
Vol 2 Chapter 1427: Grandpa never hides from the limelight

Gu Qingfeng followed Li's principal and came to the Supervisory Committee. He signed the painting, pressed the fingerprints, and had to smelt blood. He tossed back and forth for more than an hour, and then he received a sign, saying that as long as he held the piece, Brand, you can access Xianshi at any time in the money house of Fengyue Small World.

"You must keep this fairy card, if you lose it, it will be very troublesome."

Li Li looked at Gu Qingfeng and played the fairy card at will, and could not help reminding him.

This fairy card is like a magic weapon. In order to prevent loss, everyone usually trains it and blends it with the fairy spirit. When it is used, it is sacrificed. Seeing that the ancient breeze is not cultivated or created, a mortal person, Master Li can only remind him to keep it safe.

If the fairy card is really lost, it may be robbed and fell into the hands of others, not that anyone can receive the fairy stone.

This fairy card of Fengyue Small World, when claiming, everyone will incorporate their own blood, and when they are tempered, they will also incorporate their own consciousness and even their own mark.

In this way, it falls into the hands of others and can be found back in a short time.

No one else can activate it for a while.

of course.

Nothing is absolute.

If it falls into the master's hand, erase the mark of God's knowledge, and after re-tempering, it can be activated and accessed.

And Gu Qingfeng, without cultivation, could not even temper, let alone integrate into the mark of God's knowledge, so Li Daxi was very worried about him.

"My son, there is a word for the old man to remind you."


"I am afraid that the news that the son won a huge amount of 1.8 billion has already spread. The old man advised the son to try to keep a low profile. It is better to stay in our small world for a while, and leave after the limelight passes."

"What do you mean, Grandpa can still be robbed here?"

"This son and rest assured, so far, no one has dared to **** other people's property in our small world of Fengyue, and we will not allow such things to happen, but ..."

The principal Li Da said, "It's just hard to say if the son leaves the small world of Fengyue."

Next to him, Lord Ma also said, "Yeah, Master Li did n’t say, I almost forgot that there is a way to hurt people, and a sense of defense is necessary. In the small world of Fengyue, no one may dare to move you. , But once out of the small world, those cows, ghosts, and snakes will come out, maybe you are being watched now. "

Mr. Li nodded and said, "So, the old man asked the son to stay in our Fengyue small world for a few more days. After the limelight passed, find a suitable opportunity to leave, especially in the gambling. You offended the son of the Li family. The old man's understanding of the son of the Li family, this matter will certainly not be reconciled, and I ask the son to be careful. "

Under normal circumstances, Father Li does not tell the gambler so much, not to mention that Gu Qingfeng still won 1.8 billion in his hands this time, which is directly related to his reputation and face. It was because Fang Cai Qingfeng wanted to give him 12 or 8 million in order to express his gratitude, which really frightened Mr. Li.

Although many gamblers will give him rewards after winning money, but no one has ever done it.


Mr. Li did not collect it, never opened it, because the casino has rules, the maid can accept the reward, but as the main agent of the gambling house, it cannot receive the reward.


This is not the reason why Mr. Li is persuaded.

The real reason is that he admires and admires Gu Qingfeng's unrestrained pride.

The most important thing is that although Mr. Li does not know who Gu Qingfeng is, he can see that Gu Qingfeng is definitely not a general generation.

"Is it so evil?"

Gu Qingfeng's indifferent look didn't seem to care at all.

"My son must not think the old man is joking."

"Master, Li is right. You do n’t take it lightly. I am from the secret place of Jinwu. I am too clear that Li Fengyan is a shy person. The guy is from the fairy family and has Jinwu. The mystery is always backed by arrogance and revenge. It is also hard to shoot. He has planted such a big heel in your hand this time and will never let you go easily. "

Ma Ma reminded: "I think Li Da is right. Let's find a place to avoid the limelight first. When the limelight passes, let's find another opportunity to leave."

"Stay away from the limelight, Grandpa I live so big, always others have avoided the limelight of my master, and have never avoided the limelight of others."

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, nothing was wrong, and Mr. Li shook his head and sighed. At this moment, a woman wearing a Luo skirt came to the other side.

Seeing the woman, Li Li frowned, dared not neglect, and quickly walked over and asked: "Girl, what's the matter?"

Xiaoya used to be a maid of Fengyue Small World. After becoming an immortal, she did not choose to leave here, but continued to stay in Fengyue Small World. She did not hold any position and is still a maid.


Her maid was not an ordinary maid, and even the great principal was afraid to offend easily.

Because Xiaoya is the maid next to the chairman of the casino supervision committee.

"President Bai wants to see him."

"meet him?"

Li Li asked carefully: "Girl, haven't you passed the censorship? I wonder why President Bai still sees him?"

"How would I know."

The principal Li did not ask any more, and went back to tell Gu Qingfeng about the matter.

"What did your chairman see me?"

"This ..." Master Li really didn't know how to answer this question, and said, "My son will know when he's gone."

"It's not easy to win you a little money, why is there so much?"

"It's such a big breath." Xiaoya came over and said, "You won 1.8 billion yuan in one fell swoop, or a little money?"

"Oh, this little girl is very pretty." Gu Qingfeng joked: "Who is this? Introduction?"

"You don't need to know who this girl is, you just need to know that President Bai wants to see you."

"He sees me, do I have to see him?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoya looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, and said, "I'm a crazy guy now!"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and joked, "It's impossible, I've been so crazy since I was young, I'm used to it."

"No wonder you guys will take such a vulgar name as tyrant ~ ~ It's really vulgar, I tell you, you guys like you who win big money by luck, this girl has seen more, warn You better converge, or you will suffer a lot. In our small world of wind and moon, there are many people who mix three teachings and nine dragons and snakes. Then you speak humblely, otherwise you will not know how to die in our small world of wind and moon. "

"I wonder if your president Bai is considered a teacher or a teacher?"

"Presumptuous!" Xiaoya immediately exasperated. "This girl really doesn't know if you live or die, and dares to disrespect our president again. I can't take you for a walk."

Next to him, both Master Li and Master Ma were scared to death by Gu Qingfeng's words. Master Ma quickly whispered in secret: "Master, since President Bai wants to see you, you can go, she is a mess A big man. "

(End of this chapter)

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