
Vol 2 Chapter 1400: Magnificent Wind Moon Small World

The ancient Qingfeng knew that thousands of years ago, the great wasteland has undergone tremendous changes, especially the immortals, everywhere.

On this journey, Gu Qingfeng can be said to be deeply touched. This vast and vast wasteland, as if there are clans of clans everywhere, is as lively as walking around the street.

This can't help but make him quite sighed, thinking that when he was in the Great Wilderness, he might not be able to see a living person in the Great Wilderness for ten days and a half months.

I thought that this degree was unreasonable. As the distance from the small world of Fengyue was getting closer and closer, the ancient Qingfeng was an eye-opener, and I really realized that I still underestimated the changes that have taken place in this great famine since ancient times.


As if a big sun hangs in the void.

Next to Da Ri, there is a majestic stele with five characters of Fengyue Small World carved on it.


This is the gate of the world, exactly the gate of the world of the small world of Fengyue.

What makes the ancient Qingfeng startled is that around the gates of the world, there are dense and countless immortals gathered, looking around, people and people are everywhere, all are immortals wearing fairy armor and pedaling fairy swords. The majestic and powerful, riding his own fairy beast mount, and a few big beasts pulled by the fairy beast, even a huge spaceship.

"Is it always so busy here?"

Gu Qingfeng frowned and asked.

"Did I tell you, Fengyue Small World is the most lively place in our bipolar heavens, but ..." Chidori said, "I don't usually gather so many people at the door, this is not the time to catch up with Fengyue Small World. It ’s a big event. Everyone wants to have a fun time. "

"There are too many of them."

"How much is this?" Chiniao shook a rare and strange eye, and said, "You haven't seen the scene where a small world has just been conceived a few years ago, so it's more crowded, crowded and unable to move. I squeezed in with Linger for a long time, and guess what we saw after we went in? "

"What's wrong?"

"Countless immortals swept past like locusts, leap over, and no grass grows. When we enter, the small world that was originally rich in resources is already barren ..."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"The next time you have a chance, Ben Fairy will take you to open your eyes and you will know if it has been so exaggerated."

Although there are many immortals gathered at the gate of Fengyue Small World, everyone has entered it in an orderly manner, and there is no need to wait too long. The only thing that puzzles Gu Qingfeng is that there are many guards at the door of Fengyue Small World. When individuals enter, they will be issued a sign.

"What brand?"

"Fool, that's a pass."

"Passing card?" Gu Qingfeng didn't understand, and asked, "What the hell? What is it for?"

Chidori shook his head, seemingly helpless to Gu Qingfeng, and also doubted Gu Qingfeng's IQ, explaining: "The pass card is of course used for passing. Only by receiving the pass card can you be free in Fengyue Small World. Pass. "

"So it is, but ... is this a bit overwhelming? Sorry, you can't go in without a pass?"

"Crap, of course not."

"It's nothing more than a world of buying and selling. It doesn't have to be so strict."

"Little drunkard, you are really ignorant. Fengyue Small World has countless resources. What should someone do if they move their minds?"

"That's true."

"That's for sure. The reason why Fengyue Small World is so popular in Bipolar World is because of a strict and fair order. If people who come to trade can't even protect their own resources, who would dare to come after that? . "

Gu Qingfeng nodded, agreeing.

"Also, little drunkard, I remind you that when you enter the small world of Fengyue, you have to follow me honestly and see the good baby. Do n’t move your mind. There are many black mirrors inside. No matter what you do, everyone I know everything. "


I don't know how long it is, finally it's his turn.

Qian Ling first self-registered and where he came from, and then received the pass for more than ten people in Xiao Luo's secret realm. Then, Gu Qingfeng and others followed behind Qian Ling and quickly entered the small world of Fengyue.

There is no heaven or earth in the great waste, nor the sun and the moon.

Of course.

The small world of Fengyue has a world and a sun and a moon.

What does this mean?

It shows that the small world of Fengyue is occupied by both heaven and earth, and by Xiandao.

Cangtian is the heaven, the earth is the authentic, and the sun and the moon are the immortals, representing the light.

Between heaven and earth, as long as there is a place of light, there is a fairy road, and as long as there is a place of light, there will be light.

Xiandao is the embodiment of light.

Wind moon small world.

The sky is bright, the wind is beautiful, and the environment is very beautiful.

Not only that, the scenery of Fengyue Small World is also quite magnificent.

There are magnificent palaces located in the clouds.

There are magnificent mountains suspended in the void.

There are gorgeous rainbow bridges, exquisite pavilions, azure seas, turquoise grasslands, fairy birds flying in the air, fairy beasts running in the mountains and forests, and a large ship traveling in the void.

To say that Gu Qingfeng is also a master who has seen the big world, but when he comes to the small world of Fengyue, he is still stunning.

He can see that the scene of the small world of Fengyue is not natural ~ ~ It is created by using various magical rules little by little. This is not something that ordinary people can do, nor is it a short time. Can be built inside.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but sigh: "This scene of Fengyue Small World is really good."

"Of course, not only the scene is good, haven't you found that Reiki is much better than our little Luo secret?"

The ancient Qingfeng sensed it, it really is, and the aura of Fengyue Small World is much better than Xiao Luo ’s mystery, whether it ’s fullness or purity, and laughed: “This place is better than Xiao Luo ’s mystic More than a star, wouldn't it be better to cultivate here in the future? "

"Nonsense, how about five immortal stones a day for one person, can Reiki be impure?"

"What?" Gu Qingfeng frowned, and asked, "I still have to pay for fairy stones to come to Fengyue Small World? And five fairy stones a day?"

"Otherwise? Such a pure aura makes you **** it for free? If you let it be absorbed for free, there are people everywhere in Fengyue Small World, where can you turn, and then, the aura of others is not endless. Everyone absorbs it for free. In less than three or five years, the aura of Fengyue's small world will dry up. "

"Okay, but I'm curious. How did they know we'd been here for a few days after coming in? Tell them when we left?"

"No need to tell, people will know." Chidiao raised the pass card in Yang's hand and said, "See this thing, you stay in Fengyue Small World for one day, the pass will change, you are in Fengyue Small World." The longer you stay, the more the pass will change. When you leave, you give up the pass, and according to the change in the pass, people naturally know how long you have stayed in it. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at the pass, sighed, and spit out two words: "Niu force!"

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