affected by the Trial of the Three Thousand Avenues, there is no light in the Nine Heavens Immortal Road, no sacredness in the Buddha Road, no heavenly Road, and the Blood Moon is so empty from beginning to end Rotating.

Xuanyuan knows that this is a blood moon belonging to the era of infidelity.

But that's all.

Other than that, she knew nothing about Blood Moon.

Looking at the spinning Blood Moon, looking at the ancient Qingfeng here, Xuanyuan's heart was very scared, because she knew that Gu Qingfeng incorporated Xiao Jin'er's blood spirit into herself, and was affected by the Blood Moon. Gu Qingfeng was originally sealed on the left arm The blood of the original sin has been awakened, and it is eroding the body of the ancient Qingfeng bit by bit.

What made her even more afraid was that in the face of the blood of the original sin that eroded her body, Gu Qingfeng didn't stop it.

Just when she was at a loss, Gu Qingfeng suddenly moved, stepped out, and headed for the Blood Moon.

What is he going to do?

What does he want to do?

Xuan Yuan's scared face was dead, standing up, ready to do something, but it was too late. When Gu Qingfeng leaped up, he rushed directly into the blood moon.

Gu Qingfeng arms outstretched.

The Absolute Way, the Way of Silence, the Way of Life, the Way of Death, the Way of Killing, the Way of Purgatory, the Six Taboo Ways.

Vientiane purgatory is madly changing, and all beings worship madly.


Blood Moon trembled!

Looking at this scene, Xuan Yuan, who had stood up, was paralyzed on the ground again in fright, and trembled and whispered, "Oh my God! He should ... He should integrate Blood Moon into himself ... How can he do this, how can he It can be ... "

Xuanyuan couldn't believe it, couldn't accept it, and couldn't understand why Gu Qingfeng had to do it.

Now Xiandao and Buddhism have been beaten by him and never dare to show up, and Tiandao chose silence.

In this case, Gu Qingfeng should release Xiao Jin'er's blood spirit first, so as not to be affected by the blood moon and cause the blood of the original sin to erode the whole body.

But Gu Qingfeng didn't do this. Instead of releasing Xiao Jin'er's blood spirit, he didn't stop the blood of the original sin from eroding his whole body. Instead, he frantically integrated the blood moon into himself!

Is he crazy?

That is the blood moon of the Innocent Age, and it can still affect the blood of the original sin.

Why did he do this?

Does he really want the blood of the original sin to erode the body and soul?

in case.

If the blood of the original sin had eroded Gu Qingfeng's body and soul, what terrible things would happen, Xuanyuan did not know, she only knew that terrible and terrible things would happen.


she knows.

But in the face of the crazy Gu Qingfeng, she couldn't stop it.

She can't stop it, no one can stop it.

If it can be prevented, Tiandao may not choose to be silent.

"Drive me!"

The ancient clear wind was rising to the sky and shouting, and the entire body of acupuncture points were opened. Each acupuncture point was like a heaven and earth. The changes in the situation, the lightning flashes and thunder, were all chaos. When the chaos was spinning, it was absorbing the blood moon.

The blood moon began to blur and twist. Vientiane changed more and more crazy, and purgatory burned more and more crazy. The lives and deaths worshiped also became more and more crazy, and the blood eyes of Gu Qingfeng became more and more red. Evil and strange, the original long hair became plain at this moment.

I don't know how long it has been.

really do not know.

All I know is that the blood moon is becoming more and more blurred, Vientiane is, purgatory is, all life and death are all.


Blood Moon is no longer Blood Moon, Vientiane is no longer Vientiane, Purgatory is no longer Purgatory, Life is no longer Life, and Deaths are no longer Deaths.

Into a mess.



An ancient and thick voice came, as if from the sky, like from the ground, more like the ancient flood era, as if the millions of years of stone gates were gradually opened.

When the sound came, it shook the minds of all sentient beings as if destroying Gula, and also the soul of the endless fairy. Even the Three Thousand Avenues was deterred by this ancient voice, even this world, and even this world They all trembled violently as if affected by this voice.


A breath of supremacy swept across the world instantly.

That's right.

That is the highest breath.

Everyone has that feeling.

And the only thing that can be called the supreme breath between heaven and earth is sacredness.

This is sacred breath.

It is the sacredness that makes life, the fairy, and the awe of the avenue.


As the ancient voices continue to spread, the sacred breath is more intense, and the world is trembling more and more ~ ​​ ~ Why does the sacred breath come suddenly ...

Xuanyuan was horrified to feel the sacred breath here, and the more he felt the more panic, especially the sacred breath was accompanied by the ancient sound that shocked everything.

"Divine Breath, Ancient Door, Xuanhuang Bell, Wrath of Heaven and Earth."

Xuanyuan murmured, as if he realized something, for a moment, his heart became more frightened, more shocked, and more awed.

She realized that this was a trial.

It is a sacred judgment and a judgment of heaven and earth.

When the ancient gate opens, the sacred breath will come.

When the sacred breath comes, the yellow bell will ring.

When the Xuanhuang Bell rings, the heaven and earth judgment will appear.

"Stumbling Divine will judge him again?"

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